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3 Messages
Sudden Massive Increase in Data Usage
I've never gone over the 1.2TB data cap, and have always been careful to monitor it. I started noticing far more data usage on my acct a couple weeks ago when I started getting warnings about data usage (from Xfinity) much earlier than expected. 2 adults in the house, no kids. Always use the same amount of data, mostly streaming TV.
I just noticed today that the Xfinity app is now saying my data usage has suddenly spiked up to a massive 3.8TB, just within the last few days, and while I'm traveling away from home. Something is seriously wrong here. I'm being told that this will be my 1 month of data 'forgiveness' even though this crazy data spike is not from my house. I need to get this resolved. Thanks.
1 Message
1 year ago
I have the same issue. My data usage has double since last month. I have never gone over or exceeded my data. It has stayed pretty consistent. All of a sudden I got notice that I have gone over and the "forgiveness" will apply. Something is off about all this....
New Poster
13 Messages
1 year ago
I just tried posting about this but when I pressed post, instead of taking me to the sign in, I got an error message saying the page could not be reached. I tried refreshing several times to no avail so I'm just jumping onto this post.
I'm considered elderly and my family member who lives with me is middle age. I was gone three days in November and she is at work all day, so how I went over is beyond me. This has happened before and calling customer service is fruitless and annoying. After have several months in a row of almost going over the limit, my usage was below 500 for several months. Then in September it spike again. The beginning of Oct. it spiked again but a few days later when I checked my usage it was at a lower number. Hmmm. I was at around 800 GB for the month. Now for November I'm over even though I was gone for three days and she is at work all day. Comcast says in their information about data usage that only a small number of customers exceed the limit and the average usage is 300 GB per month. I would really like to meet someone whose usage is that low. My datausage should be consistent since we don't have any changes in how we use our service. We often turn the Wifi off on our phones so that we are only using cellular data. This is just a scam to get customers to upgrade their service.
4.2K Messages
1 year ago
Hello, @The_Gunner and everyone else! We apologize to hear that there might be an issue with the data usage being reported. In this case you would want to reach out to our Customer Security Assurance (CSA) team at 1-888-565-4329 as they have the tools to really dig into this to 1) see the actual usage 2) See if they can spot anything using more data than usual. Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.
1 Message
1 year ago
Same here. Starting on November 23rd it spikes to 100GB a day and this has been for the past week and we were not even home during the day for 4 of those days. I called and they filed a report. I requested a day to day usage report and we usually only use 20-30 GB per day. I have had xfinity for 6.5 years and have NEVER gone over the data. This is absolutely INSANE
Also was going through forums and it looks like just 1 month ago they were admitting their calculators weren't working correctly and saying it was on their end.
1 Message
1 year ago
I had similar issues recently and customer service basically said it was an internal issue with their systems. Still not totally fixed but does seem to be more under control.
New Poster
2 Messages
1 year ago
This spike in usage also happened to us a few days after we got the new upgraded gateway (modem) that they asked us to get. Has anybody been helped by calling that number 1-888-565-4329?
1 Message
1 year ago
I’m seriously thinking this a a scam to force customers to upgrade to unlimited. For over a year, we were averaging 200GB/month. Suddenly, in December, we had the spike. I figured maybe someone hacked our WiFi. I changed our password and Ben turned off hotspot sharing. January ended up being even higher. And now February. When I reached out to the representative, all they told me was it was my job to monitor my data and to download the Xfi app. I used to work for Verizon Wireless. We had ways to find out if data spikes were caused by customers or not. Why the [Edit: Language] doesn’t Xfinity? So they say…… Then they kept pushing the unlimited data option to avoid this in the future. My usage has not changed at all. I work from home, go to school from home, maybe watch 7-10 hours of tv a week. If that. Nothing in our data habits have changed at all for over a year. Now all of a sudden, I’m using 600% more data doing the same thing? I see these comments all over the internet of this happening to people. I have never reached out to the Better Business Bureau about a company before. That will change tomorrow. It was only $10 increase. But multiply that by hundreds or thousands of customers that get absolutely zero resolution from the company on this. How can it not be a scam?