New Poster
7 Messages
Filter rules don't work with underlined text - needs fixing
It appears that any rule for email content no longer works if the text in question is underlined in an email. And pretty much everything is now underlined, so the number of spams I get per day that SHOULD be trimmed out by my existing rules grows, day by day.
So please, either fix the problem, or, allow a rule that discards all junk mail.
108.6K Messages
3 months ago
The concern is not "Home Security / Rules And Automations" help related..................... Topic moved here to the proper help section for assistance.
New Poster
7 Messages
3 months ago
I have three filter rules, with a few dozen conditions each. But it appears that many of them were, but now are not working. Erratic operation of mail filter rules seems to be the rule.
As an example, I have conditions set to discard mail in which the header OR the content contains either Elon or Elon Musk. Yet every day, my IMAP connected Mac Mail receives lots of spam with that in both the header and body.
And that’s true for many other conditions in my three filter “rules.” Plus, nothing that’s underlined in an email is filtered even when the other conditions actually work.
Given that I’m certainly not the only one seeing this problem:
First: Why are users not reliably getting a service that we pay Comcast for each month? Has Comcast no access to reliable programmers?
Why is no one at Comcast smart enough to offer the option to simply not send ANY spam via IMAP? That would mostly eliminate the need for rules.
Bottom line. If you offer the ability to automatically delete an email based on content, then make it work, or offer an alternative that does.
7 Messages
3 months ago
These "filters" are a joke. I get better junk email screening from my Gmail account. I too have been flooded with junk emails with ELON in the header and subject lines multiple times a day.