5 Messages
amazon gift card promotion
Looking at the website there is a promotion for a $200 amazon gift card fro services 1000-1200mbps. Upon selecting this and going through the process, it doenst appear on my order summary. Is there a reason for this?
109.1K Messages
3 months ago
Concern moved here to the Customer Service help section for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.
Official Employee
675 Messages
3 months ago
We would be happy to look into this with you @user_z1y9dl Please send us a DM with your full name and address to Xfinity Support.
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New Poster
11 Messages
3 months ago
I am having the same problem, and i emailed support, and it looks like they're blaming me for a violation in the forums and this is the first time I've every typed anything here!
And then they couldn't/wouldn't help me.
1 Message
3 months ago
I also noticed this today. Seems like a classic (and very scummy) bait and switch tactic.
I was thinking of changing my internet plan and was excited to see the $200 amazon gift card that was CLEARLY stated to come with the package I was looking at, but then there was no mention of it whatsoever anywhere in the rest of the process, including at checkout. They're probably thinking that most people won't bother to contact support about it since even the simplest of issues usually takes hours to resolve with Comcast. Additionally, the plan said it came with a free peacock subscription, and while it did list this at checkout, before I got to the checkout page the site gave me the option to PAY for a peacock subscription. That option shouldn't even be listed there if it comes for free with the plan.
But then, this kind of thing is exactly what I've come to expect after being a comcast customer for more than 20 years. The only reason anyone uses them at all where I live is because they basically have a monopoly, but that is changing. Fiber optic is being built out by another company in our area that is both MUCH faster, MUCH cheaper, and has symmetrical upload/download speeds. I can guarantee that Comcast will start hemorrhaging customers here as soon as it's operational. I really don't understand why comcast's upload speeds have been stuck at 35Mbps for over ten years - oh actually yeah I do understand since their monopoly has meant that they don't have to innovate or improve their service. That upload speed is pretty much unacceptable in this day and age. It took me more than six months just to backup a pc online (which also caused network congestion for that entire time).
1 Message
3 months ago
Where can I check the status of my Amazon promotional gift card?
Edward M.
2 Messages
3 months ago
This is insane.. I have an online representative telling me there's no amazon gift card deal. The only reason I signed up with Xfinity over the other providers in my area. Clearly this was a horrible choice for my wifi provider
1 Message
3 months ago
Came here to ask the exact same thing!
1 Message
3 months ago
Came here for the same thing as well. Are they scamming us? Definitely cancelling it if they try to do this
1 Message
3 months ago
I thought the same thing too but just looked at the deals page again and it's explained at the bottom of the page...
Another reason to make merry -
get Xfinity Internet at select
speeds and enjoy a gift card on
us. Online exclusive - ends 12/22.
New customers only.
11 Messages
2 months ago
it's been 3 weeks what does PENDING FULFILLMENT ELIGIBILITY mean???
1 Message
2 months ago
I signed up online, new customer, on 12/17. I have screenshots of the offer. I have never received instructions on how to claim the gift card. Please let me know what I need to do to claim.
31.3K Messages
2 months ago
Information about the $200 Amazon Gift Card [Credit to @XfinityAirelle]:
1 Message
2 months ago
I’m a new customer, and waiting for mine too- it says I’ve not met criteria or- idk BUT it did say i should receive it by Jan 6th
Starlink is the only other option where i live for internet- and they cost 15$ more a month (i live next to VSFB. Ca) .. ALSO- if you call them and ask- they’ll finance a starlink dish over 24 months that you OWN at the end… not a lease. Starlink was able to help me with the purchase of the dish, but splitting the cost over 24 months (400$ total cost) with their internet service at the residential cost, Xfinity wanted to [Edited: Language] out of an incentive for a $200 amazon gift card BUT they did waive the overage for 1 month, and i had to bump to the highest tier . when we apparently went over the 1.2TB in less than 12 days… but won’t send anyone out to help figure out why the Starship Enterprise is warping through time and space, via my router. I’m sorry, their router.