1 Message

Monday, May 6th, 2024 4:57 PM


Possible scam/phishing email

Customers should be watchful for emails from Xfinity claiming bill payment suspension.  My wife and I both received the same email but even though the email address said Xfinity, the actual response email address was foreign.

From: "Xfinity.com" [Edited: "Phishing Email"]
Date: May 5, 2024 at 2:04:32 PM EDT
Subject: Your bill suspension

To pay your bill, click here.
  Your Bill

Your Xfinity payment is declined

Your most recent payment method for the following month was rejected.
Please update your payment information today to avoid a service downgrade.
Update Payment

If you have the Xfinity Mobile Protection Plan on your Xfinity Mobile device(s), it will be canceled if your service is suspended. The Xfinity Mobile Protection Plan cannot be reinstated once it's been canceled.

Other ways to pay:

Xfinity Store
1-800-xfinity 24​/7 using our automated payment system.

View information about your bill anywhere, on any device

Use the Xfinity app
Say “Pay my bill” to your X1 Voice Remote
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Comcast will occasionally send you service-related emails to keep you informed of service and billing updates, new benefits and features, and other changes to your account.

Please do not reply to this email, it is not monitored. If you'd like to contact us, please visit our website here.

Comcast respects your privacy. For a complete description of our privacy policy, click here.

© 2024 Comcast. All rights reserved.

Comcast Cable, One Comcast Center
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Attn: Email Communications

1 Message

10 months ago

I got the same email and search and found your post. I think it’s spam. My payment isn’t due until tomorrow and my account info is correct and enough money in account.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Hello @user_pef6jr and user_sd1zvg thank you both so much for bringing this to our attention! Please use the information below for our Comcast Customer Security Assurance Team to report this quickly and efficiently. 




Report a spam email sent to your Comcast.net email account


Webmail Users

Select the message you wish to report as spam.
Click the "Spam" button in the right-hand corner of the webmail console.


Email Client Users (Windows Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)

- Select the message you wish to report as spam.
- Forward the spam message as an attachment to missed-spam@comcast.net.



Report phishing email sent to or from a Comcast.net email account

Once you have copied the full message headers from the spam message, paste the header and the message into an email and send it to abuse@comcast.net with the subject line "Phishing email."


(When reporting phishing emails, it is critical that you send us the email headers. Please do not forward the phishing email. Forwarding the email will remove the original headers.)


Our CSA Team can be reached during the hours below


Business Hours: 8:00am - 12:00am EST, 7 days a week
Contact: 1-888-565-4329


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1 Message

I got the same message as well. I pay from my bank to Xfinity, so it was completely suspicious. I went to my bank and saw the payment made and I went to my Xfinity account and saw the payment. A total scam. Don't click on anything!!

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hi there @user_m7dex0. I am sorry to hear that your got a scam email. It is common to see scam emails now this time of age. Here is a link that will help you identify the type of scams https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/protect-yourself-phone-scams. Also you can also go to our Internet security alerts site for news, updates, Comcast security alerts and top phishing scams.

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I got one from [Edited: "Phishing Email"]


Official Employee


1.3K Messages

user_gkjik4 thank you for bringing this to our attention. We definitely recommend sharing this information with our Customer Security Assurance team to help prevent other customers coming across the same issue.

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1 Message

10 months ago

I too received this same “spam”  email today - I contacted xfinity to verify my account status (which I already knew was current), but, I wanted to check to see if there was a billing/payment error at xfinity or if it was a spam email.  The findings were the email I received was spam. I have forwarded the email it to abuse@Comcast.net.


Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Hello @user_bzka5d we're more than happy to talk with you anytime you have concerns such as this. The information provided above also provides a way to report this quickly. 

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1 Message

I also recieved this and checked my acct, no one has any additional issues correct, my payment info is direct pay and now in scared to open my bank info to make sure my accts are OK. I don't mean to sound paranoid I have ms and sometime my brain is interesting.

Official Employee


2.6K Messages

Hi there, user_02ah7d. I understand feeling uneasy when you see a scam email. They can look close to the real thing! Our Customer Security Assurance department does a great job of helping to keep everyone secure. They put known scams information on the Alerts page. Did you click on the email or provide any information through that email? You can also reset your Xfinity password if you are worried someone has access that shouldn't. 

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1 Message


Same thing happening to me, i.e. "your Xfinity payment is declined" email.

