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94 Messages

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019 1:00 PM


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I am sick and tired of all the shows being held in the cloud are basically unwatchable. They start, pause, skip and it looks like SD instead of HD. This has been going on for weeks off and on. What’s the scoop on why?
EVERY single show we try to watch is in the cloud DVR and stopping and starting. How do I see what’s in the cloud? Better yet, someone please explain how things get recorded to a cloud? If it’s on the DVR it plays just fine. How do I move the shows on the cloud to my DVR because the cloud is obviously not working. Prices go up and I have to give things up to keep the prices down. I’m not a happy Comcast customer at this point!

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539 Messages

6 years ago

I'm still waiting on an X1 update where the xfinity button doesn't take you to the Guide, because THERE IS ALREADY A Guide BUTTON.


Does some other company own the patent on reasonable UI?


Why can't the xfinity button remember where last left off and default to that?


How is it possible that this still a thing?  It doesn't even take until the nightly reboot before it defaults back to Guide.  Is there some logical reason why this button can't default to somewhere useful?




3.1K Messages

6 years ago

@tctc wrote:

I'm still waiting on an X1 update where the xfinity button doesn't take you to the Guide, because THERE IS ALREADY A Guide BUTTON.


Does some other company own the patent on reasonable UI?


Why can't the xfinity button remember where last left off and default to that?


How is it possible that this still a thing?  It doesn't even take until the nightly reboot before it defaults back to Guide.  Is there some logical reason why this button can't default to somewhere useful?


I would LOVE to have the Xfinity button default to where last left off.



73 Messages

6 years ago

Am I the only one who had DVR recordings that were choppy and the sound went in and out and was low volume lastnight? I have 2-3 shows recorded and couldnt watch them because of this.

New Poster


3 Messages

6 years ago

We called comcast with same problem and were told they had an "outage" with thier "cloud"



16 Messages

6 years ago

I'm having these same issues in Colorado. I also can't fast forward through commercials. As soon as I lift my finger off the ff button the recording jumps back to before where I started fast forwarding. 

Regular Visitor


2 Messages

6 years ago

I guess our area was converted over to cloud based recording last night. Had a bunch of stutters, skips, and other issues that seem to have resolved themselves. Main problem I see now is that I have to crank up the volume to get the sound level of cloud recording up to the same level as watching the channel live. Older, hard drive based, recordings have the same sound level as wathing TV live. Anyone else seeing this?



16 Messages

6 years ago

I am having the same issue! Not just NBC. I have refreshed the set top box and refreshed the entire system. No change. 



539 Messages

6 years ago

Do we really need weather and stocks on our TV?  I can access that info 10 other ways.  Sure, if everything else was working great, it might be a "nice to have" that I would use a couple times a year, but everything else is not working great.


Really wish they would prioritize their development time on better UI and better DVR functionality over cantrip apps that are useless.




@BeowolfJones wrote:

The "NEW" interface ? MEH !


1. The weather app and stock app load so sloooooooooooowly as be be almost worthless.

2. The Weather app has been gutted of almost everything that the old app had.  No sunrise, sunset time, no wind speed and direction, no ability to list other cities weather.







598 Messages

6 years ago

The "NEW" interface ? MEH !


1. The weather app and stock app load so sloooooooooooowly as be be almost worthless.

2. The Weather app has been gutted of almost everything that the old app had.  No sunrise, sunset time, no wind speed and direction, no ability to list other cities weather.






539 Messages

6 years ago

I would just prefer they fix the basic cable - TV - DVR components of their platform first, since that is what I'm subscribing to, before adding "apps", like sports, weather, stocks, etc..  Which are all readily available through from other sources.  (Or another 5 ways to find premium paid content.)


I'd prefer they didn't spend their resources deciding what weather source to use, or how to display it, or which sport stats to show, or anything like that, until they fix basic DVR funcitonality, cloud performance issues, and all of the major components of their service.


If everything worked fine with the rest of the platform, then by all means add whatever features you want.  But my opinion is that there are still a ton of issues that should be focused on before working on "apps".


I have a recording on my DVR from last night that for some reason is a "cloud" recording.  It is completely unwatchable, hangs every 3 to 5 seconds.  Why is this a "cloud" recording?   There was no service outage, my equipment was all turned on.  Fix that type of thing first... 




You bet we need easy way to get weather and whats wrong with that? Comcast took away the channel that had instant weather and radar which was a wonderful channel so many of us loved and then they gave us with a weather app. No radar but had pertinent info and all you had do was say 'weather' into the voice remote and it popped up instantly. Then came the UI change and now when you say 'weather' you could make and eat lunch before it launches and it doesn't even have the info it did before and the font is very small.

The weather channel is no longer a weather channel if thats what you might suggest we use. Its like Nat Geo now...interesting stuff  but not much real weather and almost zero local. Even 'weather on the 8s' is  almost invisible if it comes on at all. I want local weather and I want it when I want it and the old app did that except no radar.  Should I wait until the evening news to get my weather? I think not.





