

2 Messages

Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 1:57 PM


Firmware update for arris G34 and G36 modem/routers

Does anyone know when Xfinity will be pushing the firmware updates for the Arris G34 and G36 modem/routers (AR01.04 to AR01.05)?  Apparently, this firmware update was released to the ISPs back in November 2023 but hasn't made it to the street yet.  This update was supposed to fix (hopefully) intermittent connectivity issues with these devices for customers who have Xfinity as their ISP.

8 Messages

9 months ago

This whole series of events are beyond the pale. Xfinity is abusing it's customers, period. I'm curious if a class action lawsuit would be in order. I'm going to start looking into it.

3 Messages

I did return mine and swapped out for a Netgear. They release firmware to the public and you can install it yourself. They also allow custom firmware if you can write your own.

It is working great. I don’t know if Xfinity or Arris would be at fault here. I don’t see why Arris doesn’t just publicly release their firmware.

8 Messages

The modem is mine though, and have had it for quite some time. I wish I could return it and get a different one, though :( I can't even afford to get a new one right now with a lot of difficulties I've had this year. I absolutely refuse to rent a modem from Xfinity, especially now. So I'm just stuck with a device that doesn't work quite like it should just because Xfinity decided to make our lives harder for what I can only assume is greed. :(

Official Employee


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Rikku Hello there! Thanks for using our Forums and we are happy to help you if you are having issues with your connection and or modem. Please let us know, we are here to assist! 


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8 Messages

Sorry, but unless you're able to push a firmware update there's nothing you can do for me.



109.1K Messages

9 months ago

Posting this again as was earlier in the thread...

@Dynomike75 wrote: I’m going to Netgear. At least they allow doing your own firmware upgrades.

FWIW, that would be incorrect if it's a straight cable modem or a combination modem / router gateway device. The DOCSIS cable modem component of the device still can only be updated by the ISP.

3 Messages

Sorry @EG you are correct, the firmware is only on the router side.

I can say that it does work though, while the Arris never did properly. I had the same issue that many have with it. Xfinity tech service only kept saying that it was my side and I would have to pay for a service call.



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1 Message

Still no plan to push that firmware?? I'm on a G34 and have daily issues. This forum makes it seem like you want to "approve" these devices but then slow roll the support until everyone gives up.. Wonder why?  

1 Message

9 months ago

It seems everyone that has an Arris G36 with Xfinity / Comcast is having this issue. Issue being internet constantly dropping out and having to reboot the modem. Leaving consumers to contact Arris about the issue only to be told to contact Xfinity. Xfinity says contact Arris. So they have no clue. 

Before I purchased my G36 I reviewed Xfinity’s approved modems. Which is direct from their website.

And now that I own one I have terrible service.

I feel I’m dealing with bobbleheads.

[Edit: Inflammatory]


8 Messages

That's precisely what I've been thinking. [Edit: Inflammatory]


5 Messages

I just want it resolved, but I guess they still have not reach the threshold in monetary loss to get this fixed and just letting it be.

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hi, mike_j99. We currently don't have a way to push a firmware update to non-Xfinity equipment. I can refresh the device and provision the boot file, but I don't have an update we can send. Previously, we had a similar issue being reported by customers with a Motorola device, MB8611, but an update by the manufacturer fixed this issue from what the customer followed up with. 



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59 Messages

Your engineering department received the update last fall, but has not loaded it into your provisioning system for reasons nobody knows. Your engineering department has sabotaged the compatibility of these Arris gateway modems.

8 Messages

DOCSIS system firmware cannot be updated by the user. The ISP has to push them to the devices. And YES you do have a way of pushing firmware to non-xfinity devices. It's been done for YEARS until now, apparently.



109.1K Messages

9 months ago


For clarity that's different. The MB8611 is a straight cable modem, not a combo gateway device as is being discussed here. Comcast is responsible for keeping a device like the 8611 up to date. For more clarity. Comcast is the one that pushed the update to the non-Comcast 8611 after receiving it from the manufacturer.




