

8 Messages

Saturday, July 8th, 2023 9:28 PM


[Edited] Xfinity & Xfinity Mobile

I tried to lower my bill in late May and it has been nothing but a nightmare. I was sent equipment that had someone else's recordings on it and they continue to show up. I was promised the same level of service I had before but my DVR storage space was cut to 20 hours instead of 150 so I lost an enormous amount of recorded material -- yet I still continue to get scheduled recordings for whoever had my X1 box before me. I was given a lower rate for TV and cable if I agreed to accept an Xfinity mobile phone “at no charge” to replace my free Xfinity landline. I did this but was never instructed, asked nor told that there would be a $15 a month charge for the service, effectively erasing any savings I was getting with new plan. I have spent at least 18 hours on chat and phone calls trying to straighten all this mess out. I've been cut off. I have been handed off to people that didn't answer. I have spent hours upon hours trying to get to the bottom of this -- one customer service rep told me I should've been informed that there would be a monthly charge for the phone. I was not. All the email materials I received afterward never mentioned a fee for the mobile service and I read through everything before I signed. I asked multiple times that the mobile  customer service reps supply me with proof that I had agreed to this arrangement, they could not. In addition Xfinity created an Xfinity mobile account for us, and put our credit card on there for auto pay, none of which we agreed to. When I called about canceling the mobile I was told there would be a $200 charge for early termination plus an unknown restocking fee. I was told I could get the landline restored but no straight answer as to cost for that or how long it would take. 
They also set up my new contract for auto pay, which I did not ask for.  I will be filing a formal complaint with the FCC, the Better Business Bureau, and the Washington state attorney generals office.

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1 year ago

@user_b41c49 Thank you for reaching out on the Xfinity Community Forums. I am happy to look into the account for you and assist you with your account. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

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I have already been contacted by corporate. 



1 Message


Hello Janelle

I have had the exact same experience, promised all kinds of discounts for switching to X Mobile and in fact my rate went up when the unbundled my plan and cut my DVR service in half!!   After multiple calls and hours on hold, I was told by a rep in Indonesia that my Xfinity mobile account would be closed after I returned the phone, after more calls I finally got a FedEx return label and sent the phone back, it was received at Xfinity on 7 July.  

Now on 2 Aug, I get a statement from Xfinity Mobile for monthly service and it shows that I still have the phone.

I don't want Xfinity Mobile, Nor do I want my land line back, but I want this mess fixed, and I want the DVR Service I had before.

Can you please help me?

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

We are glad to help get things squared away for you today @user_b41c49.  You have reached out to the right team to get this taken care of.  Please feel free to shoot us a private message so that we can get started.  

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1 year ago

Great to hear you are working with corporate. If you need anything in the future please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to assist you. Have a good evening. 



8 Messages


After many many conversations with agents and supervisors (10 hours worth so far), I think I’ve narrowed down what the problem is. I was offered a lower monthly contract on my home TV and internet service if I agreed to replace my xfinity home landline with your Xfinity mobile cell. I was given the impression (as in lied to) that my new home phone would operate as a part of my residential package like the last 15 years.  It was presented to me in the beginning by one of your customer service reps that the phone was free. Yeah, the physical phone is free but nothing was said about the $15 a month fee for data. I tried calling the residential side of the business only to be told Xfinity mobile is separate from the residential side and CSRs on the residential side have no way to change, modify, nor provide any assistance if you have a problem with the mobile phone. That must be done thru xfinity mobile. Xfinity mobile also established a mobile account without my knowledge or consent and used my credit card, again without knowledge or consent, to set up autopay. If you tell them that you want to return the phone because you didn’t expect to have to pay anything you’re hit with the sweet news that there’s a $200 early termination fee plus an unspecified restocking fee. People like myself who agree to take that cell phone in exchange for their previously free landline expect that Cell to be free as well across the board and I was told that it would be.  It was never explained that it would be a separate account and that I would be required to pay $15 a month for the data package. I was told if I accepted the “free” phone, my TV/Internet service would be lower - not true. What I have to pay for the mobile Xfinity phone data package adds up to more than what I will be saving on my new contract. I think if you’re going to offer the mobile phone to residential customers as a replacement for an old landline, you need a different system so that they are informed and understand what’s actually happening. The residential side of your business needs some way of helping your customers with this problem, because that phone was supposedly given as part of a bundle with the residential TV and internet service. 

