eolcott's profile



12 Messages

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022 4:16 PM


email search function is not working since 3/17/22

The emails are on the server as you can locate them by scrolling, but when the search function is used, it does not find.  I do not know how to say this any other way: the search function is not working and I am getting assurances that xfinity/comcast knows this and is working.  It worked fine before the upgrade and is now useless.



2 Messages

2 years ago

same thing happened to me.  since the same date as you-since 03/17/2022.  this is very disrupting to me, as I have many important emails that I search for everyday to reference.



12 Messages

2 years ago

I have raised this repeatedly and been given differing answers, usually a promise that the engineers were working on it.  It is not being addressed.  This started the day after they "upgraded" and I was unable to send or receive, that was fixed, although it was difficult to get anyone to listen.  The issue on the non-working search was at the same time. It is very disruptive, it is impossible to make it work.  I know that this company is the best, so I am very surprised that it is not being taken care of.  

Problem Solver


770 Messages

Hey @eolcott, I am sorry to read you are having email issues. It sounds like you have tickets open, and waiting for our engineers to look into a fix. 


In the meantime, are you able to use search following this document?

I no longer work for Comcast.

Official Employee


135 Messages

2 years ago

@eolcott @user_6357f6  

To clarify we did not do an upgrade, there was a hiccup that impacted the email service. 

We went through and rebuilt the search for both of your mailboxes.  Can you refresh your browser or closeout and reopen your IOS mail client and try your search again?  



12 Messages

@XfinityGabrielS​  Thank you!  Really, thank you.  I knew you guys wouldn't give up! 


Gold Problem Solver


3.3K Messages

You're welcome! Is everything working for you now, eolcott?

I no longer work for Comcast



2 Messages

@XfinityGabrielS​ it looks like it may be working now for me.  Thank you.  I was lost without this search feature working-both personally and professionally. 

Problem Solver


735 Messages


That is great to hear and I am sure it is a huge relief to have this working as it is supposed to! Thank you for your time and for working with us here!


If you need anything else, please create a new post and we will be happy to help. Have a wonderful weekend coming up!

I no longer work for Comcast. 



1 Message

Hello, I'm currently having the issue listed above as of this week. I need some help ASAP  because this email search glitch has been impacting my work.

New Poster


6 Messages

2 years ago

This same problem with the search function is happening to me and won't load  any emails before 3/31/22. Xfinity customer service has "elevated" my problem twice, giving me a ticket number and assuring me that a tech agent will get back to me within 24 hours to give me an update - has never happened. Today (fifth effort) I was told by customer service that their notes of my problem said the "elevated" tech team could not figure out what was wrong and the ticket was "closed," offering no suggestions or help. The last customer service rep said that is what happens in their experience  ~ that customers are not called to inform them the the problem is not getting fixed and the tech will not continue to work on it. There was never any acknowledgement from Xfinity to me that they are aware of this problem. So frustrating, time consuming and disruptive...



12 Messages

@barb5100​  This was frustrating, my advice is to keep at it and I know it is difficult as you keep getting bounced and have to repeat the issue.  I knew that there was a problem and no one said that it was me.  I just kept calling and trying, and it did get fixed.  Many people (comcast employees) tried too, but, it was difficult.  I use that search function too. Everything after the date was searchable, but anything prior to the date was inaccessible to me via search and scrolling took way too long.  It's a great function too. 

I have been with Xfinity since I was about 22 years old (back when dinos were a mode of transportation).  They are the best, but you need to keep asking, or at least it worked for me--persist, it is a real problem.  It was worth the effort too. They did fix it, it works and it was a great relief. Comcast/Xfinity is the best internet service, so I am glad they helped. 



2 Messages

@barb5100​ Unfortunately, my story is virtually identical to yours. I even emailed them this thread to show that it's a real problem that has a solution--to no avail. One of the four or five tech support people I spoke with told me that I should just search manually and that computers don't work sometimes. Another looked and said that the problem doesn't show up on their internal known issues board. I have given up for now. I downloaded my many messages to Outlook and use that program when I need to search. I am hoping someone will post more information here on what the fix is.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

Hi there @barb5100, I am so sorry to hear that you are having issued with the search function on your email. Now are you using our Xfinity Website to look at your email or are you using third party email clients like Outlook and Mail for Apple devices? 

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Problem Solver


493 Messages

Hi, @user_ea4792. Thank you for taking the time to bring this issue to our attention. We understand the importance of having access to the search function via your email and we will do what we can in order to help you with this. Just to confirm how are you accessing your email? Are you using the Xfinity Connect platform? If not, could you please give this link a shot and let me know if you get the same error? If you do, please try using the 'Advanced Search' options outlined in this document. I appreciate your time and I look forward to your response. 

I no longer work for Comcast

New Poster


6 Messages

Hello Xfinity Roberto and Luis. I  am using - and have only used - the Xfinity Connect platform. Can you do for me - and other customers needing assistance - what you did for @eolcott @user_6357f6 ?? My experience with Comcast/Xfinity until this issue has been positive and customer service reps very responsive, friendly, diligent and fixed the problem. I'd be curious why the difference with this issue.

(Note: normally I wouldn't write all this, but it has been so...arrgghh...I thought I would share it for posterity. Or confirm for others they are not crazy. Yet.) Reading this forum renewed my strength and I have not given up. I didn't think it could get more frustrating, but not so! Last bout, wadded through the  head-banging automated menu to get to Very Nice Nick, who circumvented  the system and got me through to an actual tech person - yay! - or so I thought. I got a rep that listened to the problem, went away, came, back, asked me some questions, then went away again. This went on for a while. When they came back they asked if I was the account holder, and I confirmed that my husband is, I was told that...wait for it...they cannot work to fix the problem unless the account holder calls. It's a security problem, she said. "So if he calls, will you then be able to fix the problem?" "Yes." What?!?! Did anyone on the previous 6 calls ever ask me this? No. Has anyone ever asked me this when I have called to fix any of the other multiple Comcast-related problems (all successfully addressed)? No. I want 10 hours of my life back. I would use it all on massages. But I have a good feeling about where this is going now...



