coles1's profile

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12 Messages

Monday, September 30th, 2019 11:00 AM


Unusually high data usage megathread

Jessie helpfully locked the thread pertaining to this for being "off topic" after merging all relevant threads into the irrelevant terabyte thread.

I thought we should still have a place to discuss this ongoing problem. I took 20 pages of documentation into a store today and was told all they could do was charge me 70 dollars to send out a tech. Out of desperation I conceded.

Any thoughts? Anyone had any resolution yet? Some folks on Twitter seem to have made slight headway and had their accounts credited but aren't sure how to help since they seem to think they just got lucky.

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Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@Kuykendr wrote:

You notified me that I went over data limits twice in the last 2 months. Our data was a little higher in November as I downloaded a few games, but you reported I went over the limit this month despite not deviating from regular usage or downloading liberally. Our average data usage for the months before were 700-800gb. Could you resolve this?

Thank you for your time.

Apologies for the issues and the experience that you described above.


In the interest of the customer experience, I have applied a credit to your account while our team researches your account further.


The credit will appear on your next printed statement and you can view the credit online via My Account.

Novembrer data usage was 1402 gb, December was 1205 gb. January to date is already at 150gb. 


Some days with high usage (more than 140 gb/day) are: 11/25, 11/26, 11/27 and 12/23 if that helps you to track some of this down. A reminder that the metering system is delayed by up to 24 hours

I've asked a colleague to review your account and contact you directly. Thanks for your patience.


We offer tools to help you track and manage your usage so there are never any surprises about how much data you use:

  • Data Usage Meter in My Account - Monitor how much data you have used with our Data Usage Meter.
  • Xfinity My Account App - You can also monitor how much data you have used in our mobile app. (Download the Xfinity My Account app.)
  • Notifications - We will send you an 'in-browser' notice and an email letting you know when you approach, reach and exceed a terabyte. You can also elect to receive notifications at additional thresholds as well as set up mobile text notifications. Usage notifications will not be sent to customers who enroll in the Unlimited Data Option.
  • Data Plan Website - Summary of plan features and additional tools and tips related to the data plans. To visit, go to


For all - the link below has some general information on how to avoid overage charges and tips to conserve data usage:


Providing some additional information, background and tips below from our team that does the data overage reviews.

Customer owned devices
- One example are devices like Ubiquiti uNiFi, which our team most commonly sees as an issue with data usage. The device has an internal metering system along with a periodic speed test built into it. The speed test can accrue massive amounts of data usage without reporting to its own internal metering system because it is part of its system functions, not a device using data even though it is using data. We report its usage because we monitor for all data traffic going to and from the modem/network, not per device connected to their network.

- The number and kinds of devices connected to your network matters. Suggestion is to log into your router to see and verify all the devices connected to your network" (very applicable with customer owned devices).

Metering System:
- Comcast does not have direct access into the metering system to the extent to be able to artificially input or output data usage results or information. Our metering system is regularly audited as well where information on it can be gathered from
It includes everything from the yearly audits to how the metering system works on a technical level. This is done third party outside of Comcast.


Comcast data metering accuracy reports at the link below:

- The metering system is delayed by up to 24 hours. "I watched my meter and it went up by 100GB in the last 3 hours and I just booted up my computer for 15 minutes!" is not accurate - the metering timeframe is not 1:1 - its delayed because it needs to validate data and remove any data that we do not count towards the metering system. This includes things like firmware updates we push out and any other possible data we may push to the network for normal operations.

Greatest opportunity with Windows 10 devices. Windows 10 has a built in data usage meter for its own data tracking per application/software used on the device for 30 days(Settings -> Network & Internet -> Data Usage tab).

- Similarly could be done for other devices, ex: “Go into Netflix settings and make sure that it pauses after not watching it for a while”, etc.

There is no trend or consistency indicating an issue in metering, but rather these have all been unique issues per network requiring the subscriber to troubleshoot/review their network.

The common trend topic is “there is no way I can use this much data”. While the number amount of data a customer can see on the meter is more than what they know to be using, doesn't mean it isn't being used.

