2 Messages
Device randomly gets paused, but Xfinity app says it isn't paused.
A few days ago I manually paused one of the devices on my home network. I set it to pause until I unpaused it.
The next morning I unpaused it, and everything seemed to work just fine for 4-5 hours. Then, suddenly, the device lost all internet access and I started getting web pages telling me that my device was paused by Xfinity. I checked the app, and it did not say this device was paused at all. I had to pause and unpause it to restore internet connectivity. Then, a few hours later, it paused itself again automatically. I'm the only one with access to the Xfinity app, I have no schedules or anything set, and I am definitely not pausing the machine I'm working from home on randomly during the day.
Anyone know what's going on? Pretty frustrating to have my work meetings interrupted by Xfinity deciding to randomly pause my computer...
Accepted Solution
Problem Solver
908 Messages
2 years ago
Hi there! Thanks for taking a moment to reach out to us here about your PC randomly being paused. I can see why this would be frustrating! You're in the right place for help. Have you tried clearing the Xfinity app's cache since this issue started? If that does not resolve the issue, please try restarting your gateway by pulling the power cord from the wall (not the back of the gateway), waiting 60 seconds, then plugging it back in.
Please let us know if this helps!
2 Messages
2 years ago
Alright I'm done, I can't get customer support, this keeps happening, and I'm about to just cancel my account. I cannot have my work day interrupted randomly because your router decides to pause my main PC's internet.
4 Messages
2 years ago
I am having the same problem - Google shows many many threads of people having the same problem (and no real answers other than do a factory reset on the router (will have to try that as the random pausing 2-4 times a day is driving us nuts) ...
2 Messages
2 years ago
Same problem going on 6 days. Except we never paused the device and it just keeps saying the device is paused! Even got a new modem and same problem! Ready to break contract!
2 Messages
2 years ago
I am having the same issue on my phone, personal laptop, and work laptop. I also see an unfamiliar computer connected to my network so I paused it, but there is no way to remove it from my network. I am incredibly frustrated with intermittent internet and what looks like a security issue. I have also diagnosed and reset my router several times today and internet is at a much lower speed than it should be. I'm ready to cancel.
4 Messages
2 years ago
I’ve been having having this problem and now I have my computer paused and it says my PlayStation is connected however it does not have any internet. I’ve done all that I can. Resetting everything at one point I was thinking it was my own devices having a problem instead of router but then my router would automatically become offline. There are other devices that I don’t recognize using my WiFi. Only option is to pause or change WiFi password. I’m ready to break contract. I should’ve done century link or try Comcast
1 Message
2 years ago
Same exact problem. Nothing works. No fix actions listed that actually work.
1 Message
2 years ago
I have cameras that goes on and off every 3 minutes. It is not the camera because it doesn't happen in the middle of the night.
1 Message
2 years ago
I have the same issue and Xfinity support has not been able to help. It is extremely frustrating as I have to work from home. The only resolution I see now is to switch the internet service provider. The xfinity internet has been the worst service I have ever recieved in any area as the customer support just have not idea what is happening and they keep recommending to restart everything again and again.
4 Messages
2 years ago
Same issues. Xfinity support is the absolute worst and extremely unhelpful. They will just tell you to restart everything which does not help at all. I’ve already been considering switching to another internet provider but this situation has sealed the deal. Goodbye Xfinity!
1 Message
1 year ago
Been having the exact same problem as everyone in this thread, frequent and random total loss of connection, most devices claiming they're "paused" and to use the app but I've used the app, reinstalled it, cleared its cache, zero improvement, nothing shows as paused in the app but the devices still claim they are. Tried every solution offered, nothing has improved the issues. And yes, I've chatted with customer support to explore all the steps, AND had a tech come to my house to fix it, they diagnosed it as a faulty modem and gave us a brand new one that's a better model, and sure enough later the exact problems started again bad as ever. Stop recommending the same dead end troubleshooting, this absolutely has to be a problem on xfinity's end at this point, just fix it already.
1 Message
1 year ago
This keeps happening to my son when he is trying to do homework. He really doesn't need our wifi fighting against him. I feel like the message here is that you should never try to use the parental controls from xfinity unless you want your kids to fail their classes at the hands of some random glitch in the Xfinity app. This is maddening.
2 Messages
1 year ago
Had this same issue. I work from home almost everyday, and cannot afford to lose internet or trouble shoot for hours. The only solution I found was to purchase my own modem/Wi-Fi hardware. This eliminates any use of the pause/unpause feature within the Xfinity app. Xfinity needs to look into this issue. I’ve seen multiple threads regarding this issue with zero explanation or solution.
4 Messages
1 year ago
Same issue. I wasted time with Comcast support who had me do all the obvious things which I had already done, including a factory reset. I think it's pretty obvious the problem is with a bug in the software that drives the pause/unpause 'feature', the question is how many people does Comcast have to hear it from before someone actually gets assigned to get into the code, find the bug and fix it. I cannot imagine how many customers are frustrated, how many modems get returned, how many hours get wasted of tech support and people's time because Comcast doesn't have the mechanism in place to get this escalated, forwarded as needed, assigned (I assume this would be with whoever makes the software and modem for Comcast) to a senior developer who can troubleshoot, find and fix the bug.
2 Messages
1 year ago
Same issue here. The inconsistency in Xfinity's service makes it impossible for me to do the readings and assignments I'm required to do at my university and is hurting my grades. I have spent hours on the phone with customer service doing the same troubleshooting tasks over and over. Nothing works. Why am I paying for wifi that I can't even use? I'm considering canceling my service or buying a third-party modem. Fix it, Xfinity.