59 Messages

Only Xfinity support is unaware that Xfinity routinely pushes out firmware updates to all modems on its system.

17 Messages

9 months ago

Same issue as everyone here.. Drops happen every few minutes. Unable to keep connections in games and work Team calls constantly dropping.

Xfinity should not recommend the Arris G36 if they don't support the manufacturers updates.

The support team here isn't gonna be able to do the engineering team's job of validating the modem's firmware update and pushing it to provisioning. What they might be able to do is escalate the issue so engineering can actually push the Arris G36 01.04 -> 01.05 update.

I'm stuck on 01.04 too, garbage




59 Messages

As you can see from Xfinity staff responses in this thread and the many others like this, Xfinity support has ignored the firmware update issue for months. The lower echelons, who are responding here, will only send you into the usual loop of restarting your modem and then maybe a service call for which you will be charged -- and your modem still won't work.

Xfinity is responsible for misleading us into buying a modem that is not compatible with the Xfinity system. 

I've spent many hours with Xfinity support and no one has any answers about why Xfinity has not pushed out the firmware update. Upper management in Xfinity support gets no response from the tech team. No one can explain why the page of recommended modems on xfinity.com has not been updated to remove the Arris G36.

According to the threads on the Arris support site, some people have gotten free modems from Xfinity for their troubles. But an Xfinity agent gave me a modem he said was free -- for which I was charged anyway. When I protested, I was told Xfinity does not give free modems.

Xfinity will be happy to rent you one of their gateway modems. But it will work. Then you can sell your Arris G36.

PS This forum still isn't compatible with Safari browser on Mac OS. Overall, the quality of Xfinity engineering seems to be sloppy.


17 Messages

9 months ago


This post suggests disabling SIP under Advanced > ALG > SIP.


So after a little bit of digging, I came across the thread about going into ALG in the web access settings and disabling SIP. Not sure why this is enabled by default because other manufacturers indicate it is not commonly used. I disabled it and since doing so, ZERO dropped calls. I cannot believe Arris has not advised this on these message threads

Worth a try, gonna see if it helps meanwhile

17 Messages

Reporting back.

Disabling SIP didn't help with stability. Had a video conference yesterday and it cut out every 1-2 minutes.

Xfinity, push the modem firmware update already

8 Messages

Disabling SIP didn't do anything for me, either.


Official Employee


3K Messages

@DizzyThermal I am sorry your connection was going in and out during a conference. I want to make sure we are respecting your time and not repeat the steps you have taken previously. What additional troubleshooting steps have you taken? 


I also wanted to make sure you are aware that any time you need to troubleshoot our Xfinity app can assist you step by step. It is not just to pay your bill or to get notifications about interruptions. To learn how to troubleshoot in the future you can follow the link: https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/using-xfinity-app. Honestly, it is the best app to date that we offer and super easy to use for all of your account needs

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4 Messages

I also have the dropped connectivity problem.  It’s been getting worse over the past few months and the past 2 days drops every few minutes-rendering internet unusable. This is a problem related to the 1.04 firmware and it is fixed in 1.05. 

And before any support folks jump in - yes I have done everything. Including reset to factory settings and reconfigure.

My Arris G36 (on xfinity approved list) remains stuck on 1.04 firmware and xfinity does not update to 1.05 like they are supposed to.

It is Xfinity responsibility to send this firmware update out - Arris did their part and sent it to Xfinity last November. 
Xfinity do your job. 
At this point I agree with others about a lawsuit. 

17 Messages


I reboot my modem daily in hopes that it will magically provision to version 01.05, but no luck so far.

I have also factory reset the Arris G36, same issue.

Other than Xfinity pushing the update, I don't think there's any troubleshooting on my end that will help this issue.

17 Messages

9 months ago

Any update on pushing the 01.05 firmware update? Any tickets made with engineering? Are they aware of the issue? Please don't tell me about the Xfinity app. Thank you.

