10 Messages
On demand removed
Comcast you should not have removed on demand from the Legacy boxes! It was easy for you to remove so would be just as easy to put it back. I wouldn't even care if you charged a small monthly fee, as long as I can use my Legacy box. Your X1 box is terrible! The channel guide is non-existent! I want to readily see what's on TV, not hunt everywhere for something to watch. Give us our on demand back. I've been a loyal customer for 27 years but will switch if you don't give me my on demand back by the end of the year. Do the right thing. Many people do not like or want your X1 box and you know this. Many people don't use streaming, gaming or internet on their TV. Put our on demand back on the Legacy boxes or lose many long term customers.
Official Employee
1.6K Messages
1 year ago
Hey @user_tjuj9p,
We greatly appreciate the time you have taken to provide us with your feedback. With our technology evolving every day, we are changing the way OnDemand is being delivered. With our legacy equipment, you will be unable to access OnDemand content. We highly recommend visiting our "Xfinity On Demand Removed From Select TV Boxes" which will go over some additional details of the changes that take place.
In order to access OnDemand content going forward, we would highly recommend swapping for our X1 Platform set-top boxes. Alternatively, you can use the Xfinity Stream application and web portal to access OnDemand content on certain Smart TV devices, mobile/tablet devices, and your web browser. You can find additional information by visiting our "Xfinity Stream App minimum system requirements" support page.
If you happen to need any additional support, please let us know. We are always happy to help.