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Friday, May 10th, 2024 5:19 PM


Comcast Email Issues - Incoming emails can sometimes take from 1-6 hours or even more to be delivered

I am experiencing significant delays in receiving email, very sporadically for the past two weeks. An incoming email can take from 1-6 hours or more to reach my inbox, as confirmed by the time stamp.  The sender is in my Comcast address book.  The emails are not landing in my Spam folder and the sender's domain is not blocked.  I have the same sender sending emails to my Gmail account and I always get them within minutes of them being sent.   Delays were not always a problem.  I used to get the emails within 10 minutes of them being sent out.  Did you make changes to your email server protocals late April/early May?   The senders email address is: [Edited: "Personal Information]   These are important business emails and I am unable to respond in a timely manner due to the delays.  Thank you for looking into this issue and hopefully providing a resolution.  DRD

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10 months ago


FeedbackToo Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out about this email concern. I appreciate you sharing the details of what you have checked beforehand. Can you also please share how you are accessing your email? Is the delay present everywhere? 


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I am accessing it on my iPhone 15 MaxPro using the Outlook mail app that has been configured to Comcast config specifications for server access.  FYI, I finally did receive the email in question - two days late.  The email sent on May 10 at 8:12am finally arrived on May 12 at 2:14 am.  These emails started have delivery issues about two weeks ago .  Prior to that I usually received them within 15 minutes. 

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FeedbackToo Thank you for the update, have you noticed any improvement in when the emails are being received? 


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1 Message

10 months ago

Similar problem - emails not arriving on iphone or VIA Xfinity webportal - when needing to use MFA and this is my reference email - I can not get logged into other applications - infuriating.



1 Message

9 months ago

Same issue here, Outlook on an iPhone 14. I’ve to request a couple of password resets recently and in both cases I did not receive the email until the following morning by which time the links have long expired. I don’t have this issue with my other email providers. 

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Neidzwiedz Thank you so much for using our Forums and bringing this to our attention. Are you still having issues with the email? If so we are here to help. 


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6 Messages

6 months ago

It is now September, and I am experiencing this same issue. It seems to have started slowly, with emails only being delayed by an hour, plus or minus. It is now holding some up as long as two days...

Is there any official resolution, please?


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Thank you for reaching out to us here @SCB2023. If you are still experiencing those issues with your email service we would be happy to assist you here. Are you having that problem with that service on the Xfinity app or site, or through a third party service?

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5 months ago

Same issue here -- today   10/9/24.  Verification codes not coming through in time.  Sometimes emails take up to 1 hour to come through.  I have tried on my I-phone, computer and Ipad.

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Hey there, user_0jk3wo! Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to us here on the Xfinity Forums. I am very sorry to hear about the experience with your email concerns. Are you using a 3rd party mail client? 


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This seems to happen quite often. There are times that emails arrive 2-3 days late.

BTW, it's the same on my desktop, Iphone and Ipad.

Even using the Comcast email app is the same.

I have also had deleted messages return to my deleted folder.

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cihilb Please reset your account password and see if the email will come in after that.


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I have done that previously. Problem re-occurs.

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cihilb Can you please send us a DM. You can start by clicking the chat icon located in the top right corner of your forums' page when signed in. Once there, you can direct your messages to "Xfinity Support." Please add your full name and service address to help us locate your account. Let me know if you have any questions. 


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1 Message

5 months ago

Same issue here. Currently waiting on a password reset. On my laptop and also on my iphone. No third party service being used. 

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@sandyc53, hi! Are you resetting your Xfinity password or waiting on a reset from a different account?

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No password reset of any kind. Some emails are delayed by hours and even days. Same with my Iphone and Ipad using third party email client.

Same thing happens when going directly to Comcast email.

1 Message

5 months ago

It sounds like this is the exact same problem I’m having. Started 1-2 months ago and has been getting worse since then. iPhone 14 Pro Max and iPhone 16 Pro Max. I recently had to reset my password and it’s gotten much worse since then (I saw it before the reset too though, but not as bad). I can’t use my email to reset passwords anymore, which is a problem because it’s the only option for some of my accounts. PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL STEPS TO HELP FIX THIS INSTEAD OF THE COP-OUT “please contact support for a solution UwU”.

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Glad I am not alone with this problem. Comcast's so called customer service has been no help. They keep blaming my devices.

Maybe Comcast should have CSR's in the US instead of offshore. I have never had any of them resolve a problem!

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@user_ejy2d8 Hello and good afternoon. Thanks for sending a message. We appreciate it, and are happy you thought of us to assist. We have the best tools, just like the Xfinity Assistant. It is the best resource to manage the account and service online when we are not available. It is my favorite as I can check the service health, and also reboot the wifi for dinner time. That ensures the kids come to eat, and that makes me very happy. Here is a link that I found for you to make it easy to use What happens when you use the email directly from the Xfinity account online, does it perform the same? Here is a link I found for you to use

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And what country are you in? 

