user_wm777's profile

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14 Messages

Wednesday, August 14th, 2024 10:32 PM


we need you to set your PIN and security question

Every time I try to access my voice mail and call logs from my computer, I get a popup saying, "Before getting started, we need you to set your PIN and security question." But I've already set my pin and security question, and double checked them. And yes, before anyone asks, I cleared my browser cache. How do I access my voicemail?

1 Message

7 months ago

You are not alone.  I have had the exact same problem for a few days even after resetting the PIN four times.

But there may be a fix...working for me at this moment.  You can access your voicemail system by dialing *99, then go through some prompts to enable "Skip PIN" in the system.  That appears to have fixed it for me.  Xfinity instructions are below.,PIN%20by%20phone%2C%20here's%20how:



70 Messages

@user_8w5eks​ Whats worked for me the past 2 days, is to click "get pin", then change the pin and  reset the security question, logout and back in, the next day I had to reset the question, logout and back in.

1 Message

@user_8w5eks​ Having the same problem.  I called *99, went through the prompts, removed PIN number and it worked. I can now see my voice numbers again.   Thank you so much for the information.  

10 Messages

It wont last.  I tried that.  Later, the same thing happened.

3 Messages

I agree.  The "fixes" that are described of: signing in and then signing out, changing passwords, etc appear to be almost random.  Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.  I have yet to find a definitive pattern I can rely on.



18 Messages

7 months ago

I just started to also get this error- on my laptop, on my iPhone and on my iPad. I reset my PIN and security question as well in response- with no luck. I would not mind if they just asked for the PIN input but they do not. I need to access my call history when away from home. I do not want to resort to forwarding all my calls while at work. This is ridiculous.

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

7 months ago

I am getting that too. I can't even check my voicemail.  tried the *99 and oh my even more codes it wants on that too.  Need a code for codes to get codes. Maybe its time to just make voicemail optional. Update I changed my pin and question and it still isn't accessible.


Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Hello @whatnamesrleft, thank you for taking the time to reach out on social media.  I understand your concern with the voicemail, and I'd like the opportunity to check into that for you.


To access your account, will you please send us a direct message with your full name and complete service address.

To do so, click on the chat icon located at the top right of this forums page.

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  • Click "Sign In" if necessary
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  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
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1 Message

7 months ago

I had to call in and tell them the problem and that seemed to fix it. Fingers crossed...

Regular Visitor


2 Messages

@mellow63​ How in the world did you get someone on the phone?  Did it take an hour to go through the hoops they put you through?  I'm disgusted with Xfinity. The 'Pin' debacle, (I already have a pin and don't want to change it), plus losing internet connection dozens of times per day, which also drops phone calls.  Finally just went to an Xfinity store and was told someone would be here the next day.  Yeah, sure.  Never happened.

Frequent Visitor


13 Messages

7 months ago

I have the same problem.



50 Messages

@JMS_427​ I'm sight challenged, and I've unfortunately been getting that same pop up every time I try to sign in to Xfinity Voice to view my call records, and it's a pain in the padded rear! Since when do I need to set a pin and security question when I already did that when I first set up my account?




70 Messages

7 months ago

On the sign-in page, is anyone clicking directly on access voicemail or email, I usually check email first then click voice mail, and get this popup, but while not signed in I click access voice mail from, it bypasses this warning and allows normal access

10 Messages

You cannot check your voice mail while not signed in.

Official Employee


743 Messages

7 months ago

Good afternoon @user_wm777. Besides clearing your browser cache, have you tried any other troubleshooting? 

Regular Visitor


14 Messages

7 months ago

It appears that this problem has gone away without me doing anything. Strange.

10 Messages

It will return.  I got a refund for this month.



50 Messages

7 months ago

I tried clearing browser history, like Cookies and Cache, but nothing has changed!

Official Employee


2.4K Messages


Annabelle2 Thanks for letting us know. We would like to look into this email issue further. Can you initiate a direct message and start with your full name and address? To start a direct message, you must be signed in. Please click the "Direct Messaging" icon in the top right of the page next to the bell, and send your message to "Xfinity Support". Talk to you there! 


