Thursday, October 31st, 2024 5:04 AM

Bring back more than one year DVR recordings

It’s so frustrating and irritating that you  can no longer keep recordings longer than one year. I had a bunch of College football games that my dad had recorded before he passed away, Some we had watched together and now they are all gone. It was comforting to be able to go back and watch them sometimes. Comcast, it’s like we pay more and more but get less.  

Official Employee


2K Messages

4 months ago

Hi there @user_5zgb08! Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to Xfinity Support.  We are so glad to hear from you and want to help in any way that we can to ensure you are having the best experience with your service.  Can you tell me what your DVR settings are?  You should be able to keep recordings more than a year but if your settings are set to delete things to make room for new recordings, that could be the reason content is being deleted. 

1 Message

3 months ago

I am also extremely upset that my recordings get deleted after a year.  I have movies that are rarely shown that I enjoy watching over again, and I save movies which I want to show to others.  Whatever my reasons, I pay a lot of money for my service, and one of the reasons I'm willing despite advice to change to the much cheaper options is precisely because I prefer to record movies and shows and watch them when I want to watch them.  I don't do streaming because I don't want to worry about when it's no longer going to be shown. I have been a Comcast customer several times and the best part was unlimited recording space and time to keep recordings.  I have things recorded that are no longer available ... and I do not accept that there is no way to keep recordings for longer than a year.  Technology changes and improves faster than ever, but Xfinity is not demonstrating improved technology.  You are not moving forward, you are moving backward, offering less and less.  
I have been told that there is no way to keep my recordings longer than a year, but twice I have seen Xfinity write back to people implying that there is a way to keep them until space is needed.  But then other times Xfinity says that there is no way.  If I set my DVR recordings to when space is needed, and I make sure that I never need extra space, will my recordings stay longer than a year?  I was told no, but others imply yes.  I'm tired of this, and I'm tired of trying to understand how to get movies off my DVR and put them on another device that isn't so rude as to decide they can delete what I'm paying for.  It took me a long time of searching weekly through all programming on many many channels to build up the library that I have, and I resent paying nearly $200 a month only to have you removing things which I believe I should be able to keep for as long as I have your service.  Another cable company is moving in and my condo association has a contract with them.  I can choose to stay with Comcast, but I need to know, once and for all, if I can keep my amazing library of classic movies, rarely shown movies, favorite movies and series ... or am I going to just rip off the bandaid and terminate service, lose all my recordings at once when I switch to a different company that hopefully won't steal all my hard work and my valuable collection.  

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

Thank you for reaching out to us @user_vytdqo! We'd regret seeing you go! I completely understand wanting to hold on to favorite shows and movies you enjoy watching. At this time, the DVR automatically erases programs when space is needed. It will delete the oldest recordings first. You can change the recording option to save For 1 Year. If your DVR storage is full of marked For 1 Year recordings, you have to delete a recording to record a new one. For more information on our current DVR recording options, we have this dedicated article here

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1 Message

Your official responses are misleading. The truth is that with newer boxes you can't keep any recordings over a year but they can be deleted sooner than that. The oldest recordings are deleted to make space if you go over 100% capacity no matter when that happens.

I found this thread because I had to get a new box last year and because it was an older box it let you keep recordings as long as you wanted as long as you didn't go over capacity. Many of the recordings are saved on the box itself (not the cloud) so what's it to Comcast if you keep them longer than a year? This is why I don't understand why the new boxes don't let you keep them longer. We pay enough money for this service we should get to keep recordings longer than a year. I'm going to have to say goodbye to my Julia Child shows thanks to this policy and I don't want to do that because I often watch them over again. Please consider changing this policy.



46 Messages

2 months ago

It's because they want you to have to pay for them.  I had all of the Christmas favorites saved.  It deleted them and says I have to pay for them now.  

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