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DizzyThermal I am happy to be of assistance. Can you please send us a DM. You can start by clicking the chat icon located in the top right corner of your forums' page when signed in. Once there, you can direct your messages to "Xfinity Support." Please add your full name and service address to help us locate your account. Let me know if you have any questions. 


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5 Messages

@XfinityVictor​ you guys are like robots, and not even reading the thread. this is something above your capacity to help on unless you can expedite a firmware push.  blink twice if your supervisor is forcing you guys to reply with the same ol song.

Official Employee


1K Messages

@mike_j99 thank you for taking time out of your day to reply to this post. I searched, and wasn't able to find an ETA of when a mass firmware update will be happening. From experience, I've worked with customers and have gotten modem firmware updates for specific accounts by working with our advanced repair experts and an engineer ticket gets opened. 

- If you need a firmware update, please let me know by sending a direct message: 

To send a direct message: 


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• Click the "Direct Message" icon in the upper right - it looks like a chat bubble  

• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon just to the right of Conversations

• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line - do not use the Employee's name!

• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

• Press Enter to send it

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2 Messages

@XfinityJustinC​ I sent Xfinity Support a direct message and have waited a day with no reply.  How often do people reply?

Official Employee


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Hello, @user_378fb9 the delay is due to another user being asked to send a direct message. Please be reminded that sending unsolicited Direct Messages to an Official Employee of the Xfinity Community Forum is a violation of Forum Guidelines. In the future, please find the most appropriate public board for your question type and post it there. If needed, we may invite you to send us a Direct Message.


Sending unsolicited direct messages will result in a delayed response, as moderator intervention is required to create a ticket and route your request, or your message may be lost due to the number of mentions we receive daily. Unsolicited Modmail may not be addressed over the weekend or Holidays. Our team works to get to everyone as quickly as possible, but it may take up to 72 hours to receive an official response from our team. Community Specialists will provide official support 7 days a week between 6:00 am - and 12:00 am Eastern Time. Bear in mind that after 5 days of no response, your ticket will close, and you will need to submit a new post for a new ticket.


I have your DM and will pick up our conversation there. 



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1 Message

9 months ago

This is ridiculous!
Tried to connect with XFinity support and suggestion was upgrade to a more expensive monthly plan to get new firmware!
Like, your speed will be faster so a new firmware will be uploaded to your new modem!
Once I pushed back and asked that version of "new firmware" will be installed, answer was - 1.04

I am really surprised why class action lawsuit have not been initiated against XFinity and/or Arris yet, as basically this is false advertisement from both companies.



4 Messages

They got me. They broke me. Upgraded my speed and had to get G36 which by their own website was compatible. Multiple issues with it disconnecting. Xfinity disconnected me twice in the past two weeks because they said my router was causing a problem for the neighborhood. They said the solution was to rent one of theirs or buy my own (again). I just shelled out over $300.00 for this Arris G36 months ago. Looked at Xfnintys site to see what was compatible with my internet and from there started doing my own research and kept seeing reviews from others that said so and so router wasn't compatible even though it says on Xfinitys site it is. After 3 hours of research I decided to rent one of theirs for the time being. Neighbor down the street had the same problem and was forced to do the same thing though I don't know which router they had. 

Someone else said it best seems like it their way of getting people getting their product, I/e router. 

Official Employee


1.5K Messages


user_afbba8 we are sorry that the issues with your G36 are still ongoing. We do want you to be able to use your personal equipment with our enhanced speeds and are working to resolve these issues. 



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2 Messages

9 months ago

I'm looking to get the firmware on my arris G36 updated to 1.05 also what do we need to do to get this done?

1 Message

8 months ago

I have the Aris G36 and the Xfinity staff made it work.  It too several hours and several people but they made it work and I do have high speed at this time.

17 Messages

@user_2rpox3​ you're on the latest firmware now? 01.05?

I've been going back and forth with Xfinity DMs and have ticket numbers with engineering, yet I'm still being ignored.

Good riddance.

Edit: Even better, I receive a DM saying my ticket was closed because engineering said its the manufacturers responsibility to push firmware updates.

