

9 Messages

Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 10:56 AM


Movie Title incorrectly linked - Need an Xfinity Rep to update on your end

Xfinity,  It's unbelievable that you guys can't fix an issue as simple as this. Is your policy to always assume the problem is with the client and never on your end?

The problem started over a month ago. I was trying to watch the movie "Altitude". The movie was put out in 2010 by Anchor Bay productions. It is a horror movie about a group of teenagers on a plane. However when I try to watch it on Xfinity on Demand, it plays a totally different movie with the same title. It plays the movie that as made in 2017 also called "Altitude" however that one as put out by Lionsgate and has a totally different cast and plot.

In the past many weeks, I have wasted countless hours explaining the problem to tech support only for them to assume the problem was on my end. I know this problem is not just on my end because, I have had other people try to watch it from other locations on their own account and they experience the exact same issue. I've also posted previously on this forum and still, Xfinity has not fixed the issue.

This is very unprofessional, Xfinity! Could you guys please update the link on your end to link to the right movie? Thanks.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Movie Listing Wrong



9 Messages

3 years ago

Just to drive home my point that it is 2 separate movies, here is the links to both. The first one is the one that I'm trying to watch. The second one is the other movie of the same name which the Xfinity On Demand listing incorrectly links to.

This movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1407049/ incorrectly links to this one: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4556370/

Problem Solver


515 Messages

3 years ago

The movies have the same title.  How is that Comcast's fault?  Comcast cannot change the name of either movie.

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

3 years ago

@NoNoBadPuppy wrote: "The movies have the same title.  How is that Comcast's fault? ..."

It isn't, but it isn't rare for two movies to have the same name. They can and should be distinguished from one another, which is easily done by comparing the production dates and descriptions. Companies that charge you for viewing a movie have an obligation to ensure that they movie they show you is the one you paid for.

In this case, one point of confusion may be the acquisition of Anchor Bay by LionsGate. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchor_Bay_Entertainment:

... in 2016 ... Anchor Bay Entertainment was folded into Lionsgate Home Entertainment.

https://www.xfinity.com/stream/search?q=Altitude returns two different movies with that title, "Altitude" 2010 and "Altitude" 2017, but I'm unwilling to spend $3.99 + $3.99 to see if those listings are linked to the correct films.


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