Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 6:26 PM

Do streaming apps use Wifi or X1 box?

Trying to figure out how streaming apps work in the X1 environment. Does the stream come through the X1 coax to the box out the HDMI cable to the TV or does the streaming app communicate directly with the TV via Wifi? 

  1. Select a streaming app from the X1 remote: In this case, I am connected to "Comcast HDMI" viewing cable (and live TV). I now want to watch something on, say, Hulu. So I the click the Xfinity button on the remote and then select the streaming app.
  2. Select a streaming app from the smart TV menu: After powering on the TV instead of connecting to "Comcast HDMI" I select a streaming app from the smart TV menu, say Apple TV. 

I'm trying to get a handle on why some of the streaming apps are painfully slow (here's looking at you Paramount+ and Prime) while others (Netflix, Hulu, Peacock, primarily) work just fine. If Wifi, I can sort of understand because even though I am paying for gigabyte speed, my Wifi speeds are pathetic. (Sometimes sub-100 Mbps to at best around 300 Mbps as measured by Xfinity speed test and Ookla, including standing right next to the gateway with a tablet.) Of course, on my ethernet connected Mac, I get 900+ Mbps so no issues there. Is the solution simply to connect the TV to the gateway (ethernet)? Just not sure why some streaming apps are so very slow or unusable while others are fine.

Problem Solver


471 Messages

1 month ago

Your Smart TV apps have nothing to do with X1.  They use whatever WiFi platform you have in your house, just like apps on your phone, PC, or tablet. 

I do not believe 3rd party apps through X1 have anything to do with WiFi.  But, I think they do use internet access though the Xfinity gateway.  I have not seen an answer to this here when it's come up before.  But, I know that my X1 boxes know about my WiFi network name and password even though I have the gateway in bridge mode and use my own router.  There's no way to login to the WiFi network from the X1 platform. 


11 Messages

Okay; thank you. That confirms my suspicions - that the Wifi speed or lack thereof is what is affecting the performance of at least some of the streaming apps, not the cable box.

Problem Solver


471 Messages

1 month ago

@user_b028d5  Not quite what I posted.  Not WiFi itself, altough it might be internet access through the gateway.  That's only speculation on my part since Xfinity doesn't have an explanation of how access to 3rd party apps happens.

11 Messages

Okay. Maybe I can test this using my other smart TV, which is currently hooked up to an Apple 4k TV box using ethernet. I'll try the Wifi side to compare. With ethernet, and the Apple 4k TV box, all of the streaming apps are blazingly fast, including Paramount+ and Prime.

Official Employee


2.9K Messages

@user_b028d5 Yes, Xfinity Streaming and streaming apps primarily uses WiFi to access content which is why your bandwidth is affected. While connected to ethernet your internet speeds are also affected so I would keep this in mind while you are testing. 


I wanted to make sure you are aware that any time you need to troubleshoot our Xfinity app can assist you step by step. It is not just to pay your bill or to get notifications about interruptions. To learn how to troubleshoot in the future you can follow the link: https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/using-xfinity-app. Honestly, it is the best app to date that we offer and super easy to use for all of your account needs!


If you have our Gateway you can test the speeds to the Gateway using the Xfinity app (https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/test-speed-to-gateway-xfinity-app) 

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11 Messages

Are you saying that Xfinity streaming apps are always going to use WiFi? So if I plug an ethernet cable in to the back of my smart TV, and turn off WiFi in the smart TV settings, that the "native" apps (i.e., those shown on the smart TV "home" screen) will use the (fast) ethernet connection while the Xfinity streaming apps will continue to use (much slower) WiFi connection? 

Official Employee


2.9K Messages

Your TV apps are not controlled with the box. The apps will all use data for your internet package. @user_b028d5

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11 Messages

I understand about the smart TV apps. They'll use whatever internet connection is specified in the TV's network settings.

It sounds like the Xfinity streaming apps not only go through the box (I'm guessing handshaking, getting a connection, whatever) but also (only?) use WiFi for the actual streaming.

Edited to add after reading the last post, below ... Or are you saying that the Xfinity streaming apps only go through the cable box and its coax?


Problem Solver


471 Messages

1 month ago

@XfinityDena  Thanks.  The Xfinity support note about X1 apps says you have to have Xfinity Internet, but makes no mention of WiFi.  It sounds like it may simply use the gateway to access streaming apps.  I use a Netgear router with my B7 gateway in bridge mode and I've never seen any sign of Xfinity using my WiFi network. 

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hey @BIslander. To help clarify a few things, in order to use the X1 apps(ie Netflix, Amazon Prime, MAX, Pandora, and more) the Xfinity account would need to have an active Xfinity Internet subscription. As the Xfinity accounts equipment are linked and authorized, the X1 set-top box has an internal modem that is able to verify that there is an active Xfinity Internet subscription to provide access to the built-in X1 Apps. Essentially, if the cable modem that provides the home Internet went down, but the set-top box was still working, you would still be able to access the apps as it has its own internal modem and able to see an active subscription on the account. Has nothing to do with the wireless network unless you are using streaming apps on a third-party device like a smart TV and the wireless connection to provide that device an Internet connection. I hope that makes sense. 

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471 Messages

1 month ago

@XfinityDemitrius  Ah, thanks.  That clarifies a lot.  There have been more than a few references to X1 apps using WiFi.  So, the X1 box has an internal cable modem and the apps work as long as you have an Xfinity Internet subscription even if there's no WiFi and even if the your gateway is down.  


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You are most welcome, @BIslander I'm happy to hear that we were able to get your questions answered. Are there any other service or account concerns I can assist you with today?-Richard

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