Saturday, March 30th, 2024 9:17 PM


Remote won't stay paired

Old box stopped working so I got a new box and remote. It paired up easily the first time but now, anytime I turn the tv off it unpairs and I need to go through the entire process again. I have plugged/unplugged, etc. but no result. Now what?

Official Employee


688 Messages

10 months ago

Good afternoon @user_0oqguj. Are you still losing the connection with your remote? 

2 Messages

Yes. I need to re-pair every time I turn on the tv

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

Sounds like you may just need a new remote. If you're close to an Xfinity Store you can get it swapped out for a new one. If not, I'd be happy to have one shipped out to you. 

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