I have tired the Xfinity assistant, chat and live CSR.  No help at all. The offshore CSR's are clueless and no help at all.

Assistant keeps asking what problem I am experiencing and goes into a loop with unrelated responses.The problem occurs no matter what email client I use including COMCAST EMAIL!!

Comcast will not remedy the situation.

Since I am not alone, this points to a problem with the Comcast email servers.

It happened again today. Three emails from 3 days prior finally showed up.

Rebooting the WIFI has nothing to do with the problem. It is not a WIFI problem. My computer is hardwired to the modem!!! It also happens when on cellular.

Anytime I've talked to one of the CSR's, all they wanted to do is reboot the modem. BTW, the reboot never happens. The modem never shuts down. And, it has been this way with two different Xfinity modems.

Comcast needs to take some of the money they are making from customers and put it back into system maintenance.

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Hello @cihilb, thank you for taking the time to reach out on social media.  I understand your concern with the emails, and I'd like the opportunity to check into that for you.


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4 months ago

I have been having this problem on and off for quite a while. Today, for example, I received at email at 5:45 PM that was sent at 11:46 AM. And another that was sent at 11:30 AM.
Chats to the help desk told me the problem was this my email client. I am using Thunderbird on my desktop, however, looking directly at my Comcast email and on my phone showed the same results. One of these emails was time sensitive.

The offshore CSR's make up any excuse they can and blame it on the customer.

BTW, I have preciously reset my password and the problem returns.




5 Messages

3 months ago

I've been experiencing this for years now, but it's getting the point where I can no longer log into certain things because the 2FA confirmation email takes so long that the link has long-expired hours ago. This happens even when using the email front end here on the Xfinity website, so I don't think this is a client/forwarding issue.

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bmh123, Hi! Thanks for reaching out. The same thing has happened to me before so I can certainly understand the inconvenience caused by the delay in receiving emails. I am sorry to learn about this experience. The good news is that you have reached the right team to help make sure that we get this fixed for you. We can help. Often the sorting order can be the cause of not seeing new emails. Have you checked to see if the sorting order is sent to Date and Descending? In some cases, filters can prevent messages from showing in the mailbox. Have you also checked if any email filters are impacting the affected emails and ensured the email safe list is turned off?


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Yes, this is not a sorting order problem. There are no filters active, safe list is disabled and always has been as far as I can tell. I receive emails very late on both the Xfinity front end and the Gmail front end as well. 

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Thank you for sharing, bmh123 - Are you experiencing any internet issues otherwise? Does this occur when you're connected to your home network?


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@XfinityThomasA​ Yes, this is not specific to my home network. It doesn't matter if this is on data, my home network, or somebody else's. This is an issue with how quickly Xfinity (through the Xfinity email front end, and consequently through the redirect to my Gmail) receives an email. This is a very common occurrence mostly noticeable with 2FA for various websites, where it can takes tens of minutes for these emails to go through, long enough that the 2FA code has expired. This has made logging into various websites very troublesome, and has been going on for years now.


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bmh123 Gotcha! Thank you for these details. I'd like to check a couple of your signals, and settings to be sure we aren't missing anything. Can you please send us a Direct Message with your name, service address, and the email address we will be working with? 
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1 Message

3 months ago

Has anyone had any success with fixing this issue?  I simply can not access a warranty I paid for at Dell because the 2FA code comes in days after the request and has expired. Dell CSR are overseas and useless. They simply tell me to call Comcast.  Comcast CRS are overseas and tell me to call Dell. (probably the same person in the same room somewhere fielding calls for dell and comcast and getting a good laugh) Is there a work around that doesn't involve asking either of these companies to help with their own products?

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@user_oub798​ We have never been able to determine why Comcast email delivery is so poor.  Late delivery of time sensitive emails has been chronic for years.  My husband and I get emails from the same source.  I get mine on my GMAIL account within 10 minutes.  As an example, the email sent on Monday of last week for a time senstive call at 10:00 am arrived Tuesday evening at 9:25 pm.   My recommendation is to set up a GMAIL account and forget using Comcast for any important/time sentive communication.   

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Greetings, @user_oub798! I hope your week has been treating you well. Thanks so much for taking a moment out of your busy day to leave a post on our community forum. I'm sorry to hear you're still seeing delays with your incoming email, but you have definitely come to the right place for assistance. We may need to submit a ticket to get more eyes on this.


If you could send our team a direct message with your full name, the name listed on the account (if different), and the service address associated with your account, I'd be more than happy to look into this for you.


To send a Direct Message, please click on the “Direct Message” icon in the top-right corner of the screen, next to the bell icon, click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon, then type or select "Xfinity Support". Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window and press Enter to send your message and initiate a live session.

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