coles1's profile

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12 Messages

Monday, September 30th, 2019 11:00 AM


Unusually high data usage megathread

Jessie helpfully locked the thread pertaining to this for being "off topic" after merging all relevant threads into the irrelevant terabyte thread.

I thought we should still have a place to discuss this ongoing problem. I took 20 pages of documentation into a store today and was told all they could do was charge me 70 dollars to send out a tech. Out of desperation I conceded.

Any thoughts? Anyone had any resolution yet? Some folks on Twitter seem to have made slight headway and had their accounts credited but aren't sure how to help since they seem to think they just got lucky.

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Frequent Visitor


6 Messages

5 years ago

@ComcastTeds, thank you for your response.  I do see that a credit was applied (effective yesterday) for $50, though I would have preferred to have my "free" overage month restored, but thank you for that.


I think my biggest concern is really wanting to truly understand what exactly is / was driving this, especially since the largest data consumption reported was over a very short period of time (11/19 - about 350 gb) - and based on the notices I received, this seemed to happen overnight - so this doesn't seem very logical.


In digging into things a bit more, I would offer a suggestion to you, the Xfinity team, and to others here in the forum, that one possible cause - and has been reported elsewhere on the internet - is that Disney+ was reported to be driving high bandwidth usage.


I did order Disney+ the weekend prior to the large spike in data consumption, but only watched two issues of the Mandalorian.  That's it.    The only thing I can think of is that the Disney+ app on my AppleTV (which is only set to do 1080P video) - could be pulling in "streaming" data, even though I was not watching anything.


So while it does not seem logical, I would suggest to others to see if you ordered Disney+  and if so, would suggest that perhaps there is an issue with the App where it is pulling data even when video is not being actively "watched."


I really don't know if that is the cause or issue, but I did re-boot my AppleTV as part of my own attempts to diagnose the root cause here, and that did seem to drive a decrease in data consumption.   I just can't seem to wrap by brain around 350GB of streaming to one device in a 12-18 hour period.


I hope this may provide some additional insight to the team, and to other customers here.



Frequent Visitor


6 Messages

5 years ago



Thank you again for your assistance.  I did receive call back from one of your associates who was very understanding and helpful.  He told me that "the two free months for data overage are per calendar year"  and that the calendar will reset in January, so there was no need to issue back a credit for the November overage because I will have two free months again automatically starting in January, and said he would email me the verbage that confirms that the free 2 months are indeed on a calendar year basis.


He also acknowedged that 350 GB of data in an 18 hour period was highly abnormal, since even streaming 1080P content is approximately 1GB per hour.


He also told me that while there has not been an official recognition that a similar issue to what happened in the September timeframe, based on the number of calls he has been experiencing on this topic, he would not be surprised if there actually were a similar issue.

Regular Visitor


3 Messages

5 years ago

This is only the 3rd day of December and I am through half of my monthly Terrabyte allocation at 516 GB.  I am doing nothing but light web surfing. My usage is usually only 450 GB per month.  Last year in November my usage went through 2 TB and again in December almost as high I was charged an additional $200 for each month!!!   Only my wife and I are in the house, no children. We watch a little Netflix - about 3 hours per month but thats it.

Comcast was not sympathetic and said they had no way to trace it so I had to pay. 

I am desperate for an answer - anybody out there who can help?

Frequent Visitor


13 Messages

5 years ago

I have come to the conclusion Comcast does not really care about the issues customers are experiencing. Of the multiple people I have spoken with today, only the person from Corporate that called me actually listened to understand not reply.
It is sad a company such as Comcast has gotten to the point where the customer no longer matter as long as Comcast is getting their money.
Being told the same thing via phone and forum despite explaining everything in detail, despite changing pw, resetting modem, turning off all devices at night so nothing is connected to the internet yet data is still being used is quite sad and very unprofessional and unethical.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I was at 664 GB for Sept which was typical.  Missed the emails with the overage warnings as they went to my wife's dead account.  Got the browser warning on my laptop in the second alleged overage month.  No time to do anything about it but we cut back our usage anyway at end of Nov.  Ended October showing 1107 GB (almost double for us) and then November with 1131 GB.  Now in 3 days in December we are at 158 GB already which puts us on pace for 1632 GB.  No way we are using close to that.  Going to have to unplug the router and watch the meter during the week when no one is home.  Based on what I've read this is begging for a class action.  Of course only the attorneys will get paid and we'll each get a $5 credit after the global settlement, right?  When is 5G coming?

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Exact same thing with me! Called customer service but they were clueless.



28 Messages

5 years ago

Everyone, we are still experiencing issues even after being offered credit and removing late fee. The problem is effecting too many people to be a fluke. It's not a one time occurance. It is repetitive.


We also find it amusing that Comcast offers this page to help you NOT to go over your limit.

How Do I Avoid Overage Charges?


Scroll down and find the section about the data estimator.


If you take the time to use the Xfinity Data Estimator, you will discover something fascinating, just like we did.


