1 Message
Email Spam Filter Is Trash
I am sick and tired of having over 200 spam emails go to my inbox every day. No matter how many filters you create, they don’t work and your inbox continues to fill up. In the last 10 minutes I trashed over 50 spam emails in my inbox. Additionally, regardless if I put an email address in my contact list, certain NON spam email gets sent to the spam folder! Filters don’t help that scenario either. It’s like no one at Comcast works at this. Yahoo email is light years better than anything here. Complete trash is what Xfinity and Comcast are!
Official Employee
1.4K Messages
1 year ago
Thanks for being a customer and reaching out, user_xa6o6p! I'm so sorry you've been having spam emails drop in your inbox like that. I'd be just as frustrated as you are now if that happened to me. Do you notice any kind of consistent patterns, so we can start to find the root cause? For example, does this happen with certain kinds of email or during certain times of day? Is there a certain place or one email that's been sending these?
Frequent Visitor
7 Messages
10 months ago
Yes huge problems with no filtering of spam by Xfinity comcast, it’s ridiculous. [Edited: Language]
2 Messages
10 months ago
I am having the same problem. Same subject lines but coming from different email addresses. They just change a number or character in the email address it is coming from.
This is a ridiculous amount of email - over 100+ every day.
Official Employee
895 Messages
10 months ago
@user_xa6o6p Could you provide a few examples of what you're seeing (in both cases)? I want to make sure I'm looking at the right set of data. Feel free to DM me if you'd prefer not to share that information publicly.