207 Messages
Most posts in search results are now unopenable
I do a search on a specific issue. I get search results, but no matter which one I select, the link takes me back to Support homepage. This needs to be fixed so we can access the full description of the poster's problem and all of the answers. Right now, I can really use search at all. I can browse and open the posts listed there, but there is nothing there relating to what I am looking for.
31.1K Messages
4 years ago
And, FWIW, when you hit the home landing page when doing a search it usually means the post is most likely archived and no longer available.
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
4 years ago
Then what is the use of having inaccessible archived articles in the search index?
Gold Problem Solver
5.9K Messages
4 years ago
The problem is that the "bean-counters" decided to remove all posts older then 6 months when first posted. Not many here were happy about that.
That means most searches will "fail", and return to home. The data no longer exists in any storage media.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
4 years ago
Actually, the situation is worse that that. For example, the search displays the first few lines of CajunTek's post. It isn't until you click on that preview to display the whole post that you get kicked back to
So the Forum's Search function teases you. It shows you the beginning of these "Archived" articles and leads you to believe that you can access the entire post when, for an Archived post, you can't. Most frustrating.
Only Comcast would treat its customers this way.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
4 years ago
Maybe, but Best Buy's forums are also "Powered by Khoros", yet if you wanted to know, for example, what (posted in 2012!) was about, their forum will show you.
If a $50 billion company can afford to operate its forums in a sane manner, why can't a $100 billion company do likewise?
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
4 years ago
It may also be a bit of a bug or quirk in the software. This software is not exclusive to Comcast. Roku's forums appears to be the same general format, just a different "skin".
Gold Problem Solver
5.9K Messages
4 years ago
When data is permanently removed from data bases like this, the programer needs to recover failed searches similar to how they did it here or the program bombs. It might have helped to add a message like: "Search failed due to missing (removed) data." The people in charge are not programmers and do not understand the "fall-out" from deleting old forum data.
We may see more of this from other forums. On those gaining posts the cost, or ability, to store old data is prohibative due to lost income from COVID19.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
4 years ago
If the data was "permanently removed", how do large chunks of it manage to show up in search results as described above?
Gold Problem Solver
5.9K Messages
4 years ago
Some more recent posts where someone quoted part of a removed post could still exist. That part may be a RE: "old title" that still exists.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
4 years ago
In the "Just a point about packet loss" example I posted above, Search returns the first few lines of CajunTek's original post, not a "quoted part of a removed post".
How can it find his OP if it was "permanently removed"?
And if it can find the first few lines, why can't it retrieve the whole post?
And if the whole post is not accessible, why present search results that suggest it is accessible?
Gold Problem Solver
5.9K Messages
4 years ago
Remember; a employee(s) handled deleting posts over 6 months old sometime last year. Some may have been missed. We were told of this a few days after it was done.
Those deleted can never be recovered. And like you stated, there were flaws in how the search field worked. The program code for the forum was outsorced, and that company was bought out by the current company listed.
31.1K Messages
4 years ago
Sorry folks. There is no sense in debating this. The decision rested with PTB outside this forum so there isn't anything anyone here can do about how the search results show up or don't. I hate to use the phrase, but it is what it is and it isn't going to be changed.
This thread is now locked.
207 Messages
4 years ago
It is very annoying that when you are trying to find an answer on this forum, most of what shows up in the search results cannot be viewed since it is archived. The whole point of a knowledge base is to have the information available. So, either get rid of the similar questions, that cannot be opened, showing up in the search results, or else bring back teh archives so we can once again find answesr to our questions.
Regular Visitor
6 Messages
4 years ago
No wonder I couldn't read any of the threads that came up in my search. I just found out on one of the FAQs that older posts have been archived and are not only non-repliable but non-readable too. I don't think this is a good idea. It is a step backwards. With all the technological advances being made in the area of cloud storage, this is like going back to the bullockcart age. As a point of reference, Microsoft Answers has many old threads which are closed to further discussion but they are still viewable. Many of the older posts are still relevant. Besides, who is to judge whether it is relevant or not. What is not relevant to some may be relevant to others.
Regular Visitor
6 Messages
4 years ago
Whoever came up with this brilliant idea of making archived posts non-viewable should at least be consistent and make them non-searchable too. It is frustrating to type something in the search box and see many results but when you click on one of them, nothing happens.