Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 8:50 PM

I have been completely ripped off by Xfinity. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

I have never been so ripped off in my entire life by a company that I have been a customer of for so many years.  I would like to know if anyone else has had a similar experience.

Back in September, I started a live chat asking how I might reduce my bill.  I was told by the chat rep that if I switched my phone back to Xfinity, I would get significant savings, including a reduction in my overall bill, and increased internet speed (from 500 to 800.). I took notes, and screenshots of the chat.  Since I was unable to switch my service on that day, I said that I would call back.

When I called back, I got a representative who told me that I would be receiving SO many benefits and a reduction in my bill for switching my phone service.  At the time, I was part of a family plan on T-Mobile.  I was told that I needed to call T-Mobile to unlock my phone and get a transfer pin.  When I called T-Mobile to do this, I was informed that I owed $617 on my phone (the hardware) - that would need to be paid off before they'd unlock it.

When I called Xfinity back, I was told 'NO PROBLEM!' -- and then began the lies and deception.  The rep that I was speaking with told me the following, 'We can only pay $500 towards your phone.  So if you call and pay the $117 off, we'll contact T-Mobile and pay off the rest.'  Okayyyyy?  So I called and put the $117 on my credit card.  When I called back, I was told 'Oh - that representative was incorrect.  They'll be in trouble for this.  But you have reached the right person!  I will make all of this right.'  THIS rep proceeded to tell me that if I would call T-Mobile and pay the remaining $500 off, that they would FINANCE that $500 in 10 monthly credits of $50.  My bill for internet and cable would be reduced to $201.33/mo, AND I would get the increased 500 to 800 internet speed.  Okay. So, I call T-Mobile back, buy the phone with that $500 payment, and the rep CALLS ME BACK the next day.  I have the transfer pin now, but it's a Friday night at this point.  So, I go over the whole offer again - $201.33/mo for internet and cable for 24 months, increased internet speed, the $50 for 10 months credit, and a $30/mo phone payment.  She confirms all of this.  But then I ask her about any interruption in phone service if we do the transfer now, and she says, 'Why don't we wait until Monday, since the transfer will take a while?  I'll call you on Monday.

Monday comes - no call.  So, I call back.  THIS rep says that they have ALL of the notes, and that THEY are the best person to do all of this.  I again go over all of the details, and they 'find it all in the notes.'  We do the phone transfer.

SO... Guess what?  I've now paid $617 to 'own' my phone - and NO DISCOUNTS.  I checked my bill two days ago - no change in my internet/cable bill.  SO I CALL AGAIN.  THIS rep, 'Nora', says that SHE is the right person to fix all of this!  She is so sorry.  The same thing has happened to her in the past.  BUT SHE WILL FIX IT!  She 'talks to her supervisor and opens a report.'  She 'will call me back.'  NO CALL.  At THIS point, I take all of my notes and info and DRIVE TO THE NEAREST XFINITY Store.  The manager that I speak to, Andrew, is SO sorry.  He tells me that the outsourced reps that Xfinity uses will do WHATEVER THEY CAN to get people to switch service.  He says that they will look into it.  But guess what?  The $500 promotion has ended.  Not only that, but I did not receive a 'link' to submit my T-Mobile bill to get that credit.  They will review the records, and see what they can do.

BUT WAIT -- THERE'S MORE!  On the way home, I get a call from ANOTHER rep, because they received a '0' rating from me on the automated 'How did we do?' text that I received after my call with 'Nora.'  THIS guy tells me that he's with the cable/internet side of the business, and that there is NOTHING that they can do.  Why?  Because apparently I DIDN'T INFORM THAT DEPARTMENT THAT I WAS SWITCHING MY PHONE LINE OVER BEFORE I DID IT.  Thus, no discount.  I say, 'but clearly this can be retroactive - you can SEE that I've switched my cell phone to Xfinity!'  Nope.  No discount.  No increased internet speed.

The icing on the cake?  Andrew called me back yesterday.  HIS supervisor reviewed the call logs, and there was 'no mention of a $500 credit.'  WHAT?!?!?  I say, 'WHY would I have switched my cell phone service and paid over $600 to purchase my phone for nothing?!?!'  He doesn't know.  He is sorry.  THE END.

My understanding of this whole situation is that:

1.  Xfinity doesn't care about their customers (I am a 'GOLD' customer, whatever that means.'

2.  Their outsourcing of customer service means that they have reps who will do ANYTHING to make a sale, with no consequences for lying.

3.  The onus is on the CUSTOMER to make sure that they receive the right links, in the right order, to receive discounts.  If not?  TOO BAD.  

Before anyone tells me that I am a naive idiot (and I DO feel like one now!) - I am a small business owner, a pretty savvy financial manager, and I am NOT one to be taken in by scams.  However - I have been a customer of Xfinity forever, and I have ALWAYS changed my service, gotten discounts, and generally transacted my business with them by phone.  There was NO reason for me to doubt them, since I have always received decent customer service via phone in the past.  I have screenshots of the lengthy phone conversations that I had with these 'qualified' reps.  But unfortunately,  I have no access to the transcripts.  And, since I left T-Mobile, and had these conversations on T-Mobile before my switch, I have been informed that my phone history has been deleted.

This would be easy for Xfinity to make right, but they are not interested in helping me at this point.  BUYER BEWARE.  

If anyone has been similarly duped, please comment.  I am a publicist, and will be telling my story.  I will also be reaching out to T-Mobile - I think they'll be very interested in hearing about how their competitor conducts business.  THANKS! 



177 Messages

2 days ago

You need to go to the FCC and the BBB… you have the screenshots and they can get the transcripts! I have said this on this forum more times than I care to count… never believe the representatives! Unless it's on the website, it's not a real deal. 


Official Employee


1.3K Messages

14 hours ago

Hey @user_mxfyzi, Thank you for visiting our official Xfinity Forums Community support page. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience regarding the Xfinity Mobile interaction and experience. I would be more than happy to offer my assistance looking into this further for you.


We do have limited support for Xfinity Mobile account, billing, and phone plans. I would highly recommend calling one of our Xfinity Mobile experts by calling 1(888) 936-4968 to escalate your issue. 


I am a little familiar with the plan and promotion you are referencing, but one of our Xfinity Mobile experts would need to go over the details and eligibility for the Xfinity Device Plan Payout deal. This deal would require a few additional steps such as submitting bills, trading in your devices, and more. If the promotion has expired, it may not be possible to get the promotion applied.

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