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3 Messages
Why my recorded movie was suddenly gone from my saved listings
I have had the movie Laura on my recordings list for a while. Suddenly, the movie was gone. It was not in my “recently deleted” section. When I tried to find where I could re-record this (it was originally recorded from TCM), I found that my only options were multiple streaming services with a “buy for” price attached. I asked at my local Xfinity store since there is no real help on the non human “Assistant” access. After explaining my findings, the person there tried to explain that something may force them to remove a recording if there is now a “license” issue. If that is the case, there should be a notification from Xfinity when they delete something like this for the person who pays their bill every month. That I have had to do my own research and analysis creates a real “distancing” from customer interaction.
As a note, I have been a Comcast/Xfinity customer for 40 years….it is obvious that the only answers to anything from the virtual Assistant and the options on the phone redirecting to the “Assistant” are to reboot or disconnect and wait 30 seconds. We are not so incapable of figuring that out for ourselves…especially after the first several pat responses…that we need this as an option. Has Comcast/Xfinity gotten so big that there is no imaginative or honest resolution for the customer?
109.1K Messages
13 days ago
The concern is not "accessibility / disability" help related............ Topic moved here to the TV help section for assistance.
Official Employee
2K Messages
12 days ago
Thank you for reaching out to us @KYak! I know I personally like having the DVR service to save favorite movies, so I can watch them again multiple times whenever I’d like. At this time, DVR recordings can be saved for one year. For more information we have this dedicated article here.
280 Messages
1 day ago
Welcome to Comcast. I have literally lost hundreds of recordings over the years. They just vanish from my recordings with no rhyme or reason. Just lost Woodstock for the 2nd or 3rd time. Just gone. Have probably recorded the Godfather movies 3 or 4 times because they just keep disappearing. There have been dozens of threads about it over the years and nothing has been done. Guess I'll have to keep my eye out for Woodstock again and record it again and watch it real quick before it is gone