

2 Messages

Monday, July 10th, 2023 9:35 PM


Peacock Premium reward not working

I redeemed my reward for Peacock Premium. I got an email with an "activate now" button.  That button just takes me to xfinity and there's no peacock banner to click on. When I look at my rewards it says the Peacock Premium has been redeemed but gives me no options. How can I get Peacock Premium activated? 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Peacock Subscription Activations



2 Messages

2 years ago

I am a platinum member but get the following message when clicking on 'Load My Reward' for Peacock Premium : "We're sorry, Looks like this reward isn't available to you at this time."  Customer service on text messaging suggested to wait for 48 hours about a week ago, but nothing from Xfinity yet.  They acknowledged there is a problem with Peacock offer activation for Platinum Customers. 


Official Employee


1.9K Messages

2 years ago

Hi, @user_db98b9. Thank you for reaching out. I'm glad to hear you were able to take advantage of the Peacock Premium reward. I understand, however, you're running into some trouble. I see you don't have the banner present after accessing the link.  When possible, I would periodically clear your cache and cookies, then try the link again. If you are not seeing the activation banner at xfinity.com/account, please go to Xfinity Assistant and select "Sign in." The banner should appear at the top of the chat. We have had some customers running into the same problem as you can read about here. This thread has great information and updates that will help you along the way. 

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