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76 Messages

Monday, October 9th, 2023 11:00 PM



And it's a problem I don't need. 

For the second time in the last 3-4 months I've had a huge data spike almost twice my normal usage.  Even more suspicious is the fact that my past months have also doubled in their reported usage, after the fact.  If I had gone over the data cap in those months then I'd have been charged for it.  So what are you going to do fix my data usage number for this month because there is no way i used I've used 61 gb of data per day in the last eight days, and the proof that something is wrong on your end is evident in my past months also increasing after those bills were already sent and paid.  I don't want to deal with this headache for the rest of the month and I don't pay for it, it's overpriced as it is,  how are you going fix it?   

Oh, and I don't have wi-fi so... don't suggest it.

3 Messages

1 year ago

FIXED..... I just unplugged my router and plugged it back in. Numbers for this month and previous months are back to normal on this site and app.

4 Messages

1 year ago

At this point, I've collected screenshots of the incorrect totals on my data usage and forum posts dating back to 2021 outlining the issue.

Contacting our State Attorney General on this matter is next on my list.  The Xfinity rep recommended as much when I explained to her I did not trust Xfinity to resolve the issue.  This was after she told me to take her word that they'd fix the issue, but couldn't give me a resolution timeline or guarantee I wouldn't be charged for data I did not use.


7 Messages

@user_5gfgh8​ I too asked for a written confirmation and was not provided it though I did get some follow up calls today from Xfinity and it seemed as if today at least that the issue was fixed.



12 Messages

1 year ago

We have had a data spike in the past 2 months! We are just into October and they’re saying we’re are at 75% usage. Between yesterday and today, it’s now at 95% usage. One rep refused to help us, the rep yesterday said there was an outage and they were going to investigate. They said our data was read incorrectly. The supervisor today told us that even though it was Comcast’s error, we were still responsible for our bill. They won’t tell us how or if they’re going to fix it. My spouse is going down to their office to exchange the modem. But we are actively looking for another service provider. The thing that got me was they were repeatedly pushing an unlimited data plan. I posted our issues on the Nextdoor app and a bunch of neighbors are having the same issue. It boggles my mind that the supervisor said that even though it was in Comcast’s end, they are still going to charge us. 

Edit: We got a new modem but they said that won’t fix the data issue. They suggested we pay for unlimited now and then IF they fix it, we can go back to original plan. So basically pay Comcast for their error. This is just plain dishonest. Let’s just call it what it is. Dishonest business practices. We are on the phone yet again and they’re saying that they can’t do anything about fixing the data usage. Supposedly they are going to escalate it but zero time frame on when someone will call back. 


7 Messages

@user_d2ffe9​ that boggles my mind too. This is a class action suit if anyone pursues it. The idea that they could charge for incorrectly measured data usage is completely wrong!

1 Message

1 year ago

We are experiencing the same issue! For months we’ve been under 1k and now we’re going over by 300 to almost 500 for the last 2 months? Doesn’t seem right given we’ve been using all the same devices and have even stopped devices. I’m going to do a full reset on my modem but hopefully we can all get a direct resolution for these drastic usage changes. 

12 Messages

1 year ago

Ok, so I'm on the same boat and I read numerous posts on this sudden spike and incorrect doubling calculation impacting and a backend issue on the Xfinity side to incorrectly calculate and double the usage amount. This issue started last month Sep 2023 for our household.

Based on those posts, the suggested fix was to power cycle the modem. I did that twice, but this fix did not resolve the issue.

Now my usage has gone beyond the limit again for Oct 2023 and I see on my account that I am going to be billed for it!!

1) How can the Support team help here with the overage billing, while the issue is being fixed. Will there be a refund issued, as talking to the frontline customer service associates through chat is not  helping as they are unaware of this issue?

2) Any other ways(s) to resolve this usage double counting issue in addition to the power reboot (and meanwhile I am going to keep doing the power reboot of our modem) ?