DOCSIS doesn't allow this. How can you be an engineer for Xfinity and not understand the fundamentals?

Lawsuit time? I've about had it with the nonsense from Xfinity, they're liars and crooks

The ISP pushes the firmware, NOT the manufacturer, stop lying to customers


5 Messages

@DizzyThermal​ sound like a plant, new account no details or substance on how they solved the problem

17 Messages

Any update on Arris G36 modems getting the latest firmware pushed?

...echo echo echo...

2 Messages

8 months ago

I do have 01.05 on my G36.  Not sure when it was pushed, but I recently returned from a long trip and my connections are now dropping multiple times a day.  All was working pretty well a couple months ago.  I bought the G36 about six months ago, December 2023.  Not sure what my next step will be given all the background.  

Official Employee


2K Messages


user_vcxjeb Hey there! Are you still having issues? Our team is here happy to help over our Forums to improve your connection. 


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2 Messages

Actually, since the day I posted the message I have not had any more issues with data connectivity.  All is fine on a device with 1.05.

17 Messages

8 months ago

Anyone get AR01.05 pushed? I'm still stuck on AR01.04

3 Messages

Mine updated during one of my daily restarts. Once it updated, things got worse. I was restarting my G36 two or three times a day. I gave up and bought a Netgear Nighthawk. I installed it a week ago and have had no problems whatsoever. I wish I had gone with the Netgear in the first place.

17 Messages

8 months ago

Xfinity going to do anything about this?

You STILL recommend this modem (Arris G36) as being a compatible unit on your network, yet you refuse to keep the device up-to-date with manufacturers firmware (the ISP's responsibility per the DOCSIS spec).

What gives? 01.04 -> 01.05

Stop making new accounts to make it seem like the update isn't helping. Everyone replying has a new account from less than a week ago.

Stop gaslighting your customers Xfinity!

3 Messages

You can choose to believe me or not. I hadn't needed to post in the forums here until I bought the G36. I have no reason to make it look like the 01.05 firmware isn't working, because it ISN'T. The update made it worse.

Since I don't have the resources to start legal action, it is far cheaper to go to a different modem/router. From all of the posts I've seen, the G36 has had an issue for over 1 1/2 years now.

This is the last comment that I'm going to make on this. My connection issues are resolved by going to a Netgear unit and I'm moving on with my life. I hope everyone here has good luck with getting this issue resolved. I'm just not going to wait another year for it. 

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Jswish - Thank you for your feedback. Our team is here to help if you ever need assistance with Xfinityy services.


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@DizzyThermal​ yeah I am so tired of this bs.... falsely advertising that it's compatible,  then absolute nightmare since I purchases it when it released.... been with xfinity for 16 or 17 years,  think the ole gfiber may have a new customer @ 30$ less a month... if there is ever a lawsuit,  I'd like to have some sort of compensation over how I've paid for whatever speed and am lucky to get 200mbps if it works... 

17 Messages

8 months ago


Cross posting my forum issue with Arris. Let's see what the manufacturer says - since Xfinity is claiming they're innocent in all of this.

17 Messages

8 months ago

From Arris' Support:

The Cable Operators (MSOs) have complete control of what cable modem/gateway hardware they will allow installed and the firmware it uses, this is because they own the coaxial cable that is connected to the ARRIS (G36), because of that the Firmware updates are pushed by them, and any update needed as well. Any associated firmware updates are automatically deployed by the cable operator. This is not an ARRIS only implementation, but the required implementation of any cable device manufacturer.

Even for the device owned by the customer only service provider can send updated to the modem when its required from their end. customer or the manufacturer cannot manually update the firmware.

Source: https://community.surfboard.com/g34-g36-64/how-to-get-cox-to-push-the-docsis-upgrade-g36-3599

Xfinity is the Cable Operator as the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Whether it is an Xfinity device (xFi Gateway) or a third-party modem - YOU [Xfinity] - are responsible for pushing firmware updates.

Now what? Keep ignoring the community with incorrect information?


1 Message

Interesting... how sad

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