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11 Messages
X1 Cable box making lound humming noise
I just got a new X1 cable TV box. I found I needed one so I could watch CBS All Access. I got it set up and working, but it makes a very lound humming noise (fan, I'm pretty sure) that does not quiet down when I turn off the power. My old box was quieter and got very quiet when I turned off the power. I have read through these forums and noticed that this problem is fairly common, and that the only solution is getting a quieter model X1 box. The model just sent me is PX013ANM. Does anyone know of a model that will allow me access to CBS All Access and be quieter? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
Accepted Solution
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
4 years ago
That might violate Comcast's service agreement. Section 6a of says:
Better to take the device to a Service Center or Xfinity Store and swap it out. Check locations and hours at
Frequent Visitor
11 Messages
4 years ago
I don't have any solutions to your problem. But I'm wondering what the humming could be. Sometimes pieces of metal inside could be positioned just right to vibrate and cerain frequencies. Other times I know old/used fans can hum and vibrate. Especially when they're dusty and then you blow them out with air.
So check for interal vibrations, maybe move or twist the box a bit to see if it goes away. Another option is to take it apart and find the noisy fan and replace it, but maybe a bit more advanced for normal users.
Frequent Visitor
11 Messages
4 years ago
Good advice. No, I'll not be opening the box. I will return it. Thank you.
Frequent Visitor
11 Messages
4 years ago
I am fairly certain it is a fan. There is no scraping or grinding sound, just a loud hum. But I am not going to take it apart, as that is not allowed and it's unlikely I'd be able to fix it. Even if I could, one has to break a seal on the case to get it open, and I'd be subject to a fee come the time I had to return the box. Thank you for your consideration.
350 Messages
4 years ago
Hi there! I'd be glad to ensure that this gets looked into further. Please click on my handle (ComcastRob) and send a private message with your name, the complete service address (including city, state, ZIP, suite number, etc), and the phone or account number, and any pertinent details-- like the ticket number(s)-- so we can help.
Frequent Visitor
11 Messages
4 years ago
Hey, guess what. I just ordered/upgraded to TV service through Comcast. I logged into my account and noticed the DVR I'm waiting for that will arrive in two days is, drum roll please, a model PX013ANM.
I suspect I'll be in the same situation as you in two days from now. I really dislike noisy living room equipment. The XG1v4 looks like some great modern tech, but this model's toslink is still modern and works great for me.
So for me, live with a LOUD fan and have fiber optic audio. Or normal quiet hardware with no optical audio. I may just have to locally swap the receiver I haven't even received yet for a better XG1v4. Then purchase an HDMI audio extractor to run to my toslink optical audio receiver so I can use my tower speakers.
Frequent Visitor
11 Messages
4 years ago
Yes, I suspect you will experience the same humming noise. The technician who made my service call said it was the internal hard drive AND the fan causing the noise. Anyway, he swapped it out with a brand new device (the PX013ANM was a refurbished unit), an XG1v4-A, which is so quiet I can hardly hear anything. I suggest you ask for that one. Good luck!
2 Messages
4 years ago
Got the new but could not stand the humming n they came back with the older dvr that I had n it still hums n is terrible n slower in changing stations. I guess technology changes too fast for Comcast.
1 Message
4 years ago
I hate the noise! Just got for the first time, satellite never made high pitched humming
unplugged & quiet a moment, then started up before plugged in
1 Message
4 years ago
I am also same experience ever since i got new cable box
terrible humming noise
dont know what to do
1 Message
4 years ago
My old box never made noise. My new box makes a terrible fan noise. It's audible 20 ft away. It is louder than my refrigerator. I am wondering why I spent money on a nice stereo if the sound of a DVR is going to permeate every time I listen to music, have a conversation, or choose to have some silence. Please remediate this quickly. Thank you for your resolving this.