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Friday, May 31st, 2024 7:57 PM

britbox captions black out after about 40 minutes

I recently had my set top box replaced. Since that was done, I've noticed when I watch a show on Britbox (through the Xfinity Apps menu) the closed captions blacken out after about 40 minutes.  This did not happen with the previous box. If I leave Britbox and return to watch the rest of the show, the captions come back on. I can't find anything in the community forum on this. The troubleshooting tips for box malfunction have been done repeatedly and they don't affect this problem. 

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4 months ago

Hello @mcmart, Thanks so much for taking a moment out of your day to leave a post on our community forum. If you could send our team a direct message with your full name, the name listed on the account (if different), and the service address associated with your account, I'd be more than happy to look into this for you. To send a Direct Message, please click on the chat icon in the top-right corner of the screen, next to the bell icon, and then type or select "Xfinity Support" to initiate a direct message.

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Hi. The name on my Xfinity account is [Edited: PII], address [Edited: PII]; Account number: [Edited: PII]. 

When watching the Britbox app, after about 40 minutes the captioning went black. Or, more accurately, the speaking captions were black, and sometimes the sounds captioning were not. I watch Rebus and Touch of Frost which both have episodes longer than 60 minutes and having the caption black out is unwatchable for me. I also watch Silent Witness, which does not seem to have this problem, but its episodes are shorter. I tried something to fix this issue:  I cleared the local data storage (press Xfinity button on remote, select gear icon, Settings -> Privacy -> OK, then Locally Stored Data and OK to clear). I had to re-enter my Britbox user ID and password.  Next time I watched a long show, captioning blacked out after about 50 minutes. I have since changed the captioning font, but not the size as I need "Medium" to be able to read. 


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@mcmart, Thank you for letting us know, I appreciate it! Please do not post your personal information in public so people don't take it and use it. Please send us a DM with your information for further help. 

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Could you please post the results of the Xfinity review of this issue as I happens to me as well. 

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@user_kw32pw Thank you for letting us know that you are running into the same issue. While we did not get a resolution, we found that a box swap did not fix the issue either. Please, send a DM to Xfinity support so we can work on your box.


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4 Messages

I'm having the same problem with Britbox captions blacking out after about 40 minutes. Does anyone have a clue why this is happening? 

I would send you a DM (Xfinity) but can't find the icon you referenced above. Help!

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18 days ago

Same here. Have the same problem.

has anyone been able to resolve this issue?

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Hello, @Jeffrey_T how are you? Hopefully your Sunday is going well. Are you able to share the make and model number of your box? We want to check if this is happening while using an X1 box , Xumo box or Xfinity flex box. It's never a bad idea to reset the box and make sure it has been updated from Settings. 

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