eastmoreland's profile



124 Messages

Sunday, October 3rd, 2021 6:15 PM


Smart Resume not working correctly

For the last week or so on my X1, the Smart Resume feature has started to resume too soon.  That is, when a commercial starts and I hit fast forward, the fast forwarding stops somewhere between 30 seconds and 90 seconds before the program starts playing again.  So I'm forced to watch at least one commercial before the program starts, unless I manually skip or fast-forward through them.

When I look at the blue and yellow bar indicating where the smart resume window is in the programming stream, it actually looks like the whole smart resume window is skewed about 30-90 seconds early.  That is, the yellow part starts before the commercials start, and the yellow part ends before the commercials end.

Anyone else notice this problem?  I haven't actually reported this to Xfinity Support, but I hope someone might be monitoring this and could address this if it is a general problem.



6 Messages

3 years ago

In Kent, Wa...  having same problem with smart resume.  Problem started a month or so ago.  From what I've read here, the problem is on older boxes.  (I've had mine for a number of years).  Anyway, hoping someone fixes it soon.  



3 Messages

3 years ago

Same problem Lake Oswego OR, no solution from xfinity. This may be final straw. < edit: https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/guidelines/xfinity-forum-guidelines/602da8fdc5375f08cd20b38c> 




32 Messages

@user_24efbe hang tight a few more days.  I'm in contact with Xfinity Executive Management and hope to have an answer soon.  I'll keep everyone posted.  A technician is coming out tomorrow to see the issue first hand at my location (Vancouver).  I'm convinced the cause is within the software that runs the X1 box.  I just have to meet them face to face to explain it and show examples.  Wish me luck.  As far as other services, I've had DISH in the past.  They were okay but not as good as Xfinity (when Xfinity is working properly).



124 Messages

@JP98683 Good luck.  But I've already been through that.  As I said earlier, the technician claimed it wasn't a box problem, it's a back-end problem.  But nothing has been done about it yet.



45 Messages


How about shutting off the feature for now and manually skipping through the commercials until they figure out the problem?



1 Message

Same problem here in Seattle, WA.  Have done all the troubleshooting steps, system restart, plug, unplug, etc.  All smart resume end 60-90 seconds too early on all recordings.



12 Messages

@Audiomixer It's more than the inconvenience of having to scroll through the commercials manually - that's bad enough, given the amount of money we pay not to have to do that. But every single one of my DVR recordings on every channel starts and ends too early. I CANNOT capture an entire show, from start to finish, in one recording. The Guide time associated with the programming is NOT sync'd with the DVR time displayed on the box - it varies from 30 seconds to a minute or too, and that's enough to cause a) the Smart Resume not to work right and b) the end of every show to be missing. It's maddening, if you care about seeing the entire show.



3 Messages

3 years ago

Same problem with mine. My recordings are even starting earlier than normal but cutting off the end. I did a test HD vs SD. Example CBS The HD channel is ahead of the SD channel about as long as the smart resume issue. Wonder if this is connected some how?

New Poster


2 Messages

3 years ago

Have the same issue here in Cheney WA. I have three boxes and they all are not in sync.



1 Message

3 years ago

I'm having the same problem in Shoreline, WA. It's frustrating! I'll keep my eye on this thread because I'm not thrilled at the idea of communicating with Comcast and having them waste my time trying lots of things that I already know won't fix the issue. Thanks for all your work on this, @JP98683!



32 Messages

@user_cea344 Thanks for your comments.  At this point it appears that Comcast is unable and/or unwilling to resolve the issue we're all having with Smart Resume.  I had a tech come out on Thursday after swapping out two separate boxes on my own to no avail.  He worked on my cabling for approximately two hours with no joy.  He finally stated that Smart Resume is working the way it's supposed too.  In other words, going forward we can expect a 20 to 40 second delay between the time Smart Resume ends and the next segment of the program we've recorded starts again.  It appears that someone high up in the chain of command made a unilateral decision to change the functionality of Smart Resume without communicating this fact to customers or to COMCAST EMPLOYEES!   I suspect the rationale of the person who made that decision was influenced by the sponsors who are paying for commercial air time.  They apparently feel they are not getting what they're paying for so they have applied pressure from their perspective.  I know it's not how things used to work but in today's world nothing stays the same for long.   Personally, I've clocked the time between Smart Resume stop and when the program begins again on several different programs.  In my case the average time between Smart Resume stop and program resume is approximately 30 seconds give or take a couple of seconds.  With this in mind, my workaround for the Smart Resume issue is to use Voice control and fast forward 30 seconds once Smart Resume stops.  This gets me pretty close to program resume.  The time interval may vary depending on where you are.  Use a timer or stop watch to determine the time interval within your particular case and fast forward that amount of time once Smart Resume stops.  Yes, it still may be a bit frustrating to have to do this but, to me, it's not as frustrating as having to sit through several commercials in a row.  To get past commercials I use voice command a lot during shows that don't have Smart Resume functionality.  Take for example the game show Jeopardy.  I've determined that the timing of the first commercial break is 2 minutes 20 seconds.  So, when the first break begins I fast forward that amount of time so I don't have to watch commercials and/or future show trailers.  Some would say that I watch too much television.  I guess that's true but it keeps me off the streets.  Best wishes to all who may view my comments.  I hope I've helped ease some of your frustrations. 

