2 Messages
DVR Recording cutting off early.
I have read the forum. Do I have to go in to every program scheduled and change start/stop times? This is ridiculous. This is an Xfinity issue and should be fixed with one adjustment to the timing.
Official Employee
2.2K Messages
3 years ago
Hello @user_cf317c! Are the DVR recordings cutting off early on everything you record or just one recording? What steps have you tried to resolve this issue?
7 Messages
3 years ago
Dvr recordings end at least a minute early. I’m tired of not seeing ends if my shows because of this. I’ve adjusted recording that are back to back but for standalone shows I hardly ever see an ending. Please advise. This has been going on for quite some time.
1 Message
3 years ago
This problem started on our DVR just over a month ago. I've adjusted programs, but it still persists. Please fix the timer on the DVR.
3 Messages
3 years ago
I agree with user_c309ae, this is a service problem and needs to be addresses by xfinity. The recordings start early and end early. We too have been having this problem for several months. I refreshed X1 DVR but it didn't correct the problem. In addition to the problem of ending too soon we also have a problem with the smart resume. Some shows are indexed for the commercials and if I fast forward through them, the smart resume stops to early and we end up watching several commercials. If I press fast forward too soon, to get past the commercial and to the show, the commercial will loop back and start over again.
I'm hoping that with daylight savings time next weekend Comcast will reset the clock correctly and the problem will go away but I'm not holding my breath.
2 Messages
3 years ago
I originally inquired about this issue months ago, went in for each of the programs and changed start and end times as instructed. It’s ridiculous that Xfinity expects it’s customers to do this when the issue is with their clock. Needless to say I’m back to having to do everything again because the clock is once again off and cutting off programs. I pay a lot of money for Xfinity every month and expect that they would take better care of their customers.
7 Messages
3 years ago
Xfinity support.... I see other customers are having issues with your work around. I am still frustrated that the burden of this relies on the customer. I have DirecTV - who has quite a few issues themselves, at a second house and do not have the start stop issues on recordings....and in fact, they have a universal offset should I want all recordings to start or stop early rather than each individual program. With the broadcast shows squeezing in every bit of commercial time, the end of the shows are cut off a minute early and you miss the ending. If you don't happen to be recording the next show, you have no way to get the ending... unless, in many cases with each streaming service, I have to watch a show from end to end because there is no fast forward allowed. So it is back to the original request - please fix this problem on YOUR end and not make the customer the work around. It used to work just fine - now not at all. I will reiterate what a couple of other customers have said - I pay a (Edited: Due to Grammar) lot of money to Xfinity and am starting to question why I am getting poor support.
BTW, I am still curious why you reboot my system each night in the wee hours of the morning- what value am I getting from that action. I'm guessing not much since you don't play it up as a wonderful feature of your network. I wonder if you are uploading usage data during this time so you can sell my data to your third party providers?
(Edited: Due to Grammar)
1 Message
3 years ago
What a joke! How does the DVR work fine and suddenly now it cuts off all shows before the shows end. And yes shows are running on the hour. How does the DVR not know the hour/show run time? It resets each night but still suddenly doesn’t work? This just started for us and we have never had the issue before. Fix your tech! I will expect a credit for each month the DVR does not work properly!
3 Messages
3 years ago
I posted earlier about this problem. I originally thought that with the change in daylight savings time that the problem would be solved. NO SUCH LUCK. Our DVR worked great for a long time until afew months ago. This appears to the same for alot of other customers. If this isn't happening with all Xfinity customers then perhaps it's a problem with only certain manufactured lot of DVR's and we as customers should START REQUESTING A REPLACEMENT. We as customers should not have to add time to each and every recording that we schedule.
1 Message
3 years ago
I am having the same issues with recordings cutting off early and missing the end of the show! Please advise
<edit personal information>
1 Message
3 years ago
Because the DVR run over on all programs, the recordings for the next hour say will not record due to conflict. Not acceptable for the amount of money we are paying.
135 Messages
3 years ago
We are having the same issue
All recordings are starting early and ending early all channels. To get the complete show the recording we have to extend the recordings by 3 minutes. . The additional 3 sometimes causes shows not to be recorded. If we want to record 4 shows in one time slot and there is a show recording in the previous time we only get 3.
This has been happening for over 7 months. Two techs have come out got a new box and still have the issue. Done the chat multiple times. Still no fix. I have chatted many times to get this fixed and have not gotten anywhere. The last one told me that I need to buy DVR cloud service for ten bucks a month.
I saw elsewhere that its a system issue and they are working on it. That was 5 months ago.
135 Messages
3 years ago
I did the upgrade it didn’t fix the issue. Waiting on a call from the advanced team. Very frustrating.
3 Messages
3 years ago
I am sure at this point there is no “fix” for this problem! I am still waiting for a return call, placed 2 weeks ago, that was “expedited “ to the tech supervisor or whatever, and have not received!!!! Very disappointed but is good to know I am not the only one with this problem! Still believe there is no “fix”…….
135 Messages
3 years ago
just got of the phone with the support and I asked what is being done for all the other customers that are having this issue. She said that not aware of other customers having this issue. they are telling me that my signal to noise ratio is not right. Even though that 2 techs that were here said everything is fine here. I am sure that this is system issue at Xfinty. they just don't want to one up to it. Seven months we have had this issue.
36 Messages
3 years ago
We have the same problem and last night I realized something that is really odd. Watching a show on the DVR, it cut off the last 30-ish seconds. But when it stopped, the little timer bar on the bottom still said 0:26. I opened the show on the streaming app and it played out to the end. So the recording itself wasn’t cut off, just the DVR playback stopped early. I looked at a few other shows and it was the same for them. Cut off early on the DVR but played through to the end on the streaming app.