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11 Messages freezing
I've had such trouble with (on demand) freezing, that I rarely bother trying it. E.g., last year, I tried watching a movie, but it froze after the first half hour. Randomly pressing buttons finally had it moving forward, but after 10 min., it froze again. Etc. I finally just finished watching it on Pluto's website with my computer--and it ran without freezing. I'd thought the problem was with the strength of my signal, but a couple days ago, I was visiting a friend in a different city, and we decided to watch a movie (Red River) on Pluto. After roughly 20 minutes, it froze on that set too. As it happened, Tubi was showing the same film in SD, so we switched to it.
Tubi and other services play without freezing on On Demand; plays without freezing when viewed directly from its website. Is there something unusual about the way Comcast pulls in Pluto that makes it subject to glitches?
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
9 months ago
Hi there, @User_8bs01h Thank you for taking the time out of your day to reach out to us regarding the trouble you are having with Pluto TV. The issue definitely does not sound like it is on Xfinity's side since your friend had the same issue. It's possible that their is an issue with the transmission that Xfinity receives from Pluto.-Richard
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
9 months ago
Hi there, @User_8bs01h I love watching Pluto as well, they do have some really good movies! Have you tried clearing the Cache and Cookies from your Xfinity Box. You can go to which will walk you through the process on clearing the cache and cookies.-Richard
3 Messages
7 months ago
I get same problem. Can u tell me how, while watching Pluto on demand using Xfinity voice remote, one can rewind and f fwd (I see only pause and play options)?