Comcast asserts that our usage is based on devices running constantly in the background. Okay, that's not true, but let's go with that for this example. Using the Xfinity Data Estimator, if we let ALL devices run for 20 hours a day (giving us 4 hours to sleep), including streaming movie and music.... the total data calcuated by the Xfinity Data Estimator does not even come close to what Comcast has been billing us for.


In other words, either Comcast's  Xfinity Data Estimator is faulty. Or their equipment is faulty and they are overbilling customers, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Either way, it's bad business.


If you look on this thread, you will find someone posted that they are gathering names for a class action suit. I recommend that each of you reach out to the FCC and file a complaint,  copying the Attorney General of your state. Post  your experience on social media and ask familiy and friends to do the same, if they are affected.


Document. Document. Document. Keep a long of phone conversations, these forum threads and any email messages. Screen shot your own data  colletion, as well as the results of your Xfinity Data Estimator.


We appreciate the credit on our account., and Comcast's willing to correct the problem. But what about this month? And next month? And next year? Are we to understand that we will continue to receive a credit for any and all erroneous data charges that we did not incur?


Before this issue escalates beyond damage control, Comcast would best be served to address it publicly and correct the problem. Otherwise, they should simply offer unlimited data only and be done with it. Stop playing games with other people's money. Offer quality service at a competitive price and stand by your service and stop hiding in the shadows.


Thank you.

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

I had so many problems with xfinity's modem. I had 4 technichians come to my home and gave me answers like "Your neighbor might be making toast" "Xfinity does not guarantee WIFI" "My home was built solid" "The railing in my home might be causing the WIFI to lose connection" "Theres too much noise on the line. So I'll install a amplifier" "The amplifier should have never been used it made matters worse" "I'm at the end of the line and Internet will be slower" I could go on and on with all the excuses I've been given. After doing research on my own I decided to buy my own Modem (Xfinity approved) and Purchase WIFI boosters for my home. I have had no issues watching Netflix or using the WIFI since purchasing my own modem. However I canceled my Cable TV and My home phone and I recieve an alert that I've almost reached my 1024TB. I had no idea what that meant. I've had Xfinity for the past 12yrs and I've never had this message before. I was informed that I am using a lot more Data than in the previous months. WHY? Xfinity could not answer that. We have 2 people that live in my home. We do not do any gaming of any kind. We watch You Tube TV and Netflix and occasionally stream music. Nothing different than what we've done over the past years. I disconnected everything, changed WIFI passwords, Disabled everything that was connected to WIFI and still my Data was going up. The only thing I did different was I canceled cable and home phone. And I purchased my own modem. Xfinity is giving me the run around and telling me its not there problem and I need to call Motorella. The maker of the Modem that I purchased. But everything looks fine on their end. So why all the sudden am I having Data issues? I noticed today that an Xfinity worker was outside my home today. Why? IDK? I'm super frustrated!! I have spent countless hours on the phone with Customer care and I get no where. 

Regular Visitor


3 Messages

5 years ago

My internet usage has spiked to about 200GB per day in December. I am just under 600GB as of December 3, 2019 (only 3 days!). I have pulled the plug on my router and am using my Verizon cell phone as a hot spot until I can get answers. This happened to me last year in November and December costing me over $300 in overages. I do little more than surf and maybe 2 Netflix movies per month. No games and no kids in the house, just two retirees.

Any help would be appreciated.

Comcast support was terrible. ?When asked for a review of my service call I wrote:


Please use Americans for your support. The guy I spoke with had such a thick accent, talked in a low voice, and spoke too quickly to fully understand. Others I could hear in the background of the "security help center" were also obviously foreign. The representative showed no interest in solving my complex problem and could only send me useless "basic installation" emails. I have been installed for about 4 years and do not need installation info.

Frequent Visitor


13 Messages

5 years ago

The Data estimator app shows I should be around 623gb not 1017.
Noone can yet explain how from midnight Dec 1 to 7am Dec 1st I used 47 gb of data while sleeping and everything was disconnected. Noone can explain how for November I used 1017 gb yet was in the hospital first part of the month.
Despite the one response I received, my cat is Not smart enough to log into devices to connect to the internet.
Comcast obviously is aware of these issues we are all experiencing yet prefers to copy and paste answers and treat each one of us as total idiots.
I must agree, it is time for the BBB, State Attorney General, FCC and class action lawsuits.
In my area, Comcast is a monopoly and is the only provider of high speed internet available as their competitors are not allowed to service people on my side of the street.
They would be better off doing away with data caps as obviously the equipment is faulty.
There are too many having the exact same issue and getting zero results.
Comcast was better 20+ yrs ago when they were Road Runner.

Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@dshank33418 wrote:

This is only the 3rd day of December and I am through half of my monthly Terrabyte allocation at 516 GB.  I am doing nothing but light web surfing. My usage is usually only 450 GB per month.  Last year in November my usage went through 2 TB and again in December almost as high I was charged an additional $200 for each month!!!   Only my wife and I are in the house, no children. We watch a little Netflix - about 3 hours per month but thats it.

