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29 Messages

Monday, March 9th, 2020 7:00 PM


Gigabit service running at 600Mbps... Multiple calls (details)

3/13/19 - TL;DR - This morning at 600. I used the xFi App to issue a restart to my modem and I'm back at 950. Hope Tier 3 folks can find out why my connection package is being set to a lower speed. Curious how long this will stay at 950 as well.


3/12/20 - TL;DR - xfinity was autoprovisioning my modem for the 400Mbps tier even though my account has reflected the 1000Mbps teir for over a week.  This has been escalated to tier 3 support.  Today's Post 


I ordered 1000Mbps service... the modem showed up, I installed it, activated it, changed to bridge mode... I was only getting 600Mbps via

I have a newly built gaming PC hardwired to my router -> modem.  No issues transfering at 1gig between my machines on my LAN.  My speedtests to xfinity have been up to 950 at times but not solid... story follows...

Ticket #1 - I called in, was on for probably and hour going through the dialogue/troubleshooting... eventually after all the stuff we tried, the tech pushed an 'advanced config' to my modem and after a restart I was at 950Mbps.

Ticket #2 - few days later - same issue - stuck at 600Mbps - call in - 30 minutes of dialogue and was then assured the tech will fix all issues. They told me that my gigabit service was not yet activated... even though they shipped me a modem, I activated it and was at 950Mbps prior. They told me that 30 minutes later, I should be good after they were going to make some changes. I was not good later on... still at 600Mbps.

Ticket #3 - I called in again and explained everything that's happened so far, they ran a few tests... at that time they scheduled a dispatch.

Tech visit - He proved out all coax from my modem location to the curb. All levels good, running clean.  He even put on a pad to fine tune to get me closer to the middle of the acceptable range. He put his xfinity speed test device on the modem and only hit 600Mbps.  At that time, the tech swapped to another modem he had in his truck(same model as the other) and with his test set hit 950Mbps.

All good...

Forward three days... new modem, running at 600Mbps....

Ticket #4 - Chatted with someone... explained all of the above. They told me they'd escalate to level 2 and if I got disconnected, they'd call me back.... they didn't call back.

Ticket #5 - I called back in and they had no record of that call 15 minutes ago.  They told me I had the wrong modem... even though they provided it. Was on for over 1.5 hours and asked for a manager...  spoke with a supervisor... he verified everything looks good config-wise and said I have a Technicolor modem CGM4140 and that I should try their Arris EG1682G to see if the different modem fixes it... both are used for XFINITY XB6 it sounds like? A tech is coming out tomorrow to swap modems.

Anyone ran in to this 600Mbps issue and had it resolved permanently?



29 Messages

5 years ago

@RobertWy wrote:

Just an FYI, I believe Bridge Mode disables the Gateway's ethernet ports.

What?  No... it changes the role of the device, that's it.


And this morning back at 600Mbps after changing to bridge mode last night.  Gonna switch to router mode, restart via the xfi app to get back to 950Mbps and leave it to see how many days it behaves.


Interesting... changed back to router mode and it's at 950Mbps again without me issuing a restart via the xfi app.



106.2K Messages

5 years ago

@RobertWy wrote:

Just an FYI, I believe Bridge Mode disables the Gateway's ethernet ports.

It disables all other ports except for port number 1.



2.1K Messages

5 years ago

@somegeek wrote:

@jweaver0312 wrote:
Not necessarily.

If you’re still getting the normal upload, then it’s not a provisioning issue. It’s a firmware issue. In reality, if you’re just bridging the gateway and turning it into a modem, why not just buy your own?

Do you know how their systems work to know this with certainty?  The tech said a boot file for a slower speed service was pushed to my modem.

With unlimited caps, if you buy your own, you need to pay more to use it.

Bridge Mode does not alter your boot file in any way. Like you said yourself, it only chnages its use mode.


If you still are able to obtain 35 Mbps, then you still have the Gigabit boot file as it is the only boot file that permits upload speed like that.



29 Messages

5 years ago

Stayed at 950 overnight while left in router mode.

Regular Visitor


7 Messages

5 years ago

I am also having this issue. I was getting 940-960 consistently until about a month ago and now I see dips as low as 200's and the highs in the 550-600 range. I've had 4 techs out. They have replaced the modem twice and have rerun my drop and even pulled fresh coax in my wall from the demarq. 


On the last call they tried moving the cable line on the drop slightly farther from the power line to my house and replaced the modem. This allowed me to see speeds in the low 900's for about a day.


Well here we are again going to be getting another tech out for this issue. They have all but refused to escalate this to the line techs. Not sure how much more they can try to push this on being anything but something on their main lines.


I guess the big problem is... not many people use gigabit service in my area and of those I am sure even less would notice the issue. However, I am in cybersecurity so being able to pull large files quickly is vital and it is very noticeable to see a 40-50MBps pull when I expect to see 100MBps +.

Frequent Visitor


13 Messages

5 years ago

Ok last update on this.

It is 100% a bug with the modem and bridge mode.

