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2 Messages
Accessing Home Security Cameras from my Laptop
Hi, I am trying to access my home security cameras from my laptop and when I connect to the Home Tab, it tells me to download an app for either IOS or android phones. Is there a way I can access my xfinity home security cameras from my laptop?
Official Employee
3.2K Messages
3 years ago
We appreciate your time in reaching out to us here on our Xfinity Forums. At this time there isn't an option to view the cameras from a web page and you would need to access the cameras via the Xfinity app. I truly am sorry for any frustration this causes you.
1 Message
3 years ago
given how much Comcast charges. y'all are sorry about any frustration. Just saying
2 Messages
3 years ago
I have to agree that this is super ridiculous that we have a home monitoring camera but can only access the thing if we are on our smartphones? Why am I paying for this when Ring allows me to monitor my camera's from my smartphone and my computer? I am canceling my Home service due to this "frustration". That defeats the purpose if you ask me.
1 Message
3 years ago
are they going to make it so we can see from a laptop or computer
Problem Solver
502 Messages
3 years ago
The reality is that in the age of email hacking, I wouldn’t want my email that viewed my cameras, etc getting hacked. There can be a benefit to not having those cameras on a website. Also, I’ve read on a different websites that amazon employees have been know to watch video of the Ring doorbells and spotlights
Official Employee
519 Messages
3 years ago
Hi all - I just wanted to chime in with a some options for viewing Cameras on a larger screen / other devices. I know these aren't options for everyone and that they aren't a direct replacement for a website where cameras can be viewed, but posting them here in case someone finds one or more helpful!
Problem Solver
502 Messages
3 years ago
Move the larger screen out of your mind. There are people that actually work in secure locations that are NOT permitted to bring phones, computers or tablets of any type with them. Say the monitoring center calls them and says the alarm went off. How do they make a decision about calling 911? They can’t access their cameras on a work laptop or desktop because you do not offer it. I was one of those people for years. I had no iPhone or iPad with my but I was permitted to logon to Xfinity Home from my work desktop if I had a concern. If my neighbor called me at work and said there was flooding in the area I could check my cameras and make sure my home and my pets were safe. I could list several more reasons why no camera viewing from a desktop or laptop is not good. Right now I’m frustrated because neither of my Xcam 2 can be previewed from my touchscreen. The things you do in regards to customers home security makes people want to pull their hair out. But yet, many townships and cities only allow Xfinity in their areas.
303 Messages
3 years ago
While you don't support any android emulators, are there any that you know that work with Windows?