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50 Messages

@XfinityAirelle​ Unfortunately I can't find a "Chat" button on the forum. Are you thinking of the "Direct Messaging" button next to my username?

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

Annabelle2 To send a direct message, please click on the chat icon in the top-right corner of the screen, and select "Xfinity Support" to initiate a Direct Message. 
Click "Sign In" if necessary
Click the "direct messaging" icon or
Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
Press Enter to send it
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50 Messages

@XfinityShawn​ I use a keyboard and a screenreader, as I am sight challenged and can't use a mouse. So you're saying I should press enter on that link, right?

Official Employee


2.2K Messages


Annabelle2, yup, you can hit enter on that link and it should take you to the same place. From there would you just follow the steps previously listed. 


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2 Messages

7 months ago

Has anyone solved this problem?  I don't want to call Xfinity and be on the phone for an hour resolving an issue that should not have been an issue in the first place ... now questioning "diamond" membership.

Regular Visitor


6 Messages

As of yesterday, 8/17/24, it's one robot + three live agents = [Edited: "Language"] but no solution.

The worst part is that the agents - when you finally get one - act as though they don't know about this problem.

Just be honest and say 'we're aware of this problem but don't have a fix yet.'




3 Messages

Exactly! I could wake up in a great mood, but then dealing with the Xfinity Voice "ROBOT"

(which has NEVER solved ANYTHING for me ever !)

puts me in such a foul mood that by the time (10 - 40 minutes wait + then sometimes *disconnected!* )

So, by the time I DO finally get speak to an Xfinity agent I'm ready to SCREAM. 

Official Employee


4K Messages

Hello @heebus, thanks for reaching out on our Forums letting us know you're also experiencing issues accessing your voicemail. My team would be more than happy to further look into this on our end. Please send us a Direct Message. Here are the detailed steps to direct message us: 
 • Click "Sign In" if necessary
 • Click the "Direct Message icon” (upper right corner of this page)
 • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
 • Type "Xfinity Support" in the To line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
 • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
 • Press Enter to send your message

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10 Messages

@user_vqedcw​ As of day 7 for me, there is no resolution.



3 Messages

7 months ago

What used to seconds to check into my voicemail or calls on my computer / iPad now takes me 20 min or more to log in!

It's infuriating, exasperating AND there's NO excuse for this to be happening with Xfinity,

a company that is SUPPOSED to have platforms function properly.

On August 4 2024, I was prompted to set my PIN + Security Question.

I did that !!!!

Now every  [Edited: "Language"] Time I TRY to log in I get this popup:

"Before getting started, we need you to set your PIN and security question."

I did that !    Over and over !     Loop after loop !

Give me a "popup" so I can type my [Edited: "Language"] PIN!

Xfinity fix this!   Xfinity fix this!    Xfinity fix this!  

[Edited: "All Caps"]


Regular Visitor


6 Messages

7 months ago

Why doesn't one of these "Official Xfinity Employees" delegate to the company for us and let someone who cares know that this is going on???

2 Messages

This seemed to start after WINDOWS update. Coincidence?   I get voicemail after refreshing 6-12 times, otherwise this strange set-up message.



18 Messages

@user_dp3auh​ happens on my iPhone and iPad too…

10 Messages

@heebus​ They know.  I have 2 tickets up to tier 3.  They cant fix it.

2 Messages

7 months ago

Same problem here. Windows using Chrome, also tried Bing.

2 Messages

7 months ago

User "heebus" above posted, "I get voicemail after refreshing 6-12 times, otherwise this strange set-up message." I refreshed a few times and my voicemail was finally displayed.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Hello, @user_k5ew4q. Thanks for reaching our team on Furms regarding the voicemail concerns. After refreshing are you still experiencing issues with the voicemail or have those been solved?

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10 Messages

@user_k5ew4q​ It happens randomly, but 90% of the time, its blocked.

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

7 months ago

It was working correctly a day or 2 after my comment, now it’s back to asking to setup a pin n stuff again. I already set one last time. 

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

whatnamesrleft thank you for using the Xfinity Community Forums page. Has anything changed in the way you are attempting to access the voicemail?

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10 Messages

Nothing changes everyone has this problem and Xfinity knows.  Demand monthly refunds.

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