4 Messages

2 years ago

I'm have been having the same issue since Mar. 17, 2022. I have been speaking with comcast reps on phone and still have not had this resolved. Glad to hear it's not just me but it's extremely frustrating. Hope someone can tell me how to fix this issue.



3 Messages

2 years ago

It's April 22, 2022 and this problem still persists. Very hard to locate emails when the search tool say "no matches found" yet if you scroll forever you can find them. I used this tool often and this makes it really difficult to find  an email in a timely fashion. Comcast/Xfinity please fix this.

Regular Visitor


7 Messages

2 years ago

I'm having this problem, too. Come on, Comcast/Xfinity, please. I chatted with support people on Twitter overnight and today. Multiple browsers and devices. Seems to be a Comcast problem that Comcast needs to fix. Being able to search only a few days' worth of emails doesn't cut it for professional or personal accounts. If you fixed it for the customer higher up on this thread why can't/don't you fix the glitch for everyone? My issue happened just a couple days ago, not as early as other people.




2 Messages

2 years ago

Count me in!  Not happy that I am part of this club that cannot use SEARCH to find emails but glad it is not just me.  Yes, I am using the website version and no, the emails are not in my spam folder---two questions I got asked several times when I called on April 5th.  I was not completely distraught since I could still search on my phone, just not on my two laptops.  But now I cannot search on my phone either and some of my folders show no emails in them!  Luckily I can still see them on my laptops.  This is making me nuts!  When it was elevated to a tech before someone else created a restore folder which so now my email is taking up 37% of my available space since the messages in the restore folder are so repetitive!  What do I do next?  Many thanks to those who posted.



3 Messages

2 years ago

Thank you. Today it is working!!!!

Official Employee


842 Messages

That is wonderful! I will reach back out, right here within the next couple of days, Wednesday, to make sure everything is continuing to work correctly @user_cf43f0. In the meantime, if there is anything else that you may need or have questions about, please feel free to reach out at any time, day or night, and we will be more than happy to help! 

I no longer work for Comcast.

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7 Messages

Thank you! It's working for me now, too.

Official Employee


933 Messages

Hello, I am following up, how is everything working? 

I no longer work for Comcast.

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New Poster


4 Messages

Hi Mike, can you help me out in the same way?

Problem Solver


828 Messages



We can definitely help you. Can I ask what type of device you are using to access your emails? With that said, are you up to date with your device's most current operating system? Lastly, have you had a chance to take a glance at our following support document: https://comca.st/36ZxwTy?

I no longer work for Comcast.



2 Messages

2 years ago

I am having this same issue, how can this be remedied?

Gold Problem Solver


358 Messages

Hi, @user_b83945 thank you for messaging us about the same concern as above. Are you able to use search following this document?

I no longer actively support the Xfinity Forum or work for Comcast. 



2 Messages

2 years ago

Same problem.  Comcast please fix!



2 Messages

@user_d83ad4​   It works! Thank you.



2 Messages

Mine's still not working correctly. It will only pull up the sent emails. Unless it's recent. Ugh.  I need this fixed asap.

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

Hi there @user_f09cc1, I am sorry to hear that your search functionality is not working. Have you tried to clear out your cache and cookies from your browser? 

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2 Messages

2 years ago

Yay, hurray!  Mine works as of yesterday!



11 Messages

@user_0e77aa​   What did they do to fix yours,  mine is still not working



2 Messages

2 years ago

I have been having the same issue for the past several weeks - kept thinking it would get fixed as it seems widespread, but mine is still not working as of this morning.  

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

Thanks for letting us know the issue is still present for you, @user_9c030a. I use search a lot for emails so I don't have to sift through the whole box. We will get this figured out. Are you accessing the email box using a phone or a computer? Have you tried clearing the browsing data and ensuring your device's operating system is up to date?

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New Poster


7 Messages

2 years ago

Having the same problem, can't search my emails. I thought it was a glitch and would be fixed in a few days but now it has been a month. Need to be able to search my emails for my job.

Official Employee


135 Messages

2 years ago

@user_9c030a and @brunozzilinda  we have rebuilt your search. When you get an opportunity can you see if that solved your issue? 



2 Messages

@XfinityGabrielS​ , I just saw @XfinityRay 's message above this morning, so I cleared the browsing cache on my two computers a few minutes ago before I saw your message.  Now the search is working again - so not sure if it was clearing the cache or your rebuilding the search, but whatever it was worked!!!  Thank you both so much!  Lifesavers!

Problem Solver


502 Messages

That's great news, @user_9c030a! Thank you for letting us know this worked. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to post a new message on the forums at any time!

I no longer work for Comcast.

New Poster


4 Messages

my email search seems to work in my Inbox, not in text in emails I have in Inbox subfolders though :(



2 Messages

I still cannot search for emails older than a few days. I spent 2 1/2 hours on the phone with Comcast customer service, including speaking to a supervisor, who could not fix it and didn't even know it was a problem for others. She put in a ticket for another team to try to resolve it, but I've received no further communication and no help. As others have said, this is a significant problem for people like me who save lots of emails and cannot spend hours scrolling down page after page of messages to find one. I have refreshed, signed out, etc. Still not able to search.



11 Messages

@XfinityGabrielS​   What did you do that fixed the email search for these folks,  mine is still not working and I need this bad

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