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

We appreciate your feedback @user_b41c49 and take it very seriously. You can also provide your feedback here https://support.xfinity.com/svp-contact-form. We apologize for the frustrating experience. Please let us know if there is anything further we can do for you


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We understand where you are coming from and appreciate your feedback. We are not making any decisions for you. Since you are working with the corporate team, it is best to stick with them to get a resolution and be in contact with one team. If we can assist you in the future please let us know.

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1 year ago

I would like it noted that the responses from Xfinity show I have accepted the solution. I. Have. Not. 

This is an ongoing issue as yet not fully settled. Please do not make decisions for me. That’s how all this mess started. 



9 Messages

@user_b41c49​ WOW- unbelievable! 
I’ve been looking into small claims court regarding my situation with xfinity mobile. There seems to be some success rates. 
I truly don’t understand how these people sleep at night. How much do they get for signing us up for a phone? I too was completely scammed into a mobile phone and after 3 attempts to get a return label (while the agent is saying “I PROMISE you will get a label in 24hrs) I was then denied on my 4th attempt for waiting too long…..

your story sounds awful and I hope you’ve since got somewhere. 



8 Messages

1 year ago

One last galling development. It took a while to figure this out but when we asked for a lower rate for the exact same services we were already receiving, and they gave us that stupid phone that we didn’t want and started charging us without asking, they also took away all of our HBO channels. All of them. If we want them back, we have to pay another $16 a month, which affectively means we saved zero dollars. I wonder how they’ll compensate me for all the aggravation. Oh right — they don’t do that. They actually replaced our Xfinity premier level service with limited basic. Did they say that when we asked for a lower rate and the same services? No they did not. I have already reported them to the FTC and I am preparing to send in information to the attorney general of my state as well as the FCC. [Edited: "Solicitation"]


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Could you please send our team a direct message. Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.To send a "Direct Message" ("Private") message:
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• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
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You know what DanielB, I been down that road way too many times. Any time I try to “fix” xfinity’s mistakes I end up getting nothing but heartburn and a migraine. There is literally nothing you can do to give me back my HBO without charging me. That was made very clear to me after I contacted the company when you lowered my bill and took everything away, including my home landline, all my HBO, my 20 hours of DVR service, and my upper premium channels.  I’ve already added back some of what I lost to the tune of nearly $40, which means my monthly charges are just about the same as they were before I started trying to lower my bill. So don’t pretend that you can do anything for me. I’ve had to give up what I didn’t want to give up and take what I didn’t want to take because you guys don’t know how to do business ethically. 

1 Message

11 months ago

This same exact thing is currently happening to me. I was promise a lower bill if I switched my triple play landline over to a google pixel "free" device. Which was fine since I do not use the line at all. Anything to save money with Xfinity since we know that's nearly impossible to do. I have been trying to cancel this service since July after immediately realizing that what I was told was not true. I was now paying more for my "double play" and an additional fee for this new xfinity mobile plan. I have yet to receive a return label in order to cancel the service. They see this in the notes and say they sent it over and over again but I NEVER received it!!!!! It's now November and I am currently on the line with them and I am now being told they cancel my service but since it's past the timeframe to send the phone back I have to pay $450.00 for the device! I am asking over and over again to speak to a manager as this is absolutely unreal at this point. I cannot believe Xfinity is allowing this to happen to their customers with zero support. How can they get away with this????? I am beyond frustrated!

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@user_82rsk6 Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us here on our Community Forum. We are very sorry for the experience you're having and we can definitely assist you. Please send us a Direct Message with your full name and address so that we can investigate this for you. Here are instructions on how to send us a DM in case you need them:

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