BajaBarry's profile



7 Messages

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023 12:39 AM


CableCARD activation page not working (new thread)

An older thread said to start a new one. The old thread is exactly the same problem I have. The two URLs that are supposed to be for self activation DO NOT WORK.

Perhaps the problem is actually worse, because I first started by calling 877-405-2298 and the tech couldn't seem to get it activated/paired either.

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

2 years ago

@BajaBarry Thank you so much for creating a new post for help with activating your Cable card! There are always two pages I recommend using, the first is the page that provides step-by-step directions on how to walk through your setup here. and the second is the direct link to the activation once you have all the information you need from your card.
If after walking through the activation you are still encountering issues let me know, and we can go from there to help better! 



7 Messages


 I believe the response from @BruceW  below. As I mentioned, the problem is actually worse. I posted the original on a Monday. I had to try again on Tuesday. That tech did eventually, after a few hours of my time, get it to work, but told me it would take a few hours and I’d get a text when it was done. On Friday I needed to contact Xfinity again because the new device stopped working after one day and I needed to pair the cablecard back to the old device. This time I got lucky. This tech knew what he was doing and had it working in about 5 minutes! So, in addition to offering a web page that cannot serve its purpose due to a bad link, how would you describe the problems I encountered?

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

2 years ago

@XfinityAmandaB: The host "", the "the direct link to the activation" you mentioned, resides on the private/internal/intranet IP 10.54.141.* which is not accessible to customers. Attempts visit the site result in a browser results in messages like "The connection has timed out".

Further evidence:


Non-authoritative answer:

In the distant past this host had a public IP that was accessible to customers. It no longer does, and hasn't for a long time. If Comcast does not intend for the site to be publicly accessible then references to it should be removed from the customer and employee support articles that reference it.

TLDR: It don't work. Not no way, not no how.

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