9 Messages
Need external DVR storage
I signed up for xfinity today. I need to connect an external hard drive. I received an XG2v2-P. This obviously won't let me connect a hard drive. Any suggestions?
9 Messages
I signed up for xfinity today. I need to connect an external hard drive. I received an XG2v2-P. This obviously won't let me connect a hard drive. Any suggestions?
9 Messages
1 year ago
I was told this box would work but it has no xsata port.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
1 year ago
This was possible in the distant past with some models of their legacy cable boxes, but AFAIK no X1 DVRs have ever provided a way for customers to expand storage capacity.
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131 Messages
1 year ago
It's pretty clear that this Xfinity rep doesn't know what they are talking about about, saying to connect an external drive to your router/gateway USB or Ethernet port.
The correct answer is what BruceW said, that older (legacy) boxes had this option. That is why I still am using my Motorola DCX3400M box. It has an eSATA port that is connected to a 2TB drive. I've had this setup for 10 years now. To my knowledge there are no X1 boxes that you can connect a external hard drive to for more DVR space. I believe that the newest models don't even have a drive and rely only on cloud storage.
131 Messages
1 year ago
Definitely don't buy any Comcast DVR box on line. They are most likely stolen equipment and Comcast will have them on a black-list and won't be able to activate them.
As far as DVR storage, the DCX3400M that I got 10 years ago has a 250MB hard drive, but about 2 years later I connected an external 2TB eSATA drive.
It is pretty much full and I keep having to delete stuff that I know I probably won't watch. But most of my recordings are Movies, but some TV shows that aren't on any more or specials. I was never a big VOD user. Would rather just record it and watch later than going VOD.
The X1 with 150 hours of internal space is pretty limited. Then you have to pay extra for cloud storage.
Several years ago I looked at the difference, and Dish Network actually has the best DVR system out there. The internal drive can be removed and install a larger one right from the start. You can also use an external drive (6 or 8TB max).