Common data users:
- Streaming devices left on even when TVs are turned off – continuously streaming and/or misconfigured settings on streaming devices
- Data backups (including cloud backups)
- Large file downloads for entertainment (video games, updates, locally downloaded movies/videos from online services, etc.) or business purposes (files of information/data for business needs, Data backups downloaded from or uploaded to, etc.)


Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@mremtff wrote:

I've been using unlimited internet for over 20 years, since 14.4k dialup modems.  Recently, Xfinity lobbied to have Net Neutrality killed.  Now there are data caps!  By having a data cap of 1024gb, Xfinity has crippled my ability to utilize media sources that are not their own.  I can watch unlimited cable TV with Comcast, but I can't watch unlimited Sling or Netflix.  In casual use, my household reaches this 1TB data cap every month.  Additional service of "unlimited" internet now means more than DOUBLING my internet cost!  If I want to use a media source that's not Comcast for the same duration each month, such as Hulu or YouTube, I'm forced to pay up, which I can't afford.  The President cannot legally block me on Twitter.  And yet, an internet provider can now block me and force me to pay fees for the data of viewing that same information if I've already met a restrictive data cap.  This is shameful.  Comcast / Xfinity is the worst company I've ever known.  I'll be glad to be rid of them forever.

Thanks for your feedback. The policy around this plan is the current policy.  Details at the link below:


Below is our position on an open Internet:


Broadband Disclosures:


Apologies for the issues and the experience that you described above.


In the interest of the customer experience, I have applied a credit to your account while our team researches your account further.


The credit will appear on your next printed statement and you can view the credit online via My Account.

November and December were both just over 1 TB of data.  

Some high usage days (over 90 gb)  include 11/2, 11/10, 11/14 , and 12/11 (160 gb).  January usage to date is at 13 gb.  A reminder that the metering system is delayed by up to 24 hours.


I've asked a colleague to review your account and contact you directly. Thanks for your patience.


We offer tools to help you track and manage your usage so there are never any surprises about how much data you use:

  • Data Usage Meter in My Account - Monitor how much data you have used with our Data Usage Meter.
  • Xfinity My Account App - You can also monitor how much data you have used in our mobile app. (Download the Xfinity My Account app.)
  • Notifications - We will send you an 'in-browser' notice and an email letting you know when you approach, reach and exceed a terabyte. You can also elect to receive notifications at additional thresholds as well as set up mobile text notifications. Usage notifications will not be sent to customers who enroll in the Unlimited Data Option.
  • Data Plan Website - Summary of plan features and additional tools and tips related to the data plans. To visit, go to


For all - the link below has some general information on how to avoid overage charges and tips to conserve data usage:


Providing some additional information, background and tips below from our team that does the data overage reviews.

Customer owned devices
- One example are devices like Ubiquiti uNiFi, which our team most commonly sees as an issue with data usage. The device has an internal metering system along with a periodic speed test built into it. The speed test can accrue massive amounts of data usage without reporting to its own internal metering system because it is part of its system functions, not a device using data even though it is using data. We report its usage because we monitor for all data traffic going to and from the modem/network, not per device connected to their network.

- The number and kinds of devices connected to your network matters. Suggestion is to log into your router to see and verify all the devices connected to your network" (very applicable with customer owned devices).

Metering System:
- Comcast does not have direct access into the metering system to the extent to be able to artificially input or output data usage results or information. Our metering system is regularly audited as well where information on it can be gathered from
It includes everything from the yearly audits to how the metering system works on a technical level. This is done third party outside of Comcast.


Comcast data metering accuracy reports at the link below:

- The metering system is delayed by up to 24 hours. "I watched my meter and it went up by 100GB in the last 3 hours and I just booted up my computer for 15 minutes!" is not accurate - the metering timeframe is not 1:1 - its delayed because it needs to validate data and remove any data that we do not count towards the metering system. This includes things like firmware updates we push out and any other possible data we may push to the network for normal operations.

Greatest opportunity with Windows 10 devices. Windows 10 has a built in data usage meter for its own data tracking per application/software used on the device for 30 days(Settings -> Network & Internet -> Data Usage tab).

- Similarly could be done for other devices, ex: “Go into Netflix settings and make sure that it pauses after not watching it for a while”, etc.