Regular Visitor


11 Messages

Thank you for your reply, I am sorry and mad they won't change it back.  My 3rd DVR is now having problem besides the Smart Resume so back to Xfinity I go.

Official Employee


800 Messages

I'm sorry to see that @thedf and the others on this thread are having such issues with Smart Resume. We definitely understand that it can be frustrating to have to sit through commercials!


As of yet, we do not know of any official issues and so we can certainly do some troubleshooting and open a ticket, if needed. If you would like for us to do so, so that this is noted in your account(s), please send us a direct message, using the following instructions:

(Full credit to @BruceW for this excellent explanation!) 

"Search for Xfinity Support" won't work. To send a "Direct Messaging" message to Xfinity Support:

 • Click "Sign In" if necessary

 • Click the "Direct Messaging" icon or https://comca.st/3GUqZqq

 • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

 • The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support" there

 •  - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list

 •  - An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

 • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

 • Press Enter to send it

See https://comca.st/3o2AM53 for an example.

I no longer work for Comcast.

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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124 Messages

@user_cea344 As @JP98683 mentioned, you can use voice control to skip ahead and avoid commercials.  You can also reprogram the PageUp button to perform a 30-second skip (by default it's set to 5 minutes).  To do this, press the exit button three times, and then enter the numbers “0030” on the keypad. You won't receive any confirmation of the change, but after that the PageUp button (up arrow) should skip 30 seconds forward, and the PageDn button (down arrow) should skip 15 seconds back.



32 Messages

Thanks for the tip @user_cea344   Just to update everyone, today (Sunday) I went to the local Xfinity office to exchange my X1; including my original DVR, this makes 4 different DVR's I've had over the past 2 months.   The original DVR did not have a Smart Resume issue; I had to swap it out because it would reboot intermittently throughout the day.  The reason for my exchange today was because on Saturday night my (then current) DVR started freezing every 3 to 5 minutes when I played a recording.  I tried viewing several different programs and it was freezing on all.  I tried a system refresh to no avail.  I suspect that perhaps the hard disk was corrupted. Low and behold, the latest DVR I installed works perfectly!  I no longer have a Smart Resume issue!  Therefore, it appears the information the tech who came out last Thursday provided about ALL DVR's now being programmed to stop Smart Resume 30 to 40 seconds before program restart was incorrect.  In addition, it appears that Xfinity upper management DID NOT arbitrarily change the software code to install a gap between the end of Smart Resume and the continuance of a recorded program.  Hopefully, this latest information will provide ammunition for those of you still having the problem to continue to seek resolution from Xfinity.  If an Xfinity employee reads this and wishes to discuss the issue further I'll be glad to provide more in-depth information regarding the software and firmware versions of my DVR that works correctly.  I thank everyone for taking the time to read my comments.  Hopefully, things will get better for all of us. 



12 Messages

3 years ago

All -

I contacted the Comcast corporate offices and complained in writing. I was subsequently contacted by a very nice lady who is the Case Manager, Executive Customer Relations. She e-mailed me and then phoned me. I explained the situation we're dealing with regarding the Smart Resume function and also the fact that all our DVR recordings are starting and ending early. She, in turn, spoke with people in Comcast Engineering. She called me back to say that they completely confirmed that this is a KNOWN problem and system error, and they are working to correct it. I don't know how this ties in with JP98683's report that a new DVR corrected the problem. However, the lady I spoke with also arranged for a technician to come to my house tonight and replace my DVR with a 4K box (again), and the technician isn't getting out of my house without at least witnessing the problem, if it still exists. I'll let you know if anything comes of the appointment tonight.



32 Messages

@user_92e336 and everyone else.  It seems I was a bit premature in saying the issue was resolved.  I updated everyone on Sunday night that the issue was resolved.  However, when I watched some of my recorded programs on Monday, the problem was back.  Apparently, when the daily system updates (in my case on Monday morning between 4 and 6 a.m.) were run the issue was introduced into the box I had installed the previous day.  I have again contacted Support via private message and advised them of the situation.  I haven't heard back from them yet.  At least they are admitting that it is a known issue.  Maybe if we keep pestering them they will give it some priority and resolve the issue once and for all.  Based on my experience and what I've heard from other users, this is definitely a coding issue.  I first noticed the issue back in September when I had my first box replaced due to it continually rebooting.  My original box did not have the Smart Resume issue but all subsequent boxes (I'm on my third replacement now) have exhibited the issue.  Thanks to everyone for their continued contributions in trying to get this frustrating issue resolved.  It should be a relatively simple fix if the right software engineer takes an in-depth look at the code.



