3 Messages
Slower speeds after Xfinity modem/router upgrade
My last Xfinity modem started causing error messages in my antivirus saying that Xfinity's certificates were expired. When I talked to an Xfinity representative regarding this, they said I needed a new modem. I thought this was strange, but I complied. I was charged for the replacement modem as a new setup, was sent a new modem and a flex device (which isn't part of my plan), and am now getting 900mbps/1mbps upload vs the 1350mbps download/120mbps upload+ I used to get, and that I pay for, even when I'm the only one using the internet. I'm connected via Ethernet, using the same cable as before. The only thing that has changed is the modem, and the coax cable used (I'm using the new one). Using the Xfinity app, I can see the modem is receiving around 1400mbps speeds from Xfinity, but my devices aren't receiving it.
Accepted Solution
3 Messages
1 year ago
Xfinity support has informed me that only port 4 (marked with a thin red line) on the modem supports speeds of over a gigabit. If you have the 1.2 Gbps plan and you're not getting the full speed, make sure your ethernet cable is cat 6a or better, and connect it to port 4 on the modem.
I wish I was told this instead of being advised to replace my cable and my ethernet card by the technician who came to my home.
2 Messages
1 year ago
Same issue here. App implies that I am getting 119% of my 1.2gb speed. But speedtest.net on my ethernet wired PC direct from the modem says its getting no more that 450 mb/s. Don't know what to believe!
Official Employee
1.1K Messages
1 year ago
Hey @Melissande, thanks for reaching out to Xfinty Support on our forums. Expired certificates are at a website level and is not an issue with your service or equipment. Since the old modem was working, we can just switch back to it. We can also troubleshoot the new one if it is a better model. When you get a chance, could you send us a direct message so we can help get your internet working again?
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• Click the "Direct messaging" icon near the top right of the page
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send it
1 Message
1 year ago
I have a fairly new Xfinity modem and I can't help but feel they purposely throttle the speeds. Every few days my internet gets really slow and streaming becomes a burden. Once I use the automated troubleshooter, the download speeds instantly increase 400-500% without any explanation of an issue or error. This has become nearly a weekly occurrence and I can't help but feel they are effectively cheating customers with their new modems by throttling speeds without informing the customer. Anyone else see something similar?
1 Message
10 months ago
My wifi speed is not stable. Its going 400 mbps to 0mbps many times in day.for just second.