11 Messages

@user_b9z7gb​  You could look up to see if your router has a data usage function. Mine does and it is very useful. I am assuming you are using your own router. If you are using Xfinity's X1 equipment. You are suppose to be able to use the X1app to view data. I don't use Xfinity's equipment so I have never used it. Powering down your Modem seems to be a fix Xfinity uses for everything.



12 Messages

@user_b9z7gb​  I ended up reporting this issue to the FCC a few days ago. They act as an intermediary between Comcast and the customer. I don’t have resolution as of yet. 

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

Hello @user_d2ffe9, thank you for taking the time to reach out on social media.  I understand your concern with the data, and I'd like the opportunity to check into that for you.


To access your account, will you please send us a direct message with your full name and complete service address to “Xfinity Support”. To do so, click on the chat icon located at the top right of this forums page.

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12 Messages

1 year ago

I've spoken to a rep on this number 1-888-565-4329 and that person was not aware of this data usage meter issue.

I had to state to this rep that this is a known issue at the backend application as stated by Xfinity employees and that for some customers it's been resolved but other other customers, like me, I am still being shown a sudden spike and being over the data  limit, and next, how my billing is going to be handled?

What he did  they assure me that he is going to escalate this and they are going to call me back. That's it. 

So, in the meantime, I have power cycled the modem multiple times, and the usage meter is still showing as doubled. This is till very upsetting. 

7 Messages

That is soooo bizarre. The folks at that same number very clearly stated it was a known issue. And you will likely notice the overage is exactly twice +5gb if you use your modem’s data meter.



12 Messages

1 year ago

[Edited: "Solicitation"]. It is ridiculous to be charged for their error and equally ridiculous to have their customer service reps repeatedly try to sell an upgrade while refusing to look into the issue. We asked for a supervisor at one point. My husband had to ask for a supervisor 3 separate times on one phone call. They completely ignored his request 3x. 

[Edited: "Solicitation"]


12 Messages

1 year ago

@KevClawz  - how did this resolve for you? Mine is not resolved, even after power cycling the modem, the usage meter is still displaying incorrectly and my account is shown as being billed for that overage. Daily habits haven't changes, and we use around 700-800GB when suddenly since Sep, a sudden spike is see in our data usage and gone beyond the 1.2TB limit resulting in me being billed for that .

I spoke to a rep yesterday  on this number 1-888-565-4329 and that person was not aware of this data usage meter issue.I had to state to this rep that this is a known issue at the backend application as stated by Xfinity employees and that for some customers it's been resolved but other other customers, like me, I am still being shown over the data  limit, and secondly, how my billing is going to be handled?

What he did  they assure me that he is going to escalate this and they are going to call me back and was non-commital on the billing issue. That's it. So, in the meantime, I have power cycled the modem multiple times, Being a longtime and unfussy Comcast customer, this is very upsetting! I'm now looking at AT&T and Sail Internet. 


6 Messages

I too have been having 2x to 3x increase in the amount of data used according to xfinity.  My usual usage was 300 to 500gb then Sept almost 1200, Oct over 1700.  Called almost daily to get resolved and nothing.  Was told to get a new modem, get unlimited, shut all items off and unplug every time you leave the house, absolutely ridiculous.  Why pay for a service when you have to disconnect it all the time.  Downloaded a data app to see data beind used daily, i show 560 mb, xfinity says I used 40gb, looks like almost 10x the real usage.  I really wish they would get this fixed for me and everyone else with this issue.   Seems like there is fraud going on here making you buy something new that isn't the problem.   I have called my modem company and they say it is your internet provider that has the issue.  FCC needs to be contacted and maybe even the local news channels to investigate to get this resolved because it doesn't seem that xfinity wants to assist in doing the correct and legal obligation to its customers.

Official Employee


2.4K Messages

@Sox-fan_014 At this time data usage is verified by an independent, third-party auditor. The best course of action, in this case, would actually be to report this to our Customer Security Assurance. You can contact them by following this link: or by calling CSA Toll-Free Number: 1-888-565-4329.

