8 Messages
Continuing issues with legitimate emails being sent to SPAM folder
After 3 unsuccessful calls to Comcast Technical support, hoping somebody will offer a solution here:
Background: I have one Comcast email set up on my account. I access my email sent to this address in multiple ways:
1. In the web interface on
2. On my iMac using the native MacOS mail client.
3. On my iPhone using the native iOS client.
Behavior: No matter what access method I use from the list above, the behavior is the same. Legitimate emails get sent to SPAM immediately, or they show up in my Inbox temporarily, then something (maybe a software agent runs?) moves them to SPAM. This includes email from Xfinity! But it does not happen to all legitimate emails. It happens to approximately 1/2 of the legitimate emails sent to me. During one of the troubleshooting calls, the agent sent me two test emails that showed up in my Inbox. Then, 5-10 minutes later they were in my SPAM folder. This can happen to many legitimate email senders. The following is a list of things I/we have tried:
1. Right click the email and mark it as not SPAM. Result - the email moves to the inbox and then something moves it back to SPAM in 5 or less minutes.
2. Adding the sender to my contact list. Tried this on the web and with my Apple clients. Result - no change at all.
3. Turning off SPAM filtering completely. Result - no change at all.
4. Adding legitimate sending email addresses to a mail rule to always allow into the inbox. Tried this on the web and with my apple clients. Result - No change at all.
Current Status: My issue was escalated to a Tier 2 analyst today. The issue was not solved. The analyst stated that this would be escalated even further. Still waiting for a solution because after 54 minutes on the phone, the agent's phone line dropped. She decided to call me back on my home phone number to give me a ticket number, instead of the phone I was using to speak to her. I hope that she left a message because I am not home to receive her call! She should have just called me right back on my mobile phone! Help!
Problem Solver
735 Messages
3 years ago
Good morning! Thank you for choosing to work with us online through our Xfintiy Forums. It sounds like you have tried several troubleshooting options and have put a lot of effort into correcting this email issue. That would be frustrating having to monitor all your spam folders to find emails that you specifically marked as legitimate. Since you have been working with out technical support already and there is a ticket in, I would like to take a look at that to help see where they are in the process of fixing this.
Could you send us a direct message with your first and last name and your complete address, please?
Here's the detailed steps to Direct Message us:
• Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Direct Message" icon (upper right corner of this page)
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send your message
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
3 years ago
Comcast's spam processing simply doesn't work this way. Some email clients do, and if the client is set up with IMAP, changes like these will be applied to messages on Comcast's servers as well.
Comcast email filters only operate on messages delivered to the the Inbox and only as they are being delivered. Filters can't be used to move messages from Spam back to Inbox.
Comcast should be able to tell you what program is doing this. If the Employee here doesn't help you, you might want to give Comcast Security Assurance a try. You can reach them at 1-888-565-4329 (from Note that this is NOT one of the general customer service numbers.
The first-line reps there are sometimes not very helpful, so you may need to be persistent and keep at them until you get a satisfactory answer.
Please let us know if they are able to figure this out for you.
Official Employee
135 Messages
3 years ago
Looks like it was a Samsung client. I noticed you only mentioned Apple Devices. Could this be an old device or maybe you are sharing the mailbox? If not I would recommend changing your password and reaching out to Comcast Security Assurance to secure your account.
8 Messages
3 years ago
I am considering this issue closed. Although I do not know what actually fixed it. Whoever did fix the issue, I hope they documented it in the ticket number I posted above in this thread.
8 Messages
3 years ago
Well, unfortunately this issue is not closed! After about 24 hours, it has returned. Last night between 8:00 and 9:00 PM, 31 messages that were in my inbox for days got moved to the SPAM folder. This includes every message I receive from XFinity!
These messages date back to as long ago as 10/15/2021. There is no Samsung client in play anymore. My wife moved back to an iphone. Back to square one. See my original post in this thread. All of the behavior I wrote up still applies. It is broken.
Why can't somebody from Xfinity actually dig into this? Surely there are software engineers that this can be escalated to that can help.
My ticket number is IH 191166248.
8 Messages
3 years ago
So I just conducted another test. In the webmail client I marked all 31 messages in my SPAM folder as NOT SPAM. They were sent to the Inbox. Then I waited 10 minutes. I refreshed the Inbox, and guess what? Those same 31 messages were moved BACK TO THE SPAM Folder! It's still broken.
Official Employee
135 Messages
3 years ago
I see that the Samsung client still logs in about every 15 minutes and moves mail around. As phone clients automatically login in even if you aren't using them you will have to take action to stop the Samsung client from acting on the email. The easiest would be to remove the mailbox from the Samsung phone client settings. The other option would be to reset your password and only update the clients you are using.
And just to reiterate my previous statement as it seems to have been missed. The Comcast mail system does not move mail around after it has been delivered to a folder. Meaning it would not put an email message in the inbox and eventually move it to another folder such as Junk. Only a third-party client such as a phone would act in this way.
Hopefully this help,