22 Messages
By the gig price increase
I am extremely disappointed about the 65% increase in the cost of by the gig phone service. From $12 to $20. In the past few weeks I have been assured by Xfinity representatives, both by phone and by chat, that I would be grandfathered to the $12 rate. Apparently these were lies. Just checked my next bill and was the $20. Got a credit for the month of $8 and again assured I will be grandfathered. Very hard to take the representatives at their word when has not been truthful in the past.
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
10 months ago
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77 Messages
10 months ago
Exactly the same experience I had!
55 Messages
10 months ago
There has been confusion among XM CSRs regarding applicability of the rate increase this year. The policy, as contained in Comcast's Mobile Broadband Disclosures, has been to grandfather the rates ($12 or $15) established for previous generations of By-the-Gig users so long as the service on those accounts remains uninterrupted and unchanged. However, the most recent increase to $20 per GB is being assessed systematically on ALL users despite the fact that the updated published disclosures continue to specify grandfathering established users' rates. This was confirmed to me by a rep in the XM Executive Resolutions department.
Comcast has every right to change their policies from time to time, but they owe it to the public to be upfront about those policies.
FWIW, I have filed an FCC complaint asking that Comcast be compelled to adhere to their published disclosures or else amend those disclosures to reflect current policy.
55 Messages
10 months ago
My rep in the XM Executive Resolutions department called me back again today to let me know that the higher-ups had acknowledged the disconnect between the current By-the-Gig (BtG) billing practices and the grandfathering policy contained in the up-to-date Xfinity Mobile Broadband Disclosures (and as exercised heretofore). He said that "something" (I presume amending the disclosures) would be done about it. He also offered me compensation for the confusion.
Separately, the FCC informed me that my complaint has been forwarded to the provider and that I should be hearing back shortly from Comcast in response.
On the positive side, it should be noted that the 5th Gen BtG pricing (as I understand it) is a little more generous than previous plans insofar as the charge for an additional GB of data is not incurred until the user reaches the threshold of 200MB overage. Previously the charge for the next GB was levied for the first byte of additional data.
1 Message
9 months ago
I too thought I was grandfathered to the $12.00 per gig per month at least that is what I was told when I switched to Xfinity Mobile. I wasn't even aware of the coming price increase. The chat agent assured me that all customers received an email informing them of the increase. Did a search of all emails from Xfinity Mobile and never received it. He said the email was sent out on or before May 1st.
2 Messages
9 months ago
I also received no notification from Xfinity and was currently on the $12 month plan. I’ve been with XFINITY since launch. They hit me on the last bill $80 for #DATA. I stopped by the store and of course they said we all receive notifications which again was not true. Xfinity is really dropped. Their customer service had a lot of trouble with the phone trade-in, which was ridiculous. Took months to resolve and complaint to the Better Business Bureau.
1 Message
9 months ago
Not sure why the price increase. If i disconnect from wifi, I do not receive any calls. Basically phone goes to No Service.
11 Messages
9 months ago
I don't recall to receive the notification from Xfinity either. I checked the recent e-statements and none of them contains the information about price increase. Most interestingly, there is even no price information for Unlimited or By the Gig on Xfinity website at the moment.
Regular Visitor
12 Messages
8 months ago
Mine went from $12 to $20 as well, so I'd say the grandfathering thing is complete BS. The things documented by Xfinity are usually either wrong or never updated. I checked into having phones unlocked and everywhere I read that it happens within 48 hours of paying it off and I had two phones around and both were locked to XM and one had been paid off for almost a month and the other one was paid off over two years ago. So what they say and do is not the same.
1 Message
8 months ago
I too have called 2 agents, and never received the email. Both told me the increase was set by xfinity, not xfinity mobile. Not sure what that means other than passing the buck. I can't imagine how a rate can be changed if you signed up for a 2 year contract. Isn't a contract by definition mean I am locked in the agreed rate? So what happens if I want to get out of the contract because of the rate increase without prior notification. If any xfinity rep or agent is reading this, can you post the notification that xfinity claimed to have emailed all customers in May 2024?
Regular Visitor
5 Messages
8 months ago
Can't trust xfinity anymore. such a rip off policy. I am not even aware of this untill I noticed my bill after 2 billing cycles and ended up overrages for 20 GB times 20 dollars. I have decided to move on with some other carrier. Bad customer service too. They do not even understand your concern. Even though they understand your concern they pretend as if they do not understand.
1 Message
8 months ago
Mine also went up from $15 a month to $20. I didn't receive an email about the price increase. I tried to use xfinity assistant to find out about it, but didn't get anywhere. I had to Google "by the gig price increase " to get any information about it and found this forum in the search results.
1 Message
6 months ago
I also thought I was grandfathered to the $12.00 per gig per month. I was told when I switched to Xfinity Mobile in 2019 that the price $12.00 per gig per month would never increase unless I changed plans or changed phones which I haven't so the increase to $20 per gig just isn't right.
I wasn't even aware of the coming price increase. When I called them agent assured me that all customers received an email informing them of the increase. Did a search of all emails from Xfinity Mobile and never received it. He said the email was sent out on or before May 1st.