

18 Messages

Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 1:33 PM

High Unexplained Data Usage

The last couple weeks we have been experiencing high unexplained data usage, both upload and download.  We are able to track this via our router portal online.  I occasionally cross reference with xfinity and they're usually pretty close on total usage.

Over the course of the last couple years we have been averaging about 4gbs upload and 20-40 gbs download per day.  The most recent readings the last few weeks have been 15+ gbs upload and 60+ gbs download per day.  This usage pushed over the 1.2 tbs cap/month.  We are using the same if not less usage based on our connected devices.   Last night (4.29.24) we turned off the router about 10pm.  Woke up at 6am turned the router on and went right to check the data usage online via our router portal. We burned 18+ gbs upload and 120+gbs download over the course of about 7 hours with the router turned off.  I was thinking it was a bad read by our router but checked xfinity and it had moved 100+ gbs in total overnight as well with the router turned off.  This does not make any sense to me and is almost impossible given, for example, a typical movie in HD burns about 4ish gbs over the course of 2 hours. All devices were off while we were sleeping and again the router was turned off.

Anyone else have recent large unexplained data usage spikes? Anyone have a reasonable guess on what is going on here?

1 Message

5 months ago

I am having the same issue this month. I have a firewall between my modem and router on the Internet-facing side which provides traffic utilization data. My summary reports do not come close to matching what Xfinity is reporting as an overage. I see all traffic that crosses between my modem to my router (the logical demarcation on my network) and I am not seeing anything close to what Xfinity is stating that I used.

I'd be interested in understanding how the data utilization is calculated and where the meter is located. The data is most certainly not traversing between my router/AccessPoint and the cable modem.

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1.5K Messages

Thank you for reaching out to us on our community forums @user_vw9f40! If you believe the data usage meter is inaccurately reporting your usage by reporting more data than what is being used please reach out to our Customer Security Assurance (CSA) team. They can be reached at 1(800) 934-6489.

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5 months ago

Hello @user_a5d9b0 Thank you for reaching out on our forums for help with the data use you are seeing on the network. I'm sorry that you are seeing an increase and are unable to isolate where it is coming from. I know with having a data plan it's vital to have the correct usage details available. I would be happy to look into this for us. Our access is limited to see how the modem is processing, but we can try to help out. 

You ran an excellent test that you ran with disconnecting the router. Thank you for taking the time to do that. I know it's not always simple to troubleshoot these things. Do you have any devices that are hardwired to the modem by chance? I know you said that everything was turned off, but seeing that data was used it makes me thing there could be a device hard-wired to the modem with something running in the background. The other thought would be that there's a delay in the data used displaying which makes it seem as though data was used overnight, but it was from a day or hours earlier from the time the router was disconnected. 


You can try to disconnect the power to the modem and see if there's a change in usage for that time period. You can also try to check the network credentials to make sure there are no unknown devices on your network. What type of modem are you using for your connection?



18 Messages

I've ensured I recognize all devices connected which I am able to do via our router web portal.  Yes we do have hard wired devices but they were turned off.  With regard to your point about delayed readings, that is really irrelevant when you simply look at the amount of data allegedly used. 100/120+ gbs used would be very hard to explain away given the typical amount of data used over the course of a day.  In order to burn that much data you'd have to have like 3 movies streaming at once in HD constantly over the course of 8 or so hours on multiple devices which we have never done. As mentioned, for the last couple years, we typically use no more than 30/40 gbs/day.  However, the last couple weeks data usage has increased significantly with no change in our pattern of usage nor no new devices or unrecognized devices. 

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@user_a5d9b0 Thank you for confirming that the expected devices were the only ones showing on the network and that hard-wired devices were turned off. I understand that this is a huge increase to your typical daily use and I want to help uncover what is happening and why you are seeing the increase. Even with leased modems my team is limited on accessing the specifics of the data use, but we can work with you and help get your account over to our repair teams for assistance. Please send us a direct message with your name and service address. From there we can verify the account and run through a few steps to see if we can resolve the unexpected use and if needed to create a ticket for our repair support teams. 
To send a direct message, please click on the chat icon in the top-right corner of the screen, and select "Xfinity Support" to initiate a live chat. 
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Unfortunately, I had the same issue about 3\4 years ago (coincidently the last time my data speed was upgraded by Xfinity) and went through that process and it was extremely time consuming and a very unpleasant experience.  So while I thank you for your offer and responding to my query, I will likely decline going through that time consuming process. I don't have the time to devote to be sent in circles with no resolution and lack of knowledge on the subject after speaking to multiple support individuals at Xfinity. I appreciate your time though.

