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Thursday, June 17th, 2021 10:46 PM


Manual IP Issue With the New XB7 Router?

The new Xb7 has well documented issues with slightly older printers, they don't work on the XB7 wirelessly, you can see some of the threads I linked about this issue below the images. The Xb6 router works just fine though before we upgraded, and people end up having to switch back to the Xb6. My printer is 7 years old, it should be compatible.

So I went into the XB7 gateway (, separated the 2.4 and 5ghz bands, then disabled the 5ghz band. Reset the printer and gateway, Connected the printer to the 2.4 ghz band only.... Still having an IP conflict issue. Epson WF-845. The printer is able to find and connect to the network, and shows up as a connected device in the Xb7 gateway, but it has an IP conflict issue. Its unable to communicate, not useable, cant print.

I then changed the Epson printer from DHCP to Reserved IP within the XB7 gateway, and made it Then went into my printer software and manually set the same IP. Still does not work. Any ideas? Is the gateway info wrong? Any ideas?

See image of my gateway settings here if the image is removed below by the xfinity robot: https://imgur.com/a/bMUlCXn

Threads about this issue over the past 18 months:







7 Messages

4 years ago

The printer gives an error when connecting wirelessly. It will print and Network status page. https://support.epson-europe.com/onlineguides/en/fy10_nwg/panel/g_html/external/manual_e01.htm.

I've been through that PDF for 725 that you linked. When I do get the router to "issue" an IP address to the printer. It "connects" as which is a self assigning IP meaning the DHCP from the XB7 failed to assign an IP to the printer. I tried changing the DHCP Lease range to Still no Luck. My error report spits out an incorrect password (even though the password is correct) when I have WPA on and when the network is open, it self assigns an IP that can't be recognized on my computer.

Problem Solver


948 Messages

4 years ago

So, if your default gateway/Xb7 isn’t , mine is, your on a different subnet and won’t be able to print, I am thinking since you tried to set a Manuel Ip, probably unsuccessfully, you might just have to reset the printer and Start from scratch, the key thing is do one thing at a time, if it don’t print explore why, for example, my epson showed connected, but failed to print, so I figured out that windows was using the configuration for the Xb6, so I went into the settings/printer, removed my printer, then clicked add printer, that same printer shows up, I added it, it installed it but with the correct configuration for the Xb7, then it printed beautifully,    But if would have tried to add a manual Ip, well it probably would have hosed my shot at getting connected, anyway so your printer has to be in the same subnet as your default gateway, or, 



7 Messages

I tried manual IPs for both subnets 192 and 10. When its set to DHCP that's when I get the self assigned IP of (which won't be recognized to print by Windows). But it will only do that on an open, unsecured network. Also, the gateway field is blank on the printer. If I try manual IP ( or some higher number that hasn't been leased out) and manual gateway ( on the printer, no dice. Network status will fail at Detailed IP Setup Check. Otherwise is says the password is incorrect (which its not). WPA2 should be supported on my printer unless something changed from the XB6 to XB7. 

Problem Solver


948 Messages

So, you have tried manual ips on both subnet, probably unsuccessfully, so unless you reset your printer, those are probably still in effect, then you want Dhcp to assign a Ip, you obviously can’t do both at the same, so it probably spits out the only Ip it can, you shouldn’t have to enter anything manually, anything manually will hose the Dhcp servers attempt to assign a Ip, just set it on automatically get a ip, thats all you should have to do, but at this point I would suggest resetting your printer to default settings, plus you changed the dhcp servers Ip range, maybe you might have to reset the Xb7 also, I don’t know,  



1 Message

3 years ago

I have the same issue with my Epson WF635.  Cannot connect by wireless.  Tried everything posted so far.  Nothing.  Frustrated.   




108.5K Messages


Please create a new topic of your own here on this board detailing your issue. Thanks.  The original poster has not returned. 4-month-old dead thread now being closed.

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