If I enable bridge mode within a day the speeds cap on the 500-600 range. If I turn off bridge mode and do a hard reset on the modem speeds return to 900+.

I didnt want to deal with a double nat, but I have just disabled all wifi and firewall features for the time being.

Also comcast will not allow you to pay for the gateway device and keep your unlimited data unless the data is flowing through their device (dumb) since it should be tied to the fee and not need to pass through their dumb buggy device.



29 Messages

5 years ago

@Tgrable84 wrote:
Ok last update on this.

It is 100% a bug with the modem and bridge mode.

If I enable bridge mode within a day the speeds cap on the 500-600 range. If I turn off bridge mode and do a hard reset on the modem speeds return to 900+.

I didnt want to deal with a double nat, but I have just disabled all wifi and firewall features for the time being.

Also comcast will not allow you to pay for the gateway device and keep your unlimited data unless the data is flowing through their device (dumb) since it should be tied to the fee and not need to pass through their dumb buggy device.

Yeah - you're noticing the same thing I have.  I have some experience working with network equipement so this troubleshooting is nothing new.

I had someone from Comcast come out on Monday from the QC group.  I told them all that had transpired and he stated he had to check out the system... so just checked the ground was good outside and then left.  I imagine he had some 'minimal work' that he had to do to call it complete.  I get it.  He then said his sup would call.  His sup called on Tuesday and said he'd be out on Wednesday to find out the issue... he asked me if I was testing with a capable computer.  He didn't read anything on the past of this.  Frustrating... he never called or showed up.


I switched to bridge mode last night and I'm at 400Mbps now.  This matched the prior experience when the tech saw that I had a 400Mbps file pushed to my modem while I've been configured in their systems for 1000Mbps service for some time.  It was escalated within xfinity.  I changed back to router mode and it's still at 400Mbps.  I changed back to router mode so they can access the device from their end.


When the tech came out and saw I was running that 400Mbps file, he said this is all on Comcast's end... no further inspection of the physical network is needed.  That dude know's what's up.  Hopefully they find out what's breaking this on their end.  It really wreaks of an autoprovisioning issue on their end.



14 Messages

5 years ago

How do we get them to fix this firmware bug?

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

5 years ago

I want in on this discussion. So for months using my Xfinity gateway in bridge mode gave me full speed (940). Now I max out at 650. If I restore and put it in router mode, my speed is 940. Put it back in bridge mode, it reverts to 650 in a day or so. I haven't tested leaving the gateway in router mode because I have my own router.

I wonder if buying my own 3.1 modem will fix this.

A tech came out and checked the lines, for all the good that did.

Seeing as multiple people here have the same experience of bridge mode dropping to 600, this is an error on xfinitys end.

My upload does stay at the advertised speed. Hitting 40 Mbps.

Why oh why did I move out of my apartment with Google fiber.



25 Messages

5 years ago

This is ridiculous that we are all PAYING for gig service and not getting it.....for months!



35 Messages

5 years ago

So an update to my saga.


My old modem was capped at 600Mbps and I could only get 1000Gbps in router mode.  In router mode Xfinity kept blocking my clients even though I used port forwarding and even DMZ mode.  I could only allow them access for 30 days and what was more frustrating I wasn't getting notified of the block and it took me a few days to figure out what was going on.   My modem wouldn't connect anymore in bridge mode for some reason either.  I conctacted my line tech on Thursday to let him know the issue.  He got me a new modem yesterday(Friday).  It worked, speeds were all over though.  Upload was god awful.  On occassion though I was getting high 800 on the speedtest.  He checked the node across the street and he found out it was at 93% for upload.  He said that is why the speed is all over.  He said he had a meeting today, Saturday, and he'd bring it up.  I concacted him about it today and he said Comcast has no plans to do anything about it.  It wasn't designed to have everyone online like this.  I told him this is Saturday though and all the M-F people are usually home anyways.  He said they're not going to do anything.   So I contacted Comcast today to try to get a discount on my bill.  I can transferred to a technician.  The technician said he could fix the speed issue with a new boot file on my modem. I'm capped at 600Mbps again which is what started me on this journey about a month ago!   He said he's going to escalate it and it should be fixed in the next 24-48 hours and gave mea ticket number.

I really have my doubts.   Keep calling in and complaining about this issue people or they're going to just keep ignorning us.

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

5 years ago

I'm relieved to see others are having this exact issue. I feel for you. I imagine that comcast won't prioritize this with what's been going on. I would just sign up for a lower speed tier but then I'd lose the upload. What small, meager amount of upload they allot us. 



23 Messages

5 years ago

ran three tests this morning from

in bridge mode


1. 633.8 Mbps

2. 651.3 Mbps

3. 641.8 Mbps


Stilll not the gig speed i'm paying for while in bridge mode






32 Messages

5 years ago

Xfinity is a joke. I’m on my 3rd-4th gateway. This time decided to put in bridge mode and bought a nighthawk. WiFi is now worse. Tell me how that makes sense.



32 Messages

5 years ago

Wow you seem to know alot^ Could the broken bridge mode be why my nighthawk is acting awful?
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