May of 2024 I did a chat with Karen of Xfinity online and Karen said "I would request you to kindly ignore those email (sp)". and "I will stop those emails from my side so you don't need to worry about this".   

Strange; "Karen" made it sound like these "alerts" were from Xfinity.

Don't know if "Karen" is an actual person or AI. 

Anyway, still receiving these annoying emails threatening to terminate our Xfinity service. 

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

10 months ago

@user_pef6jr Hi there! Thank you for sharing with the community the importance of being aware of the sender in emails. I received one today from USPS. It looked suspicious, so I did not click the link, just in case. Instead, I went to the usps website and entered the tracking number from the email. Turns out it was a legit email and my shipment will be arriving today, but that's not always the case. For Xfinity if you receive an email, and it seems off in any way, please do not click on any links. Instead, log into your Xfinity account through our webpage at Xfinity.com or through our Xfinity mobile app. That way you know you are in a safe webpage / valid app and if a change it needed you can correct it at that time.

If you find the email is invalid and possible phishing you can copy the full message headers and report it to our Security Assurance team. The steps to copy the headers and email address are here: https://internetsecurity.xfinity.com/help/report-abuse

1 Message

@XfinityPaula​ USPS does not have a magic source to get your email address. We deliver to your street address which avails no connection to email addresses.

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hey there user_p8ihrn please let us know if you are having any issues and our team is here to help.



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I clicked the link and attempted to login. It took me to a deloitte page. I didn't put in any bank info. Is there anything I need to do? 

Official Employee


2.1K Messages


user_bxwn1z, Hi there! Welcome to the XFINITY forums page and thank you for taking the time to share this information with us. We take your security seriously. You've come to the right place. We are a team of specialized experts over social media who are committed to helping our XFINITY community with issues such as this. We recommend following the steps provided by our awesome colleague XFINITY Alfonso that left the steps on what to do next in this link. Please let us know if this helps.


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2 Messages

10 months ago

I received identical email today and customer service reps at Xfinity are clueless about it.



31.3K Messages


Use this link to report phishing.  You'll need to scroll down and click on the correct tab.

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1 Message

10 months ago

I received an email this morning, but my payments are not due until next week and both accounts are up to date on their payment methods. If I hadn't noticed the email address, [Edited: "Personal Information], I would have thought it to be legitimate. If this is a phishing email, it's a very good one. 


1 Message

It is a good one. I'm glad I was suspicious.

1 Message

10 months ago

I also just got the same email.  Checked the email address it came from and it WAS NOT Xfinity clearly a scam going around.  Xfinity needs to send a true email to customers warning them so they are aware.

Official Employee


2K Messages

Thank you for reaching out to us @user_qbtyzc! We take security issues very seriously. To report suspicious emails, please use our Report Abuse website.


The steps to report the email are under the “Report Spam and Phishing emails” tab.

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3 Messages

Attention robot/automated response:  this is a widespread issue and needs to be addressed in an email to all customers through an email acknowledgement. Please contact your supervisor for further instruction.

AKA "representative!"

Official Employee


2.6K Messages

You took the right steps to not click on the link and instead check your account on your own. We are real people that answer concerns here on the Xfinity Forums, user_7zq7hy. Our awesome Customer Security Assurance team takes care of phishing attempts for our company. They take the reports on any phishing emails, work to get those to stop, and put the issue on the Alerts page so others can be aware as well. 

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2 Messages

10 months ago

Given the multitude of responses - it looks like Xfinity may have experienced some sort of security breach of its customer data.  The email I received identical to the others who have commented was from:  support@dreamhost.com


3 Messages

@user_td9v6s​ mine were odd because I use Yahoo mail and they've started putting little icons next to the sender like initials and the initials had nothing to do with Xfinity. So when I hit reply they actually had an email address for another company I had within my email correspondence for a company I downloaded holiday pictures I had taken of my daughter.

Weird coincidence? I hope so

1 Message

10 months ago


I am an xfinity customer and got email today about bill payment suspension. I got this email from [Edited: "Personal Information]


Official Employee


2.6K Messages

Hello, user_2iurub! Did you get this same phishing email? If you did, have you reported it to our Customer Security Assurance team

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1 Message

@XfinityRay​ I received a similar email today, May 16, 2024.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Hi @user_8sa6qm We take security issues very seriously. To report suspicious emails, please use our Report Abuse website.


The steps to report the email are under the “Report Spam and Phishing emails” tab.

