MNtundraRET's profile

Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages

Sunday, May 14th, 2023 6:07 PM


Question about use of "Inappropriate" on forums.

When using "Inappropriate" I have noticed that it is not tracked as an action on my site for all posts. Also, no change in count on Leaderboard listing. Does that mean that when you check an Inappropriate sent to you, or others, you don't know who sent it?

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Gold Problem Solver

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5.9K Messages

1 year ago


Thank you for asking your questions related to the "Flag as inappropriate" feature here in the Xfinity Forum. When a user chooses to alert our Moderation team of a post that violates our Xfinity Forum Guidelines or our Xfinity Forum Acceptable Use Policy they can do so via the "Flag as Inappropriate" option in the 3-dot menu on any post. Once selected and a reason inputted, only the user who flagged the post will see an "Inappropriate" flag on that post. This means no other user will see that flag and it will only be viewable to the person flagging it directly on the one specific post. Additionally, thanks to our forum software, these flagged posts come directly to our team to be reviewed and/or moderated. This software allows us to easily see who flagged the post as inappropriate and why.

We do not have a "leaderboard" for flagged posts, so I am not exactly sure what you are asking regarding that. If you are discussing the "Latest Topic" section on our homepage, then that would be un-impacted. When flagging a post as inappropriate, you are doing only that, the post still remains active and valid as a "Latest Topic" unless it has been deemed as needing removal by a Forum Moderator. 

We hope this answers your questions. 


Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages

1 year ago

Thank you for the reply. 

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