mbg71's profile



23 Messages

Thursday, August 29th, 2019 5:00 AM



I just received a notice from Comcast that they are removing TCM, Turner Classic Movies, from all current packages and moving it to the SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE?    What possible logic is there to that brilliant change?  TCM is widely viewed by many Comcast subscribers on their regular packages--NOT SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE!  I URGE COMCAST TO LEAVE TCM WHERE IT IS.  I am seriously considering cancelling my Comcast subscription over this.    Get real Comcast and leave TCM alone.  Seriously!

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New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Why lie to your customers by saying TCM needs the Sports Pckg because it doesn’t pay for itself when the opposite is true?  Shame on you! I just switched from DTV to a 3play with you and expected you to keep the channel line up I signed up for.  The line up I selected was to insure I had TCM, it is among the handful of channels out of thousands even worth a darn. 

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

TCM does not belong in the Sports Package.  This is just another way for Comcast to try to get more revenue.  TCM is NOT  a premium channel.  I am asking Comcast to return it to its original package or I will be cancelling my subscription over this.  I am fed up with cable and I will be doing some serious research regarding other movie and tv. shows providers, among them Hulu and Philo.

New Poster


9 Messages

5 years ago

Big mistake comcast! Dumbest move ever to move tcm to a package! Loyal customer for over a decade and this is how we are treated! Questioning my loyalty especially with all the money I give you!

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I have been a customer of COMCAST for 30 years and I sometimes wonder who makes their decisions when it comes to programming.    The decision to take TCM and make me pay a additional subscription fee is ridiculous.   You should have a service where I can pick and choose what channels I want to pay for.  I do not need the Spanish speaking channels, I will gladly give them all up for keeping TCM on my program.  Since I lost TCM then my bill should be reduced.  How many other channels are you going to do this with.  


signed a very disgruntled customer

Frequent Visitor


5 Messages

5 years ago

Why am I not getting TCMHD anymore. My wife watches it all the time. Now it says we have to subscribe, but we haven't changed our plan. We're paying a huge amount of money for sports channels and extra sports fees for stuff we don't ever watch. I don't understand how you can drop channels out of our plan without notice.

New Poster


9 Messages

5 years ago

Well said! Seriously disappointed with comcast and questioning my loyalty!

New Poster


9 Messages

5 years ago


New Poster


9 Messages

5 years ago

Agreed! So disappointed in comcast!



56 Messages

5 years ago

It feels like Comcast has kidnapped TCM and is holding it for a monthly ransom. How's that for a business model?

New Poster


9 Messages

5 years ago

Agreed! Tired of comcast!

New Poster


9 Messages

5 years ago

Agreed! Big mistake comcast!

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Of the handful of channels that I actually watch, finding out that TCM is now a subsription channel means Ill be shopping around for a different provider.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

now the ONE channel I watch, TCM they want me to pay an additional fee???

I won't do it. I will cut the cord--here and now.

Regular Visitor


2 Messages

5 years ago


New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I have had internet, phone and premium TV with COMCAST forever. Came home from a trip last night, went to watch a little TCM and now apparently I don't pay enough to be able to get the channel. I'm done with you. Calling later to cancel.
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