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1 Message

10 months ago

I also received this email. It came from [Edited: "Personal Information"], not a real entity and definitely not connected to xfinity. When you hover over the "Update Payment" button you can clearly see it redirects through a proxy link through qrco.de, I've never known xfinity to use redirect services.

Edit: I used a link unmasker and the button redirects you to a gofundme page. Be safe out there people, scams are everywhere.


Official Employee


2.1K Messages


AustinToday, Thanks for taking the time to visit us to report this. Have you also reported it to the Report Abuse website as suggested in this thread?


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1 Message

10 months ago

I got the same email today and payment was taken last week. Now I'm just messing with this scammers.



31.3K Messages


I got the same email today and payment was taken last week. Now I'm just messing with this scammers.

And now they know there is a live email and that email can be "sold".  Your best bet is to report them and ignore them.  Report/Ignore.

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3 Messages

10 months ago

I am so glad I searched this on Google and thankfully you were smart enough to post about this.

I have received three emails exactly like this in the span of a month but I never clicked on the link within the emails and instead logged into my account to make sure everything was okay.

I was so concerned about continuing to receive the same emails that I robot chatted to make sure everything was ok.

This was the most legit phishing attempt I've seen yet in an email. 



668 Messages

All you have to do is hover your mouse pointer over the sender's email address  for any sketchy email and you will

quickly see it is not authentic.

1 Message

10 months ago

I JUST got one and searched the contents to see if others had report this. I haven’t been a member since like 2016 so I know my “payment” is definitely not an issue.

New Poster


2 Messages

9 months ago

Just received account suspension email. Went to Xfinity (paid the bill yesterday) shows zero balance. Forwarded email to Xfinity as shown above

1 Message

9 months ago

I also received the Bill Suspension scam email today 6/17/24 stating "We regret to inform you that your account has been temporarily suspended due to billing issues.  After reviewing our records, we identified several errors in the charges on your bill."  Obvious link to Update payment.  I did not fall for it but some could as it is very realistic.  Reply email is [Edited: "Personal Information"]


Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Hello user_oly5eo, we appreciate you bringing this to our attention here on our Xfinity Community Forums.  Our awesome Customer Security Assurance team takes care of phishing attempts for our company. They take the reports on any phishing emails, work to get those to stop, and put the issue on the Alerts page, so others can be aware as well. 


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1 Message

@user_oly5eo​ I got this exact same email yesterday, so someone is still at it.  Although, I don't think mine has my username or anything in it.  Scary stuff.  I am always cautious and didn't fall for it, but this one was very realistic.  All the links had the xfinity.com domain in them.

1 Message


I was stupid and fell for it! I didn’t go as far to enter my cc number but I did foolishly give my personal info to verify my account … ugghhh 

2 Messages

9 months ago

Possible scam but wanting to verify that. I received this email a few minutes ago:

We regret to inform you that your account has been temporarily suspended due to billing issues.After reviewing our records, we identified several errors in the charges on your bill.

We understand that billing issues can sometimes arise unintentionally, and we are here to assist you in resolving them promptly.

Please update your payment Information: Ensure that the payment information associated with your account is up to date, including valid credit card details or alternative payment methods. 
Update payment
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Our goal is to resolve this matter swiftly and restore your Xfinity service to full functionality. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The Xfinity Team


Official Employee


2K Messages


user_q4pwbx Thanks for bringing the email concern to our attention. I would be happy to look into this matter for you, and confirm if that was an email from us or not. 

Can you send us a direct message with your full name, name of account holder (if different), and service address please?

To send a "Direct Message" to Xfinity Support:

Click "Sign In" if necessary

Click the "Direct Messaging" icon (speech bubble)

Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support" there

- As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list

- An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line

Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

Press Enter to send it


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If you received this notice in an email client like Outlook or Thunderbird, you can always verify it's legitimacy by going to the email website https://connect.xfinity.com/appsuite and looking for the official xfinity logo next to the email.  If it's not there, then it's not from Comcast/Xfinity.

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2 Messages

I have to assume it's a scam. The sender's address is: [Edited: "Personal Information"]. That doesn't seem very official in my opinion.


Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Oh, that would be correct. We wouldn't send you any communications from an email like that. Feel free to report this to our Customer Security Assurance (CSA) team here: https://internetsecurity.xfinity.com/help/report-abuse?linkId=74620141, under "Report Spam and Phishing Emails". That team is an excellent resource for concerns such as these.

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3 Messages

Received 2 emails with www.Att.com as the contact. Saying I need to update my payment method.

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