There is no trend or consistency indicating an issue in metering, but rather these have all been unique issues per network requiring the subscriber to troubleshoot/review their network.

The common trend topic is “there is no way I can use this much data”. While the number amount of data a customer can see on the meter is more than what they know to be using, doesn’t mean it isn’t being used.

Common data users:
- Streaming devices left on even when TVs are turned off – continuously streaming and/or misconfigured settings on streaming devices
- Data backups (including cloud backups)
- Large file downloads for entertainment (video games, updates, locally downloaded movies/videos from online services, etc.) or business purposes (files of information/data for business needs, Data backups downloaded from or uploaded to, etc.)




Frequent Visitor


6 Messages

5 years ago

The massive activity in this thread speaks to everyone that is is not an isolated occurance but a growing widespread event.  Either metering is faulty or technology is starting to push the boundaries of the cap.  If my daughter watches a movie on Disney plus on our 4k television for 2 hours that could use ane excess of 12gb alone in one viewing.  People upgrading their equipment to enjoy 4k viewing are now forced to not even use this option in order to fall below the cap.  This cap restriction is now taking away peoples ability to enjoy the hardware they purchase.  In the near future there will 8k viewing that will greatly increase the amount of data consumed as well.  I believe if you are paying for both internet AND cable you should not be restricted with data comsumption.  If I were to updgrade to the unlimited option that will push my bill to almost $300!!!! I feel people are being taking advantage of in this sense.  There should not be a 3rd party company doing the metering that is of corporations choosing if this is the case.  A state/federal agency handling weights and measures needs to certify the legality of this metering just like gas pumps and grocery store scales.  

Frequent Visitor


20 Messages

5 years ago

I'm glad this thread exists, as I am definitely getting frustrated with the data monitoring and incorrect reporting.

I have begun to see what many others are experiencing with Comcast reporting much higher data usage than what we are using. Now I won't put my head in the sand and say we don't use alot, but seeing i've been with Comcast for five years, and last Month is the first time we exceeded the data cap is suspicious.  We've come close quite a few times, but I consistently monitor our data. 


Heck, our kids were off this summer laying around watching TV and streaming YT and Netflix, and never got above 600GB. But yet in the past few months with them back in school and normal viewing schedule, we are getting closer and closer to hitting our cap.


Just starting this year, we are 4 days in and already at 250GB, even though the WAN port reporting on my router shows roughtly 180GB.  We did go above a bit and downloaded some steam games, but even then, 70GB being reporting higher by Comcast is concerning.


As I read through this thread, I can see this is not a single isolated issue as once reported back when the metering changed. It sounds suspiciously like bandwidth is increasing as more individuals "cut the cord".  Or the issue that was found a while back is much larger and Comcast needs to take a huge look into it.


I'm holding my breath to see how this works out, as ATT is rolling out Fiber in my area. For the same price I can get 1000/1000 with no data caps.  Comcast either needs to fix the issue, raise the data cap or suffer losing more and more customers.

New Poster


5 Messages

5 years ago

So with this bandwidth issue being something many people are experiencing, is anyone else getting these types of erorrs on their modems?  This seems unsual to me, but I'm not sure how to read these codes.  Could this be contributing to the bandwidth spikes?  Could it be that the system is constantly trying to resove these errors and is using up bandwidth in doing so?  I'm still within my 30 days to cancel with no charge, and I'm going to cancel before the 30 days are over if this bandswidth issue is not resolved.



netgear issuesnetgear issues



New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

How in the world can we use 100 gb of data overnight while sleeping? I'm so frustrated. We are 3 days into a new month and our data is being eaten up at warp speed. We are two 60 year old people who only watch TV. We don't do gaming, download photos or music. What in the world us going on!? This is so ridiculous. We are actively searching for a new internet provider.

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

5 years ago

Part of your reply, in quotes below, is highly inaccurate and misleading. There most certainly is a trend and consistency indicating a metering issue. Xfinity even has an open ticket from October 2nd looking into this. For many people it started in September 2019. People keep calling in and complaining with no result and then only a small portion end up here on the forum. The numbers affected are much larger and the issue is the same: Data Spike starting in September and continuing to this day. This seems to correspond to the speed increase initiated by Xfinity mid-September. Obviously correlation doesn’t always mean causation so a data metering issue is a possible problem.
“Overall: There is no trend or consistency indicating an issue in metering, but rather these have all been unique issues per network requiring the subscriber to troubleshoot/review their network.”

