7 Messages

Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 11:18 PM

Does Xumo and streamsaver provide local TV channels?

I was sold that if I added Xumo and Now TV and Streamsaver, I could get access to my local TV channels.  In looking thru the web info, this seems like I was sold something false.  I really dont care about a zillion channels I will never look at.  I care about what I watch:  CNN, ABC news, and local channels ABC, NBC, CBS (local news mainly), CNBC, and none of these channels show up. Is that correct?

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6 months ago

Hey @whodiini, Thank you for visiting our official Xfinity Forums Community support page. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience regarding the Xumo Stream Box, NOW TV, and Xfinity StreamSaver services. I would be more than happy to offer my assistance looking into this further for you.


The Xumo Stream Box has a variety of top tier applications you can access to certain programming, streaming and more. 


The NOW TV does not come with local channels. You can access the NOW TV subscription using the Xfinity Stream App on the Xumo Stream Box device. You can find a comprehensive list of channels offered within the NOW TV plan by visiting our NOW TV service page at https://www.xfinity.com/nowtv. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, select the 'What channels are included with NOW TV' for a complete list and offerings. 


The Xfinity StreamSaver plan comes with three streaming services. The Peacock Premium streaming service, Apple TV+ streaming service, and a Netflix (w/Ads) streaming service bundled. 


With the Peacock Premium, you may be able to watch some local NBS streams I believe, but most of the channels you mention would require an Xfinity Video subscription service. 

7 Messages

Thank you for the quick reply.  You sales people are selling services with false infomation. I am now trying to cancel the purchase, but it is difficult to talk to someone. .... 

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1.5K Messages

Our NOW TV service is an all-in pricing model to help customers with an affordable live and On Demand streaming TV option available on your Xumo Stream Box. Many popular channels are included @whodiini


If the NOW TV service is not a great fit for you, I recommend visiting our 'Add or cancel NOW TV from your Xumo Stream Box from Xfinity or Xfinity Flex' support page at https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/now-tv-upgrade which will provide you with some helpful steps on quickly and easily managing your Xfinity services. 

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1 Message

@whodiini​ I've been told on 2 different occasions that Now TV has local channels.  This has been on live Chats.  You should probably stop telling people this. 

3 Messages

@XfinityDemitrius​ - I’ve had the exact same experience as @whodiini with switching to Now. I was told I would have access to local channels.  It was extremely challenging to get to a live rep and then I was misinformed. What do you suggest as next steps to access local channels? 

1 Message

I have also been sold this service under the impression that it has local broadcast channels. It was not true

1 Message

5 months ago

I was sold the same thing by an Xfinity phone rep. I had Xfinity X1 and of course I had live local channels. I was told that Xumo, Now TV and stream saver has local channels live. WRONG! They have Boston NBC10 News that is the same news clips over and over. I wake up every morning and catch the local news the the Today Show as I get ready for work. Xfinity has deliberately sold me something that I thought would be the local channels live but NOPE! They lied to me. The rep was more concerned with up-selling me Xfinity Mobile than answering my questions truthful. I have always been loyal to Xfinity but this bait-and-switch scheme they have going has hacked me off. I have been on the phone and chat with five different Xfinity customer service reps and no seems to know how I can get the true local channel streamed live just like on  Xfinity X1. 

Truly disappointed in Xfinity. 

7 Messages

The only way is to get cable TV with Xfinity.  Or Youtube TV or equivalent.

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802 Messages

@user_npj41o Our current option to get access to live TV is through one of our channel lineups with Xfinity TV service. You do not need to rent an X1 cable box and can stream your subscription through the Xfinity Stream app or web portal.

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@user_npj41o​ - same here! I’ve been a loyal Xfinity customer for 10+ years and this experience has been disappointing.

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1K Messages


user_us8v1a Here is a link with the channels list for NOW TV https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/now-tv-overview. To get local channels, you would need to sign up for our traditional cable package.


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Your phone reps are miss- informing customers. Telling them you get the channel line up in the popular xfinity line up. We were misinformed as well. 

1 Message

4 months ago

I ordered it today then went online to see if local channels were included. The person on the phone talked in circles. I asked if I got my local ABC, CBS, NBC etc and they said I could stream that programming (not exactly what I was asking). I called back and the second person was very helpful and cancelled my order. She was upset that I was sold something that wouldn’t work for me. 


1 Message

4 months ago

I was also just sold the same idea. I specifically asked about live streaming major broadcasting stations such as; Fox, NBC, ABC,CBS. Did you ever get this resolved for your streaming?

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1.2K Messages

user_44rvvq Hello and thank you for reaching out via Community Forums. I know how important access to your favorite channels is and would be happy to assist you with gaining access to them. For NOW TV in particular, many channels are included that are very popular, such as Lifetime and Discovery Channel. It is an awesome option for a lot of customers as an alternative to traditional TV service, but that list won't include the prominent channels used for things such as news and sports. You can actually find a list of the included channels using the drop-down at the bottom of the NOW TV site

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7 Messages

@user_44rvvq​ The same day, I called Xfinity and after the usual long hold, I reached a representative and requested that the Xumo and streamsaver order be canceled.  They said it would be done after the next billing period.  I said it was just ordered today and please cancel it now, not after the next billling period.  That was done and I was not charged for any of it. So other than wasting about an hour of my time, I was satisfied that I was not billed.  I am speculating here, but if I had to guess, the original representative was getting a commission for every new customer signing up for service, so they have a financial incentive to lie.  I am also speculating that they do not lose the financial incentive if the customer cancels service. So you would expect that this happens quite a lot.

