Aprilcanetto's profile

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Monday, February 15th, 2021 9:00 PM


Portland area outage: no information

We have had an outage for going on 3 days. I have requested updates, I have not received anything. I get a standard response online: we are working on fixing it as soon as possible. Affecting 1-50 people. I have tried speaking with someone and the system refuses, saying nobody can help me. Check the status center. The status isn’t changing. I need more information. For example: how many people are working on this? How severe is the issue? Is this a: few days issue, a week issue? Longer? My job depends on this. There needs to be some transparency in what is happening after the outage has been going on for 3 days now. How can we get some clarification?

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4 Messages

4 years ago

To assist those that are also in the Lake Oswego area, here is the response that ComcastEva provided so far when I shared my account number and address details via direct message:

"Good morning Julia! I appreciate you sending over a private message about your services and I want to thank you for your continued patience while we get services restored. I understand it is not easy being without service for this amount of time and I can assure you our wonderful technicians are working diligently to bring back services as soon as possible. At this time we do not have an estimated time of resolution however, you can follow this via the MyAccount app or I can sign you up to receive text message notifications just let me know which number is the best for you."

I did follow up requesting additional details on the scope of the outage in my area, how many homes it is impacting and the issue the technicians Eva mentioned are working on currently. I hope Eva will come through soon with some additional details as it is so important to all of us in my neighborhood.

Has anyone else gotten an ETA on the service restoration for their own neighborhood when they have PMed support as directed in this thread? Hopeful if some support team heroes can find these details I'll get some information, too. Thank you so much for all of your efforts.

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11 Messages

4 years ago

Comcast needs to talk to PGE about how to keep their customers informed during an outage. Web updates on extent of outage, ETA to restores, map showing where ALL of the outage is affecting etc. not just a genetic message With no meaningful context and a map showing only my house but not any other locations. 

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4 years ago

We are also experiencing the outage in the Clackamas area.  Is there a timeline for getting our service back online?

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4 years ago

This is ridiculous. Why can't an employee address the issue instead of taking people away from the forums (not the most intuitive maneuver, but you guys get paid by the contact, right?)

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3 Messages

4 years ago

Me too. I am in Se Portland and never lost power. No internet and my work depends on it. Nobody has responded and no idea from xfinity about how long it will be. I signed up for text alerts and visit support status. Same generic messages everyone is getting. The phone keeps hanging up on me when I call xfinity. We demand an answer about duration. I did send a private message to a comcast employee through here. No real answers yet.

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4 years ago

I am in outer SE portland. Internet down since 11pm Feb 14. Power did not go out. Cannot even connect to a hotspot. No ETA.

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

4 years ago

This is how it is done. Tweet from PGE about an hour ago. @customerservice

📌 Here’s where we’re at with outages:

◼️216K customers are currently without power
◼️~2,500 PGE team members have been mobilized to help restore power
◼️290K customers have been restored

Thanks for your patience as we work as quickly as safety allows.


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2 Messages

4 years ago


Your reply is not helpful in any way and completely fails to address my and other customers’ concerns. While my service has returned to normal, the link you have posted as well as the Xfinity app simply state that there is a service outage and that it will be resolved “as soon as possible.” And it is this generic message that customers are complaining about.. What does “as soon as possible” even mean?

New Poster


5 Messages

4 years ago

Ashley, I am unable to find the "send message" link on your contact page...and would like to send you a private message so that I also can get some information about when my service might be returned to normal. @ComcastAshley 

Gold Problem Solver


3.3K Messages

4 years ago

Hi everyone. We understand being involved in a service interruption is very frustrating, especially during times like these, especially when lastiing multiple days. A quick way to check service interruption status/updates is by visiting this link: https://comca.st/37lNynF. As an alternate resource to your regular network correction, you may also try connecting to a hotspot if you happen to have any within range. You can find details here: https://comca.st/3apZsie. I did also want to mention that while your specific area/home may not have lost power, our plant that supplies the service to your home (much farther down the line) may have. We are working as quickly and efficiently as possible to get everything restored.

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5 Messages

4 years ago

Same story, I am baffled by the lack of information from Comcast on the outage. The comparison to PGE is stark.  The status center webpage is utterly useless: https://www.xfinity.com/support/status?linkId=111499086  The phone tree and trying to manipulate it so you can talk to a human, is impossible. Comcast folks, the customer experience you are offering is really poor, and it is not because of the storm...it is because of your response to the storm. I have no doubt you have many people working hard to restore service. The issue is that you simply don't have the process, webpages, and information, to share with customers on when a return to service might happen, or how many people are without service, or even what happened. We would have more empathy if you shared more info.

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5 Messages

4 years ago

I cannot find a "send message" in any "drop down menu"...on your contact page... @ComcastMacey 

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1 Message

4 years ago

This outage is not only affecting my work but I work for the City of Salem as a GIS analyst and I have been asked to design the system to collect data on our downed trees, street signs, and lights.  I cannot do this from the safety of my home right now due to this outage.  Work safety protocols make it pretty inefficient and cumbersome to be in the office.  We are 3 days behind on this because of Xfinity.


My ability to work directly affects both public safety and Xfinity's ability to afffect repairs to critical infrastructure.

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1 Message

4 years ago

Hi, can someone at Xfinity please provide an update on when service is expected to be restored to Portland, OR? @ComcastMacey 

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7 Messages

4 years ago

Comcast is well known for their terrible customer service but this is a new low. Uniformed “help” from customer service reps who never get back to you ... no updates after 3 days. I complained after using chat support that the language skills were so poor that I couldn’t understand the agents written responses. So someone from India called me with such a thick accent I couldn’t understand a single word. Why bother calling me from a foreign country?? Then Comcast called me “as requested” - I didn’t request any call and they put me on hold for 10 minutes- this was them calling me. I finally hung up in disgust. Then I called in and got a guy from Colorado and all he could do was apologize and act confused that there was only 1-50 people affected. Can’t wait to ditch Comcast
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