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

5 years ago

We do as well, along with Netflix, but we didn’t start binge watching shows 24/7 in September.



46 Messages

5 years ago

IfZU have modem with  Wireless/Wi-Fi, make sure there is assigned a password to log in.  If not anyone can use your connection.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I need help simply understanding what is counted. For example, I have multiple ways to access Netflix - are they all counted the same?


Netflix via device (iPad, phone, etc)

Netflix via app on TV

Netflix via app within Xfinity 


Used 177GB already in January, so I have to figure out something to minimize usage (the kids going back to school will help) - this is 1,371 GB pace assuming reporting is a day behind.



393 Messages

5 years ago



As far as I know, all Netflix is over the internet so it all counts.  It wouldn’t surprise me though if the methods you list use data at different rates because each device/app may come to a different conclusion as to what resolution should be streamed.  Also, people often mess up with Netflix by turning off a TV and walking away but the app/device they’re running just keeps on streaming. 


Here’s a Netflix page on selecting data rates:


Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

5 years ago



Got a junk PC or an old laptop?  Run everything through a firewall like this one.  Then you can see your bandwidth and devices in real time.  You can also throttle use per device if you want to.


In the mean time, check your cable modem settings.  Change the default admin password, disable ICMP, disable remote access, make sure the firewall is on, disable insecure bonehead  features like Netgear's "readyshare", etc.  Check for firmware updates/exploits on your gear (several came out lately).

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

5 years ago


In the last 12 months i was over 1 tb limit 2 times. In those 2 months my kids were home as they have holidays and parents were visting us so we are watching something on the tv most of time. other than that we usually around 900GB or below. Today i faced a really weird thing. My billing cycle is from Dec 1st to Dec 31st. Till Dec 19th i think i used around 700GB of data. From 20th morning to 30th morning our family is out of town for vacation. Today after returning from the trip i casually checked my account and i see i have used something around 730 GB out of 1024 GB limit. So i thought i should be good as there are only 2 days in my billing cycle and almost 300 GB of data cap left to use and by my usual usage i will be using 60 GB in the next 2 days. 7 hours later i am over my monthly cap limit by 77GB. So that means i used almost 377GB of data in 7 hours. I am out of words. Today the things we did is probably 2-3 hours of Netflix and 2 hours of browsing in my desktop and 8 hours of VPN connection to my work which hardly takes may be 500-600 MB in those 8 hours. i didn't even downloaded any netflix movies for offline watching or any other games from my xbox store. after i got the 90% usage alert email from xfinity i contacted the customer service and they told me to chage the password for my wifi and install anti-virus on my devices and told me to contact them once i am over the 1024GB datacap limit so that they investigate the spike in data usage. i don't understand why should i wait till i get over my data cap to report it so that comcast can investigate it. And one more thing is comcast says the data usage may not include the last 24 hours usage data. But i saw my data usage chage in the online account 3 times today : afternoon i saw some 279 GB left in my cap, 5 hours later 77 GB left, another hour later 11GB left, couple of hours later i am over the data cap by 77GB. This clearly seems very very unusual. My data usage went from 730GB on 12/30/2019 afternoon to 1190 GB 12/31/2019 11:59 PM. 460GB data usage in 1.5 days is unheard of for me in last 10 years atleast. My xfinity account shows i have data overage of 166 GB. My google wifi app shows i used 681 GB and my xfinity account shows i used 1190 GB for the period Dec 1-31st. So i don't know what to do. can you please help.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I'm having the same concerns.  My data usage for December was three times higher than previous months, with no changes.  I checked and only my devices are online.  I turned off my two amazon fire sticks, turned off my printer, put my computer to sleep (I checked its usage and it was minimal) and I'm not at home and I'm still using 3 gb in an hour!

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

I guess I'll never get an answer to why after paying for the $50 dollar markup for unlimited data, we are still being harassed for being over the cap. It's not even related to this thread, but your own people lumped me in here to be forgotten.

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