17 Messages
Gigabit x2 - Not getting what I'm paying for
Hi. I figured I'd try posting this issue here, since going through the customer support phone number is a royal waste of time and I always end up with [Edited: "Inflammatory"] in a foreign country whose only solution is to reboot the modem.
I just recently upgraded to the Gigabit x2 service which is supposed to be 2000 mbps down and 200 mbps up (and as a result, lost my original bundle and my bill went up $110 for something that costs only $40 more than what I had before...but I digress). I have the XB8 Modem/Gateway. I am connected via ethernet on the 2.5GB port using a 2.5GB ethernet card on my PC. I've run multiple speed tests (Xfinity, Ookla, etc.)...and can never get above ~1600 mbps down and barely 100 mbps up. Tried calling the support line and got absolutely nowhere. Is there anyone from Xfinity that can help me out here. I'm paying for 2000/200 and I'm not getting that...I actually got better speeds when I was using my own modem on the Gigabit tier...getting 1400 mbps down / 40 mbps up. Did I lose my bundle and trade it for just for a bigger bill ????
(stuck with Comcast because there's no other choice)
28 Messages
2 years ago
> getting 1400 mbps up / 40 mbps down
Probably the other way around.
With 800Mb service, I was getting 930/24. I upgraded to 1Gb service, raising the underlying cost (unrebated cost) by $10 and now I'm getting 930/24 *PLUS* they disabled my X1 TV box. I did get the disablement fixed. Only an hour on the phone, but they _will_ waive the TV charge for one day.
108.9K Messages
2 years ago
Would you mind sharing with the community what the solution was ? Thanks.
108.9K Messages
2 years ago
Oh, OK. I see. Thanks. My comment still applies if and when there is a solution if you don't mind ? Good luck with it !🙂
17 Messages
2 years ago
So here's the update...after two consecutive tech visits:
Tech visit #1 (yesterday):
Tech tests everything on the coax side and his meter shows 2k+ down and 400+ up speeds. Plugs into the modem wan port, tries his meter and can't get his test to work...thinks his meter is broken, sets up a follow up visit for next day with a different tech and leaves.
Tech visit #2 (today)
Tech does everything the guy from yesterday did, same results...meter can't test when using the ethernet...only on the coax. I just happen to mention that the modem is in bridge mode and I use my own secure firewall (because Xfinity's firewall is garbage...but I digress). He asks me to switch it back to quote "normal" mode....and lo and behold his meter works over ethernet and was able to run the test. (First commentary on the inept tools this company gives its techs....if a modem is CAPABLE of being in bridge mode...your test equipment should be smart enough to detect that and not crash if it is). Anyway, after running the test, the first thing the tech says is that upload is capped at 100 mbps...even though I was sold an upload speed of 200 mbps and that's what it says when I go to the Xfinity website:
and the download speed never got over 1600 mbps. The tech's reaction was basically... it is what it is...that's what you get.
So bottom line, the situation has not been resolved. I lost my grandfathered bundle stuck with a higher bill and my overall download speed went up by only ~400mbps and my upload speed went up by only ~40mbps. I'm currently on the phone to go back to the Gigabit service with my own modem (which I consistently got between 1200 and 1400 mbps) and return this XB8 garbage....and even that is becoming a royal pain in the behind, dealing with people who are clueless on the other side of the globe.
I thoroughly DESPISE this company and its monopolistic practices....I wish there was a true broadband alternative in my area.
2 Messages
1 year ago
We get about 2100 Mbps download but my upload is only about 60 Mbps on the upload side. That's a long way from the 200 Mbps advertised speeds. It seems like no one has any idea about the new X2 tier. Several hours on the phone to no avail. We only got this x2 tier to increase our upload speeds.