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Saturday, December 18th, 2021 2:57 AM


Live sports

I record every Golden State Warriors game.  When ESPN has a national game, my X1 apparently prioritizes ESPN over the local CSN channel.  Then the ESPN game gets blacked out (due to local rights), the CSN channel does not record, and I'm left with no Warriors game.

How can I fix this?  How do I set a priority channel for recordings?  Is there a solution to this live sports issue?

(Live sports recordings are one of the main reasons I still have cable.  Help please.)

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933 Messages

3 years ago

Hi @J_W_R, thank you for reaching out. I know how important it is to record every Golden State Warriors game! Getting those blackout messages can be very frustrating. You can change and customize the prioritize recordings from your DVR. If there's a scheduling conflict, the recording with the highest priority is recorded. Here’s how to update your selection!


Select Saved on the Main Menu.

Highlight Scheduled, then select Series Priority from the bar at the top.

You'll see the Series Priority screen.

Select the series you want to change the priority of by scrolling down to the program, then press the OK button on your remote. Your selection will turn blue.

Use the up or down arrow buttons to change the priority of the program, then press the OK button on your remote. Your selection will turn white.

Scroll back up and select Confirm to save your changes.

You'll see a confirmation screen.



2 Messages


  How does your answer fix the problem? I am "following the Warriors" so on my Priority List is simply says "Golden State Warriors". I moved that to the top of my Priority List, but I don't think it solves the problem of ESPN local blackouts. I don't get to view that amazing Warriors/Celtic game either because I didn't know about the blackout ahead of time. How do I tell the tv to record CSN when ESPN blacks out our game????

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292 Messages

Great question, since even we have a limitation on the blackout content as it is 100% controlled by the owner of the content. Sports teams and leagues (or schools and conferences) prohibit certain games from being seen on certain channels due to ticket sales or games being carried on other channels. The catch is that a blackout can be decided on the fly, due to the aforementioned reasons.


To find out what channel a particular game is going to be on or when and where to catch coverage of your favorite team, we recommend that you check the local listings on your on-screen guide or visit team, league, school, and conference websites for the most up-to-date information (weather and post-season scheduling can change frequently). Or you can simply say “Sports” into your Xfinity Voice Remote to go to the X1 Sports app. While it isn't a guarantee, it looks like the sports app should offer some help on narrowing down which channels to schedule their recordings on for certain games in the season


As there is no real way for us to tell the DVR to record the games on CSN if ESPN is under blackout without checking the schedule in advance it can be a bit difficult, but that is definitely something that we can pass along as feedback to make the DVR more intuitive. 


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Thanks for being thorough with your answer and for passing it along as a problem that can hopefully be solved by Comcast in the future.

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292 Messages

I really like this idea and look forward to seeing if this is a feature we can possibly add in the future. Please don’t hesitate to reach back out to us by creating a new post if you need assistance our forums have awesome experts and specialists available 24/7. Happy Holidays!

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85 Messages

I believe that when you set a series recording up, you can set it on either "HD Preferred" or set a specific channel. so, try deleting the warriors as a favorite, and set up the recordings by selecting an upcoming game,  select all warriors, and using the CSN channel only option vs. HD preferred, see if that works.



1 Message

3 years ago

Same exact frustration. I also feel like ESPN deliberately makes their games have playback issues too

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2 Messages

3 years ago

I am having that same problem as well, multiple times. Set up the recording for local Sportsnet Bay Area and the Comcast Guide shows Golden State Warriors vs Chicago Bulls on ESPN. My x1 DVR overrides the local broadcast and records ESPN (for example tonight’s Heading says: Golden State Warriors vs Chicago Bulls) and the pre-game show is recorded but the actual broadcast is a college basketball game or something else. Same thing happens on TNT and ABC. Either Comcast or these other stations need to correct the Comcast guide because someone obviously knows the national broadcast of the game will be blacked out here locally. Common sense would say if there is a local broadcast and a national broadcast at the same time, the local broadcast should override national because local broadcasts are rarely blacked out if ever. Generally if there actually is a national broadcast the local station doesn’t even list it. Someone just needs to look at why the ESPN, TNT, ABC listing is showing in a local area they obviously know is going to be blacked out


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Great question! Thank you reaching out, @usermannysa22. Let's dive in on what is causing this hiccup in the recording.

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

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• Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

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