Comcast was not sympathetic and said they had no way to trace it so I had to pay. 

I am desperate for an answer - anybody out there who can help?

Agreed. That is a lot of data in a very short period of time.

Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above. 


In the interest of the customer experience, I have applied a credit to your account while our team researches your account further. The credit will appear on your next printed statement and you can view the credit online via My Account.

Thanks for your patience.


For all - the link below has some general information on how to avoid overage charges and tips to conserve data usage:

Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@6855830 wrote:

I was at 664 GB for Sept which was typical.  Missed the emails with the overage warnings as they went to my wife's dead account.  Got the browser warning on my laptop in the second alleged overage month.  No time to do anything about it but we cut back our usage anyway at end of Nov.  Ended October showing 1107 GB (almost double for us) and then November with 1131 GB.  Now in 3 days in December we are at 158 GB already which puts us on pace for 1632 GB.  No way we are using close to that.  Going to have to unplug the router and watch the meter during the week when no one is home.  Based on what I've read this is begging for a class action.  Of course only the attorneys will get paid and we'll each get a $5 credit after the global settlement, right?  When is 5G coming?

Agreed. That is a lot of data in a very short period of time.

Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above.


In the interest of the customer experience, I have applied a credit to your account while our team researches your account further. The credit will appear on your next printed statement and you can view the credit online via My Account.

Thanks for your patience.


For all - the link below has some general information on how to avoid overage charges and tips to conserve data usage:

Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@mitchellg103 wrote:

Exact same thing with me! Called customer service but they were clueless.

Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above.  Your data usage in November (your first month at this address) was 393 gb, well under the one TB data plan. Yor usage in December so far does seem higher than the November daily average.  


In the interest of the customer experience, I have applied a credit to your account while our team researches your account further. The credit will appear on your next printed statement and you can view the credit online via My Account.

Thanks for your patience.


For all - the link below has some general information on how to avoid overage charges and tips to conserve data usage:

Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@midtenner wrote:

Everyone, we are still experiencing issues even after being offered credit and removing late fee. The problem is effecting too many people to be a fluke. It's not a one time occurance. It is repetitive.


We also find it amusing that Comcast offers this page to help you NOT to go over your limit.

How Do I Avoid Overage Charges?


Scroll down and find the section about the data estimator.


If you take the time to use the Xfinity Data Estimator, you will discover something fascinating, just like we did.


Comcast asserts that our usage is based on devices running constantly in the background. Okay, that's not true, but let's go with that for this example. Using the Xfinity Data Estimator, if we let ALL devices run for 20 hours a day (giving us 4 hours to sleep), including streaming movie and music.... the total data calcuated by the Xfinity Data Estimator does not even come close to what Comcast has been billing us for.


In other words, either Comcast's  Xfinity Data Estimator is faulty. Or their equipment is faulty and they are overbilling customers, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Either way, it's bad business.


If you look on this thread, you will find someone posted that they are gathering names for a class action suit. I recommend that each of you reach out to the FCC and file a complaint,  copying the Attorney General of your state. Post  your experience on social media and ask familiy and friends to do the same, if they are affected.


Document. Document. Document. Keep a long of phone conversations, these forum threads and any email messages. Screen shot your own data  colletion, as well as the results of your Xfinity Data Estimator.


We appreciate the credit on our account., and Comcast's willing to correct the problem. But what about this month? And next month? And next year? Are we to understand that we will continue to receive a credit for any and all erroneous data charges that we did not incur?


Before this issue escalates beyond damage control, Comcast would best be served to address it publicly and correct the problem. Otherwise, they should simply offer unlimited data only and be done with it. Stop playing games with other people's money. Offer quality service at a competitive price and stand by your service and stop hiding in the shadows.


Thank you.

I have provided all of these examples to the right teams who are reviewing and evaluating to see if there is a common condition or theme here.  Our teams continue to review.  If there is a larger issue, we will own it and address it appropriately as we have done in the past.

Thanks for your patience. 



New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Single man with 2 rescue dogs here.  I do not game just TV and web surf. 2 month user of xfinity here. Previously was with ATT and never even came close to using 1 terabyte of data. Switched because of terible service. Probably made a mistake.  First 2 months I went over 1 terabyte data and I didn't know it untill I just happened to answer a call on my phone from someone in NY. I went into the locale Comcast store and was told that to use that much data I would need 6 kids gaming 24/7 for a month.  Sales person told me her family with  multiple tv's and 2 kids gaming does'nt even come close to 1 terabyte of data in a month.  Then she tells me that I should screenshot my data usage and call their tech support and don't let them tell me to go see a store salesman. 4 days into Dec. , comcast tells me I have used 148GB. Looks like I'm gonna go over 1 terabyte in DEC.. FYI, I bought my own Netgear router but Comcast would not let me install so their tech came and installed. Probably gonna have to cancel Xfinity if I can't get a remidy. Thanks Mark in FL>

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