Ri2's profile



2 Messages

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 1:20 AM

Email safe list

I inadvertently turned on the email safe list.  Is it possible to recover the emails that were filtered and not delivered?

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

13 days ago

Hi there, Ri2! Thanks for reaching out about the emails that did not come through while the safe list was on. Have you already unchecked the box to turn that back off?

This link shows how to recover deleted emails. These steps may bring them back to your Inbox. https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/recover-deleted-email. That will send any emails from the last 30 days on our servers back to a folder in your email. You can move or delete them from there.  Please let me know if you see them come through when you try that. 



2 Messages


I tried to restore the emails that were blocked when I had safe list activated.  Unfortunately, those emails were not in the Trash folder to restore.  
When that didn’t work, I called Comcast Customer Security Assurance.  The rep added a Restore folder to my account.  However, that folder did not include the emails that were blocked when I I had the safe list activated.

Gold Problem Solver


25.9K Messages

13 days ago

@XfinityRay wrote: "... Have you already unchecked the box to turn that back off? This link shows how to recover deleted emails. These steps may bring them back to your Inbox ..."

I don't believe that's how it works. My understanding is that, when the Safe List is on, emails received from senders NOT on the List don't reach the Trash,  Recovery, or any other folders. They are simply not accepted by the email servers.

In https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/email/email-accident-safe-list/638d541d39eb3658cfbbabae?commentId=638f4773c81dfc15f5636f11 @XfinityAlex described how the Safe List works and volunteered "We can send you a DM with the senders and subjects" of the rejected emails in a similar case. Perhaps the OP would find that helpful.

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