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6 Messages

@XfinityDena​ I have called that number and have been given many different case numbers, talked to many different representatives, teir 1, 2, customer service and all different answers.   I was told to download any app, monitor my data usage for 3 days and send screen shots of usage, did all of that and nothing helped.  Was told to call my modem company, did that, was told if my modem is bad it would drop items not increase my data.  Don't understand how, I  haven't changed anything, even using less data and numbers are increasing.  Don't know how it is stated that it is a backend issue with xfinity and you know it but don't want to help people get this reolved.  How can I get my situation resolved?

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Hi, @Sox-fan_014! Thanks for confirming this information. I know I would just be as concerned if I had many case numbers and talked to different representatives. I am sorry to learn about this experience. Have you also tried resetting your home network wifi password?

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6 Messages

@XfinityGabriel​ yes I have changed passwords for modem, router, xfinity; monitored daily usage which isn't the same as what xfinity states (no where near that amount).  I truly believe the backend issue on xfinity end that I have read about is the issue.  I just don't understand how some people get their situation resolved and I am still using more data then normal.  It seems as if you just want me to purchase more from you, thereby increasing my bill.  What if I was to upgrade my modem and cancel my tv channels, thereby decreasing my overall monthly payment to xfinity?  Would my data usage change at that point?  Any help?



11 Messages

11 months ago

I have been watching my data on my router and comparing with Xfinity for a couple of months now.  It was running about the same everyday it was a little different but I figured that was a timing issue. It was because the error stayed pretty much the same. But since the doubling plus 5 issue the difference between Xfinity and my router is growing with a small error every day of course in Xfinity favor. I wonder if anyone else is seeing this issue?

Official Employee


2.3K Messages

Thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums, @vgpmckinney. If you are noticing any issues with the data being reported we would recommend reaching out to our Customer Security Assurance Team. You can contact them by following this link: or by calling CSA Toll-Free Number: 1-888-565-4329. They would be happy to look into this for you.

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1 Message

11 months ago

Im having this same issue. Never come close to using my 1.2TB of data.... 99% last month, already over 75% this month with zero changes. Prior to this, I'd be lucky to use half of it in a month. 

6 Messages

@GhettoSuave​   I bet you are not using an Xfinity modem/router.  I am having the same issue.  From what I have been told, Xfinity wants you to rent their modem/router and get the unlimited data so they can see exactly what web pages you are browsing and sell that info to give you more ads.  I believe the only people who can't get this resolved are people who own their own modem/router; totally my own opinion.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

@Sox-fan_014 We would definitely recommend that you go here if you would like to view our Xfinity Privacy Policy:


We will always give customers the choice of renting a modem/router from us or using their own personal equipment. Adding Unlimited Data is to prevent some of our more active users the flexibility to prevent any data overage fees. It is also an option that we do not recommend for every household if their usage does not reach the data plan of 1.2 TB.

In regard to any discrepancy that users see in their Data Usage Meter, we are aware of an issue where data being used may be much higher than what is actually being used. Our Engineering Team is aware of the problem, and we have had many customers advise that the issue has been fixed, but we do know it is still impacting some. 

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1.5K Messages

@Sox-fan_014 As we mentioned in our previous response, our fix teams are aware of the issue and are working to resolve the accounts that are still being impacted by this problem. We would recommend power cycling your modem by unplugging it from the power outlet for 2-3 minutes, this will force your modem to go through a provisioning cycle, and we have also had customers advise us that has been a reliable fix as well.

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New Poster


3 Messages

11 months ago

Same issue here

We turned off/unplugged every internet device, and left the house for an hour. In that time Xfinity (and our Netgear router) showed we used 1 GB.

After several days we chatted with a CSA who ran a check. He mentioned in passing he had just dealt with a similar issue: it was tracked to the Outside Cable being slightly damaged, possibly by a tree root or digging. They replaced that line which repaired the issue.

They've opened up a ticket for us.

Seems like a poor system to have the user notice a 10x usage jump, and initially state we would have to pay for overages.