1 Message

2 months ago

Arrgghh! The same has happened with me!😡  I'm glad I found this forum.  In my previous plan I got plenty of extra channels and local tv.  Having netflix/appletv/peacock instead is not a better option. I got roped in when trying to find out what kind of tv box I had and how to replace it - I was planning on buying my own so that I wouldn't have to pay the $10/mo rental fee.  The chat guy Jacob sold me on the new plan that you all have described, but never mentioned the word NOW tv and that it would be $20 cheaper than my current plan (I had dvr).  Now it's my turn to cancel, and go back to my original plans. This community forum has been very helpful -  sharing your experiences and helping me to make an informed decision do the same. 

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781 Messages

@user_lmrtrj  Thanks for adding to the thread. The NOW TV can be cancelled, and you can upgrade to X1 again using your Xumo or Flex box. I found the steps to stop the NOW service below:

  1. Go to the home screen on your device
  2. View your current subscriptions
  3. Select Unsubscribe to confirm you'd like to unsubscribe from NOW TV
  4. Select Unsubscribe to continue
  5. Select Okay to finish
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1 month ago

This is happening to me as we speak. I am on the phone with an Xfinity rep who just assured me that NOW TV Stream Saver has local live TV channels (e.g. the CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS affiliates). I was very skeptical - why would anyone stick with the "Choice" cable plan which is much, much more expensive? He also has that pleasant but obviously clueless vibe, like all Xfinity reps. 

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2.4K Messages

Hello, user_bm275a! Thank you for reaching out about what channels are included with NOW TV. This link shows our NOW TV product. If you go down to the FAQ section at the bottom of the page it lists the included channels. No local broadcast stations are included with this service. That removes the Broadcast TV fee and results in the lower cost. Choice TV is the lowest lineup we have that includes the local stations. 

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2 Messages

@user_bm275a​ , same thing!! We even recorded him telling us everything would be exactly the same other than how we received the tv. 

2 Messages

27 days ago

Same here the Xfinity guy lied about Xumo and Now TV that it will have live local channels. Had to spend multiple hours cancelling the Xumo service. Had to change back to cable X1 service. Please tell your reps not to lie about local channels on Xumo

1 Message

We had the same experience with misinformation that led us to cancel cable and move to streaming. A terible week long adventure that cost us 20+ hours and multiple calls to figure things out. Frustrating experience and now left without channels i expected.

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user_8lmm7v  Hello and thank you for reaching out via our Xfinity Community Forums. I understand your frustration and sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding around Xumo, NowTV, and Streamsaver. Please know your business is valued and I want to ensure you have the best possible viewing experience. To make sure we find a solution that meets your expectations I'd like to review your account and discuss your viewing preferences in more detail. To get started, please send our team a Direct Message with your full name, the name listed on the account (if different), and the service address associated with your account.
I appreciate your patience and understanding. I'm here to help you find a solution that works for you.



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2 Messages

17 days ago

Here to tell the same exact thing!!  We want our local channels back and even recorded the phone guy saying nothing would change other than we would be streaming and not using cable. FIX THIS PLEASE. Has anyone at Xfinity bothered to watch this hot mess of half commercials, the same exact elevator music mixed in to even trying to watch part of the regular network programming. We were totally mislead by a male overseas.  We will either get this fixed or find another provider. Dishonesty over this topic is crystal clear based on all these comments and replies. Do better than this. 


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user_hl2het I apologize for the misinformation on what is included in the NOW TV lineup. You can look up the lineup for any of our options before you make any changes and the good thing about NOW is it can be canceled at any time and you can always go back to a normal lineup. Here is a link to the channels list for NOW TV. To get local channels, you would need to sign up for our traditional cable package.


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17 days ago

I found easy solution cancel Xfinity cable, sign up for YouTube TV streaming for $72 per month includes all local channels, all major news Network all major sports Network over 150 channels

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4 Messages

12 days ago

I am experiencing this exact thing right now !! Wish I saw this before my pain ! I called a week ago to see if any special discounts since I was paying $270 a month was told no deals so I ordered Vz5g at a big discount set it all up to try it out called to cancel and move to Youtubetv and VZ . They then offered me the streaming services with my SAME channels as my cable local channels and free premium streaming services (Netflix, Apple TV and Peacock plus) called today since my internet and cable tv stopped working but no new box provided yet that is when after 2 hrs was finally told no local channels ! Why do they lie to their customers?? Question can you use the Xfinity streaming app on your smart tv to watch local channels? Is that an option? 

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978 Messages


Wetever Hi there! We would need to review your current service and which streaming service you subscribed to. Generally speaking if you have a basic lineup you should be able to stream if you are home as long as you are connected to your inhome wifi. If you are signed up to our Xumo or Now! service, this would depend on what you are subscribed to. I am happy to take a look to clarify what service you have and what channels would be included. 


To get started, please use the chat icon in the upper right to enter Direct Messaging and send us a message with your full name and full address.


 Here are the detailed steps to direct message us:

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Please let me know if you have any questions or run into any problems. 


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2 days ago

All you need for local channels is an hd tv antenna that you can buy most anywhere 

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