Andyr1's profile

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

Saturday, July 17th, 2021 2:14 PM


Forum updates

Is there ever going to be some usability changes to these 'new' Xfinity forums? Having only 7 messages per page is PAINFUL. Plus, if I reply to a post, I often end up back at the top of the list and have to try and remember just what page I was on to continue reading. And not having any symbol showing which messages I have replied to makes it much harder to keep track of problems. Relying on notifications or the profile page isn't always convenient.

To be honest, I wish Comcast wouldn't be so cheap and would go back to the Khoros software. It's so much better...

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

4 years ago

Don't know if it will help you, but I use to read the Forums. It returns posts from all sub-Forums, 20 results per page, sorted by latest OP first.

To help me keep my place in the message list I make heavy use of the browser's "open link in new tab". That works well, until a PM notification arrives. Then, all the open Forum tabs start "dinging".

I agree that the Lithium/Khoros based forums are better in almost all respects than these Sprinklr based forums. And why do we need both "Replies" and "Comments"? What purpose does that serve? And why, after 5 consecutive "Replies" do I have to click a "View other replies" link to continue reading? What purpose does THAT serve??? And I get no notification for "Replies" to my messages, which leaves those who post a Reply to one of my messages wondering why I haven't responded to them. (Sigh!)

So many oddities in this latest Forum version!


Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages

4 years ago

The reply was meant to place your reply just below the person you replied to, instead of going to the most recent reply at bottom of list. It does not work very well.

There is no going back to Lithium / Khoros.  


Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages

4 years ago

I have found using the "back" arrow on the URL line will take me back to forum page where I commented on a post.

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

4 years ago

Seems as if there was a bit of an update. There are now 15 posts per page instead of 7.

Retired Employee


5.9K Messages


This is correct. We have updated the forum to show 15 posts on a page instead of 7. We wanted to be strategic to ensure this change would not cause any page load delays. 

We are continuing to work on adding additional updates to make the user experience better.  

Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages

4 years ago

I noticed that too.   It started last week.

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