42 Messages

I don't know the cause of this issue but I do believe it started with recordings from the new TV season.  Smart Resume was working for me and for my daughter at her house, miles away, until we each started watching the newer TV shows.  I had a bunch of them from last season that I've been watching all summer without issue.  New season, new problem.  I still think it has to do with selling the last commercial or two for more money than the others that truly get skipped with Smart Resume.



3 Messages


Question for you. Have you compared the HD channel with the SD Channel? I had to shut off the "Prefer Best Available Resolution" option. I've noticed it mostly does it on FOX CBS NBC ABC. If I go to the SD Channel of CBS it seems to be in actual time. But if I go to the HD Channel of CBS it's behind by 40 seconds? Does your service have this issue too? That almost seems like that's another main issue too. My DVR is starting eariler than normal and cutting off the very end of a show before the previews for the next episode even starts.



32 Messages

I haven't compared SD and HD channels but I believe what you're saying.  I have the same problem with recordings starting earlier and ending earlier in addition to the Smart Resume issue.  Apparently, Comcast now admits they have a problem but God only knows when (or if) it will every be fixed.  Comcast moves slower than the federal government in getting things done!  Good luck to us all!



1 Message

3 years ago

We are having the same issue. It has always worked well and just recently has been a problem. In fact the blue/yellow lines are not always lined up properly for show/commercials. 



124 Messages

3 years ago

I've been roughly tracking how much sooner the the Resume kicks in, and it seems to vary by network.  On the CW, the gap is only about 15 seconds, which is within acceptable range, I think.  On FOX, the gap is about 40 seconds, and on ABC the gap is about 50 seconds.  I don't have a recent CBS or NBC program to test, but I think they're both longer than the CW 15 seconds.



32 Messages

@eastmoreland I'm clocking about 30 to 40 seconds on CBS and NBC.  I've reset my page up and page down buttons to forward 30 seconds and 15 seconds respectively so I just automatically hit the page up button after smart resume stops.  This makes the situation tolerable but I'd still like Comcast to resolve the issue.  Thus far, they don't seem to be willing to check/adjust the software code.  At least now they are acknowledging there is an issue (something they didn't do in the past).  As I posted in a previous reply, they are slower than Congress in getting things done.  This issue has been going on for at least two months and maybe more.  I don't know if you're experiencing this other issue or not but a bunch of us also have to contend with recordings starting earlier than they should and, more frustratingly, ending before the show has completed.  I just keep hoping that SOMEONE at Comcast is listening.  I have an open ticket but there's been no progress for the past 3 days.



124 Messages

@JP98683 Yes, I have experienced the early start and early finish issue.  But it seems to me that the early finish is only a few seconds early.  Not that I would actually know, but it seems like I'm not really missing much of importance in the shows that I've been watching.  If it was bad, I'd go into settings and adjust the end time to be later on future recordings.



124 Messages

@JP98683 I'm clocking almost exactly 30 seconds on CBS, and about 40 seconds on NBC as well.

Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

3 years ago

I have the same exact problem and have found that if I try to fast-forward to my show, it will not do it.  It will go back to the commercial.  This is very irritating and needs to go away.



45 Messages


Or even much less annoying is to turn the [EDIT: LANGUAGE] Smart Resume off. :>) 


Frequent Visitor


8 Messages


That is exactly what I did - I turned Smart Resume off.  Good ridance since it was more trouble than it was worth.  Maybe some day they will fix it so that when you click on "Smart Resume", it will stop at the end of the commercial with the recorded problem starting right up.  This is what it really should do anyway.



1 Message

3 years ago

Will Xfinity send a message to users when this issue has been resolved?



106 Messages

Regular Visitor


11 Messages

I exchanged my box again for the 4th time and for 3 shows it has been working.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  



1 Message

3 years ago

Yes, we have been noticing this issue too!



2 Messages

3 years ago

Smart Resume is out of sync on every recording I save to my DVR. It is uniformly 45 seconds behind, is there a fix for this?

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to our community forum about your Smart Resume not working, @TnJ1221! I definitely want to make sure you're able to skip through the entire commercial when you're watching your recordings.

Please send a direct message by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. Please include your name and address and I'll be happy to help :). 

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
We ask that you post publicly so people with similar questions may benefit from the conversation.
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6 Messages

I tried sending a direct message to xfinity support and was chastised for doing so (something about not being invited according to community rules???).  Whatever...   There was no happiness to help there.  



3 Messages

3 years ago

Again, as far as I can tell xfinity does not care about this problem. Any recommendations for other TV services would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

New Poster


4 Messages

3 years ago

I am and have been having the same Smart Resume issues on my 4K DVR. I did have the box replaced twice (per Xfinity recommendation) and have noticed one thing. When the new box is installed, all previously saved recordings that have the yellow bars during playback, work perfectly. All new recordings work per everyone's description... the playback fails with offset yellow bars. 



60 Messages

3 years ago

Putting in here that I have this same issue with 4K DVR. Located in Bothell, WA. Definitely a software change a month or so ago did this. Was thinking it was maybe done on purpose so more commercials are seen. Don’t really want to take the time to have technician out or replace equipment until it is clear what the fix is. Just wanting to add my voice to this issue too.

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