17 Messages
DVR % FULL ...
A couple of days ago, I upgraded my X1 DVR from 150 hours to 300 hours for $10.79 x month more. The % before the upgrade was 54% full. After the upgrade it said correctly 27% full. All correct so I set a lot of stuff to record since I have more room.
Last night when I went to RECORDINGS it said 46% full. What??? I counted the hours recorded on the DVR and there was only 87 hours. 46% full would probably be correct for 150 hours but is not correct for my upgrade to 300 hours. Under SCHEDULED recordings it says I have 138 set to record. What's going on????
17 Messages
3 years ago
Xfinity support people ???
17 Messages
3 years ago
That's too much for me and too complicated. Can't you just post the answer here? I know this affects others because I've seen it posted before. But when you request private discussions, no one gets the answers.
I've got the bad feeling that Xfinity is not only counting what I actually have recorded, but FUTURE RECORDINGS. That's unacceptable to me. I've had a satellite service for 22 years and a 1 TB hard drive and when it says it's 53% full that's the info I need and can count on. It's 53% full. FUTURE recordings are irrelevant to me. "I" manage my allotted space. I've never had anything overwritten because I've reached 100% on the 1 TB hard drive. If they counted actual and future recordings I'd have no idea how much space is really left because I record and watch many shows on the same day.
Is the answer to my question that you all are counting both what's actually recorded and future recordings? God, I hope not. But please respond.
17 Messages
3 years ago
I'm asking only one generic question.
How is the % FULL calculated?
17 Messages
3 years ago
I really appreciate you trying to give me an answer that I'll understand and your patience. Maybe today isn't a good day for my brain.
Are you saying 53% FULL means 53% FULL of only the 150 hours in the CLOUD? Then I have what's on my local DVR also?
In my brain I'm thinking I have 150 Hours Storage on my local DVR Hard Drive then I PURCHASED another 150 Hours Storage which is in the Cloud.
So I guess if that's not right I still don't understand the calculations. Sorry to be a pest but ... I really need to understand where my 300 hours are.
17 Messages
3 years ago
I restarted my X1 Box and nothing changed. For 300 hours that I payed extra for, the % FULL is way too high. Because of this inaccuracy I'm sure it will start DELETING stuff soon as the (false) % climbs.
17 Messages
3 years ago
OK, I've been experimenting all weekend to try to find the answers myself to the DVR % FULL problem. I have (allegedly):
150 Hours (X1 Box DVR)
150 Hours (Cloud DVR) .. For which I'm paying an additional $10.79 x month.
So, I've been recording a LOT to figure this out and here are the results.
At one point yesterday the DVR (X1 Box and Xfinity Remote App) both said the DVR was 100% FULL (with a bright red line preceding it) "NO SPACE"/DELETE TO RECORD".
But it kept on recording anyway and that's because when I read the % FULL on the Xfinity Stream App, it more correctly said 50% FULL.
50% full was not correct either because I added up the hours, but it was much closer.
So, this morning (Sunday) I wake up and check the X1 DVR.
X1 DVR said 81% FULL (this time with a yellow line preceding it vs red). I don't know how it went "down" overnight, but anyway ...
The Xfinity Stream App said 55% FULL
I added up all the hours recorded and it was about 156 Hours total. Given I am paying for "300 Hours" the Xfinity Stream app is closer. But I why should I have to sign on to that app to get a CORRECT reading? The X1 Box should be the accurate. I record a LOT so this issue is important to me.
This is totally unacceptable! Please explain ...
P.S. Don't tell me to RESTART the box (like in a previous response) because I did, several times.
17 Messages
3 years ago
A non-response is OK because this morning I cancelled my Xfinity TV Service. Your DVR "upgrade" doesn't work right AND because I can't PAUSE LIVE TV on the Xfinity Stream app I signed up for Directv Stream.
1 Message
3 years ago
This may have nothing to do with your problem but what I just found is: Go to recordings - saved and the 2nd line on the screen there is an option of viewing recordings under a specific room (ours is living room) OR you can view all the recordings on ALL DEVICES. I clicked on ALL devices and voila - that is where all my mystery recordings that were taking up all the space were. I deleted all of these and now I have 100% of my DVR available for recordings.
1 Message
3 years ago
When I went to bed last night my dvr showed as being less than 60% full. I recorded a few items overnight, not much, and when I checked the next morning the dvr was 100% full. How in the world did this happen. I have not changed my service. I had to replace the dvr last year due to technical problems with it. I have gradually increased the amount of recordings but jumping from the 50's to 100% overnight is ridiculous. I have less recordings now than I did on the old dvr. And I had an option at the bottom of the recordings to upgrade my storage. I don't know how much this would cost but I pay too much now for service.