icefan's profile

Frequent Visitor


10 Messages

Sunday, June 26th, 2016 1:00 PM


how are badges "earned"

I was recently notified I had "earned" my "1st reply badge", but I haven't posted in a long time. How'd that happen? Does this have anything to do with "kudos?" I have none.

Accepted Solution

Retired Employee


5.9K Messages

9 years ago

Hey All,


I am happy to clear up some of the confusion about badges. Badges are a way for Comcast and the Help & Support community to recognize you all and the actions you are taking within the forum. These actions can include replying to another users post, receiving kudos from your peers, having your responses accepted as a solution to a users question, and posting topics. If you want to know more about a specific badge got to your or another users profile, under their user name you will see some of their badges, click the > next to the badges and you will see a full screen of that user's badges. Hovering over a badge will give you more information about what that specific badge means or how it was earned.


Now, we have had badges for a while, however, thanks to our new in-house developer we were able to redesign them and really make them pop. I am glad to see that they are being well received.


We are always thinking up even more badges and ways to thank you all for your help and time spent with us in the community and different actions you may take. As with anything we do we want to open the door to some feedback or suggestions of badges or other things you would like to see or just your general thoughts and opinions. Thanks again for all the time and work that you all have spent in the forums and congrats on earning those badges!

Frequent Visitor


10 Messages

9 years ago

Someone has to know; but thanks for your response!

Problem Solver


4.8K Messages

9 years ago

Congratulations on all 28 of your Badges, WTP!!  


The labels are all so innovative.  How did we ever function without these?


 Just can't seem to imagine the man hours utilized to create and implement them.. 


ciao, bjBadges WTP.PNG

Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages

8 years ago

Does anyone here know what the green bars signify? I seem to have lost one since yesterday.

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