4 Messages
Tivo start cable service randomly pops up
When I am watching xfinity tv on my Tivo Roamio, a screen that says “this screen is displayed on behalf of your cable provider” randomly pops up. I press clear to exit and then tv resumes normal like nothing happened. What is wrong?
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Official Employee
1.8K Messages
2 months ago
Good evening @user_utiz0i and thank you for letting us know that you are receiving a screen that says "this screen is displayed on behalf of your cable provider" popping up randomly. When did this start? Have you attempted any troubleshooting steps so far? To confirm, are you using an XFINITY cable box or watching TV using our Stream app?
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
2 months ago
Neither. The poster wrote "... I am watching xfinity tv on my Tivo Roamio ...", a 3rd party DVR that uses a CableCard.
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4 Messages
2 months ago
As the other user pointed out, I already mentioned I am using a Tivo Roamio. I have not done any troubleshooting. This problem started a couple weeks ago and no changes have been made on my end.
4 Messages
2 months ago
I am astonished at the level of incompetence at this company. I came here to get help for what should be a fairly routine issue and the recommendation is to “upgrade” to x1?
I will not do so. It equipment that I own and manage. I will use my Tivo ‘till to the day it either dies or is is cut from service intentionally.
Have a good day.