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1 Message

Monday, February 8th, 2021 1:00 PM


Fast Forward / rewind frame by frame

Is there a way to fast forward frame by frame?

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

4 years ago

On X1, No.


If you have a legacy box and a remote with separate play and pause keys, you can. You first pause, then each press of the pause keys advances one frame. I think to go backwards you would hit pause, then rew to start going backwards, then pause again to step frame.



1 Message

4 years ago

I hate that xfinity no longer has this.  It was my fav. feature I'd rather have that frame by frame mode then the voice control.  I had switched to DTV for a year n when i came back to Xfin, it had disappeared. Please Bring Back.. 


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