3.1K Messages

6 years ago

@BeowolfJones wrote:

The "NEW" interface ? MEH !


1. The weather app and stock app load so sloooooooooooowly as be be almost worthless.

2. The Weather app has been gutted of almost everything that the old app had.  No sunrise, sunset time, no wind speed and direction, no ability to list other cities weather.




I have hesitated to complain ( how unlike  about how dreadfully long it takes for the 'new' weather app to load so I am glad you did! 



3.1K Messages

6 years ago

@tctc wrote:

Do we really need weather and stocks on our TV?  I can access that info 10 other ways.  Sure, if everything else was working great, it might be a "nice to have" that I would use a couple times a year, but everything else is not working great.


Really wish they would prioritize their development time on better UI and better DVR functionality over cantrip apps that are useless.




@BeowolfJones wrote:

The "NEW" interface ? MEH !


1. The weather app and stock app load so sloooooooooooowly as be be almost worthless.

2. The Weather app has been gutted of almost everything that the old app had.  No sunrise, sunset time, no wind speed and direction, no ability to list other cities weather.







You bet we need easy way to get weather and whats wrong with that? Comcast took away the channel that had instant weather and radar which was a wonderful channel so many of us loved and then they gave us with a weather app. No radar but had pertinent info and all you had do was say 'weather' into the voice remote and it popped up instantly. Then came the UI change and now when you say 'weather' you could make and eat lunch before it launches and it doesn't even have the info it did before and the font is very small.

The weather channel is no longer a weather channel if thats what you might suggest we use. Its like Nat Geo now...interesting stuff  but not much real weather and almost zero local. Even 'weather on the 8s' is  almost invisible if it comes on at all. I want local weather and I want it when I want it and the old app did that except no radar.  Should I wait until the evening news to get my weather? I think not.



3.1K Messages

6 years ago

@tctc wrote:

I would just prefer they fix the basic cable - TV - DVR components of their platform first, since that is what I'm subscribing to, before adding "apps", like sports, weather, stocks, etc..  Which are all readily available through from other sources.  (Or another 5 ways to find premium paid content.)


I'd prefer they didn't spend their resources deciding what weather source to use, or how to display it, or which sport stats to show, or anything like that, until they fix basic DVR funcitonality, cloud performance issues, and all of the major components of their service.


If everything worked fine with the rest of the platform, then by all means add whatever features you want.  But my opinion is that there are still a ton of issues that should be focused on before working on "apps".


I have a recording on my DVR from last night that for some reason is a "cloud" recording.  It is completely unwatchable, hangs every 3 to 5 seconds.  Why is this a "cloud" recording?   There was no service outage, my equipment was all turned on.  Fix that type of thing first... 




You bet we need easy way to get weather and whats wrong with that? Comcast took away the channel that had instant weather and radar which was a wonderful channel so many of us loved and then they gave us with a weather app. No radar but had pertinent info and all you had do was say 'weather' into the voice remote and it popped up instantly. Then came the UI change and now when you say 'weather' you could make and eat lunch before it launches and it doesn't even have the info it did before and the font is very small.

The weather channel is no longer a weather channel if thats what you might suggest we use. Its like Nat Geo now...interesting stuff  but not much real weather and almost zero local. Even 'weather on the 8s' is  almost invisible if it comes on at all. I want local weather and I want it when I want it and the old app did that except no radar.  Should I wait until the evening news to get my weather? I think not.



I totally agree about basic functionality but some apps are  useful.  I want nothing to do with the cloud by the way. We record, watch on DVR on TV...thats as simple as it gets.  We sure don't ruin the eyesight we have left streaming on a tiny phone screen.  Speaking of apps...there are many apps that are drivel  and just fluff and certainly not for the general X1 user population in my opinion but some are extremely useful like the weather.  Where I live the weather has been more than challenging for over a year and I need up to date real time. By the time the diluted weather app loads the weather has changed!




539 Messages

6 years ago

I don't want anything to do with the cloud either, but we have no choice.  I didn't schedule my recording for the cloud, it just happens sometimes, then most times I end up with a recording that is poor quality and slow and won't respond to commands, usually unwatchable.  If you haven't ended up with a "cloud" recording yet you're lucky.


I would never trust comcast to provide the most accurate forecast or anyting close to real time weather.  I assume they contract with the cheapest source available, since they aren't willing to pay licensing for frame by frame advance, etc....


I totally agree about basic functionality but some apps are  useful.  I want nothing to do with the cloud by the way. We record, watch on DVR on TV...thats as simple as it gets.  We sure don't ruin the eyesight we have left streaming on a tiny phone screen.  Speaking of apps...there are many apps that are drivel  and just fluff and certainly not for the general X1 user population in my opinion but some are extremely useful like the weather.  Where I live the weather has been more than challenging for over a year and I need up to date real time. By the time the diluted weather app loads the weather has changed!



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