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1.2K Messages

Most understandable @user_a5d9b0. There can be up-to a 24-hour delay for data usage to reflect within the data usage meter. Please be aware that if you are also subscribed to our Xfinity Video service with X1, Internet applications will be counted even though the devices are not connected to your modem. 


Lots of different customers can consume data at different rates. I know that within a matter of hours, I can go through 100+ GBs downloading updates or a video game on my PlayStation or PC. So data intensive device can certainly go through data pretty quickly. 


If there happens to be anything more we could assist you with, we do recommend contacting our main support line at 1-800-XFINITY and getting in contact with our Customer Security Assurance (CSA). 

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Again, the delay is irrelevant if you know what devices and what you've done in last 24 hours or so. We don't subscribe to xfinity video nor do we have video gaming machines (ie PS4, XBox, etc) and don't have games on our PCs, so it can't be those items.  We watch a movie on netflix once or twice a week tops sometimes less on one TV and are sure to close the app and turn the TV off when we're done.  Again, no thanks on connecting with customer support right now, I've never had a positive experience with that approach in the past.

This post was to see if there are others experiencing unexplained, significant increases in data usage and to create awareness.  I expect we'll return to normalcy at some point like the last time this occurred once the issue resolves itself at Xfinity as it does not appear to be on our end.



4 Messages

5 months ago

We are also seeing an unexplained increase in what Xfinity is reporting as our data usage. This has been ongoing for the last several months. Not only have we not increased our internet and TV streaming habits, we are deliberately using the internet and streaming TV substantially less than we normally do to avoid hitting our cap and have set our TV display settings to SD. Yesterday, May 1, Xfinity shows we used 5% (56GB) of our 1229GB. At this rate we will hit 100% of our cap in less than 3 weeks (last year we only hit 90% of our data cap twice and both times were near the very end of the month).

I have contacted Xfinity several times but have been unable to get anyone to explain to me what is causing this unexplained spike in our usage.

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Hey BeeBee5977, thanks for reaching out to Xfinity Support on our forums. Our Customer security Assurance team handles data disputes and their contact information has been posted above. I can also take a look at what days the usage happened to help narrow it down if you can send us a direct message. 

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@XfinityNicolas​, thanks for your response.  However, even though I stated in my initial comment, "I have contacted Xfinity several times but have been unable to get anyone to explain to me what is causing this unexplained spike in our usage," I did decide to try, one more time, to resolve this today. After spending more than 3 hours and speaking with 5 different people, my issue is no more resolved today than it has for the past few months.

One interesting thing I DID learn, however, is that Xfinity has recently seen a noticeable increase in the amount of people reporting unexplained spikes in their data usage. To be sure I heard correctly, I asked and the customer support agent confirmed this to me twice on the phone.

The only solution they have for me is to upgrade to an unlimited data plan which would result in ME paying more for a problem that is not only totally out of my control, but a problem that Xfinity has acknowledged is an issue many customers also dealing with.

Difficult to overstate how disgusted, frustrated and disappointed this entire experience has been. And to add insult to injury,  in order to cancel a service that has gotten to the point of being nearly useless to us, Xfinity is going to charge me $110 for early termination.

So, after more than 15 years with Xfinity, it looks like we'll be taking our business elsewhere.

1 Message

5 months ago

I’m dealing with the same issue.

and the security assurance team is a joke. They pretty much accessed me of lying at this point, and being very rude. They closed my case without even letting me know, nor did they have an answer on why the issues is happening. I started renting their modem so they can see what the issue is and they couldn’t tell me. Just the same run around of you know you have X amount of devices connected right? Did you change your password? Like I’m so sick of explaining myself over and over again. Now I’m just trying to work a deal with them to get unlimited data for the same price I pay now. But at this point I’m thinking about switching companies. 

Official Employee


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Greetings, @user_w0t792! I hope your week has been treating you well. Thanks so much for taking a moment out of your busy day to leave a post on our community forum. I'm sorry to hear you're having so many issues with unexplained data usage, but you have definitely come to the right place for assistance.


If you could send our team a direct message with your full name, the name listed on the account (if different), and the service address associated with your account, I'd be more than happy to look into this for you.


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