Due to the poor Customer Service queues (although the actual staff has been nice) and difficulty in talking to a human being  (and the delay in doing so), we will probably move to a new service that is finally available in our neighborhood. We've been with Comcast/Xfinity for 20+ years, and service just gets worse

5 Messages

11 months ago

same issue starting in September. Went from using ~700gb/month to 1200. xfinity is crooked.

6 Messages

Yup, I’m always between 7-800. Got to 1400 last month somehow. Call and complain through multiple departments and the only thing they want me to do is pay them for unlimited data.

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hello @user_f26sco thank you for using our Forums to contact our Xfinity Support Team. We are sorry to hear about your data usage issues, and we are here to help. In the last couple of months have you had any changes in the data consumption in your home?

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1.4K Messages

Hello @ScarecrowSoze, thank you for taking the time to reach out on social media. 

The 1.2 Terabyte Internet Data Usage Plan provides you with 1.2 terabytes (TB) of Internet data usage each month as part of your monthly Xfinity Internet service. If you choose to use more than 1.2 TB in a month without being on an unlimited plan, we will automatically add blocks of 50 GB to your account for an additional fee of $10 each. Your charges, however, will not exceed $100 each month, no matter how much you use. We're also offering you a courtesy month, so you will not be billed the first time you exceed the limit.

We offer convenient tools to help you track and manage your usage so there are never any surprises about how much data you use including our Data Usage Meter in My Account, Xfinity My Account App, and the Data Plan Website that offers a summary of plan features and additional tools and tips related to the data plans. To visit, customers can go to


Here's a link with more information on what counts towards the data use 


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5 Messages

@XfinityJorge​ Nope.

I also track all data usage through my own firewall, I know your numbers are way off. 

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Thank you so much for clarifying that @user_f26sco and for your time on this. Have you tried reaching out to our Customer Security Assurance team? If not you can contact them directly by calling 1-888-565-4329 and they will be able to look into this making sure everything is correct! 

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5 Messages

11 months ago

I'm just going to unplug my comcast modem and see how long they try to keep scamming me on data usage.



12 Messages

That is a great idea. I have a meeting and will shut down after that. It's now December 5th and they're saying we've used 20% of our data. They have to be looking at these complaints.  No representative who has replied to customers in these forums has passed on this information to supervisors or provided any help. I'm still irritated that they outright lied to us about a supposed "investigation".  When I was a customer service rep, we were not allowed off the phone until we helped the customer or provided closure of some sort.  We weren't allowed to ignore customers. We weren't allowed to lie.  Comcast training seems to be the opposite.  Their goal is to get the customer off the phone. 

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

@user_d2ffe9 Please reach out to our Customer Security Team at (888)565-4329 to get this investigated further. As other employees have mentioned, our Engineering Team is aware of the discrepancies taking place within the Data Usage Meter and the problem is being looked into, and we hope to have it resolved soon. Please contact our CSA Team when you are available.

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11 Messages

11 months ago

The Xfinity app compared to my router is double again. Xfinity app 87 GB router app 42 GB. for the month. Anyone else experiencing this again?

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Good evening @vgpmckinney and thank you for reaching out on our Community Forums. Have you made any changes in your data usage recently? 


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11 Messages

No if anything I have reduced the amount used by using OTA TV. I did all the resets and things that tech support suggested There are no other connections between my modem and router. No wifi on the modem.

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Thank you for confirming that @vgpmckinney, we really appreciate it. I would recommend reaching out to our amazing Customer Security Assurance (CSA) team. They can be contacted directly at 1-888-565-4329 and their hours of operation are 8:00am - 12:00am EST, 7 days a week.


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5 Messages

11 months ago

Kind of weird, after complaining here, my page showing data usage - No longer loads at all. Probably a coincidence, all of the xfinity sites are terrible and broken all the time. 

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

@user_f26sco​ Yeah, I can't get to mine either.  That's what happened the last time too, then the historical data was suddenly restored (not double counted), as well as the current month data.

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